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An Invitation From The Faeries

click picture for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comFaeries love fun and love to play! When you are experiencing a creative phase, or feeling called to go outdoors, or into the garden, there’s a good chance you are being called out to have some fun and free spirited playtime with the faeries.

Typically, faeries, or fae, are easiest for us to connect with during the times of year when seasonal energy portals are open on the cross quarters holidays of the Summer and Winter Solstice, and Spring and Fall Equinox. These times are traditionally also celebrated in the ancient pagan festivals and religious holy days of Imbolc (Saint Brigid’s Day) on February 1st, Ostara (Easter) on March 21st, Beltane (St. Walburga’s Day)on May 1st, Litha (St John’s Day) on June 20th, Lammas (Loaf Mass Day) on August 1st, and Samhain (All Saints’ Day) on October 31st. Continue reading

The African River Man

click picture for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comDuring the time of my ukuthwasa (period of initiation to become a traditional healer or sangoma) some decades ago in Southern Africa, my mentor and some other village elders would join our group of ithwasa (sangoma trainees) by the campfire and discuss other spirits. That is, others in addition to those of our ancestors.

We heard many tales of other spirits who control the rivers, oceans and lakes, as well as those who live in the sky and control the rain. There were also stories told of sacred places where spirits inhabited mountains, trees and rocks. I loved hearing those stories from various individuals whom have had unique experiences and felt they had seen and communicated with those various spirits. Continue reading

Asking Your Angels For Assistance

Click picture for a free reading right now at“You have four beautiful angels with you, and you aren’t even communicating with them!” These were the words of another psychic at a psychic fayre I was working at several years ago. I had never met him prior to this particular event, and he shouted those words at me as I was walking through the entrance towards my designated work table, to get ready to set up.

And he was so right. As much as I still vividly recalled my vision of angels when I was nine years old, and as much as I was using angel cards in my own readings, and constantly telling my client aware of the angels all around us, I hadn’t been speaking much with my own angelic team. Continue reading

Shadow People, Pixies And Other Unseen Visitors

Click picture to get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWhether it’s ghosts, shadow people, Tall Man with a Hat, The old Hag, or pixies, we’ve all experienced mystical beings in some form or another. Some of us have had minor insignificant encounters, while some of us deal with these entities every day. And, there are those who experience very violent encounters with some of these beings. I personally, have had my fair share of the worst kinds of attacks. And, I find myself dealing with the mischievous little pixies almost daily.

If you don’t know what a pixie is, let me explain. They are little spirit beings. About the size of a dragonfly. Some suggest they are cute little fairies, such as Tinkerbell in Peter Pan by JM Barrie. Others depict them as gruesome and very disturbing to look upon. I honestly can’t say for certain, as they move so quickly I have never gotten a good look at one of them. Continue reading

How To Use The Psychomanteum

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comThere are many ways to obtain the same result in spirit communication, as many roads will take you to the same destination. Using the psychomanteum is one way to reach out to the spirit world. It is a device to help a person communicate with the other side, including departed loved ones, pets and spirit guides. The prophet Nostradamus used a similar reflective device to experience out-of-body travels into the future as indicated in Dr. Raymond Moody’s book.

Typically, the psychomanteum is an enclosed structure or chamber made of black cloth or wood, with a chair on one side facing a mirror on the other side. Some people also use a red darkroom light. A person sits in the chair gazing into the mirror, while relaxing enough to achieve a light trance state. In this altered state of consciousness it is easier for one to see visions reflected in the mirror. Continue reading

Finding Healing In This Life, Or The Next

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comWe often do not realize the myriad of ways in which each of us, in our own unique way, touch other souls on a daily basis. Often we do this with just a kind deed, word or physical touch.

Healing doesn’t have to be expressed in the laying on of hands. Just being in a person’s presence can, in itself, be a healing experience. Being a good listener, speaking or writing from your heart can be just the medicine another soul needs. Sending out healing in the form of good intention, or prayer and meditation has a strong healing vibration.

I just had a phone conversation with a close friend overseas, who reminded me of the aromatherapy and reflexology sessions she used to have with me. In those days our relationship was still of the customer-therapist variety. Gradually a friendship grew with both her and her family. I always set my intention to help customers to the best of my ability. In my aromatherapy and reflexology days, I used to ask for my guides’ input in choosing the best oils to assist with healing, or with a specific ailment. I believe that my guides’ input was as significant as mine, and perhaps, even more so. Continue reading

The Angels Of The Week

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comIf you are reading this, you most likely are fully aware of the notion that the Angelic Realm guards over us 24/7. However, did you know that certain members of the Angelic Hierarchy serve different days of the week?  Well, they do so come and meet them now!


Archangel Michael, considered by some as being the most powerful and greatest of all God’s Angels, serves us on the first day of the week. Why not spend a few minutes with him every Sunday, particularly if you feel the need to be shielded from any form of negativity, and so remain strong, confident and courageous.  He could certainly help to get your week off to a good start!

The spiritual stones associated with Archangel Michael are:  lapis lazuli, aquamarine, light blue sapphire, light blue topaz and star sapphire. Continue reading

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