Otherworldly Contact
My husband, daughter and I have been personally involved in removing harmful spirit entities and negative energy forces from people’s homes and businesses. Although some of these had been as terrifying as you could possibly imagine, there always was an element of excitement attached to it from our perspective. Luckily for us, we were maybe too foolhardy or arrogant at the time to comprehend the real dangers involved.
We sometimes had such a vast supply of puzzles and paradoxes to solve, that we thought at one time we may have reached our limit. Fortunately, not all spirit entities are dangerous. Some are completely benign and have seem to derive an inordinate amount of pleasure from sharing a co-existence with their human counterparts. We once even found two spirits residing in the same home for many years, with no idea of each other’s existence, and they did not seem to care. Continue reading
The African River Man
During the time of my ukuthwasa (period of initiation to become a traditional healer or sangoma) some decades ago in Southern Africa, my mentor and some other village elders would join our group of ithwasa (sangoma trainees) by the campfire and discuss other spirits. That is, others in addition to those of our ancestors.
We heard many tales of other spirits who control the rivers, oceans and lakes, as well as those who live in the sky and control the rain. There were also stories told of sacred places where spirits inhabited mountains, trees and rocks. I loved hearing those stories from various individuals whom have had unique experiences and felt they had seen and communicated with those various spirits. Continue reading
Shadow People, Pixies And Other Unseen Visitors
Whether it’s ghosts, shadow people, Tall Man with a Hat, The old Hag, or pixies, we’ve all experienced mystical beings in some form or another. Some of us have had minor insignificant encounters, while some of us deal with these entities every day. And, there are those who experience very violent encounters with some of these beings. I personally, have had my fair share of the worst kinds of attacks. And, I find myself dealing with the mischievous little pixies almost daily.
If you don’t know what a pixie is, let me explain. They are little spirit beings. About the size of a dragonfly. Some suggest they are cute little fairies, such as Tinkerbell in Peter Pan by JM Barrie. Others depict them as gruesome and very disturbing to look upon. I honestly can’t say for certain, as they move so quickly I have never gotten a good look at one of them. Continue reading
Meeting Your Spirit Guide
Having a Spirit Guide who is there to constantly help and support you can be one of the greatest assets available to all of us. If you are already familiar with your guide, I am sure you would assure others how beneficial this can be. It is not difficult to connect with your own Spirit Guide. It takes only a few quiet moments of meditative visualization… and the rest is easy.
The first thing you need to do is to close your eyes and prepare yourself for an enjoyable journey. Picture yourself outside an enclosed garden with one entrance and one exit. The garden is on a raised platform with steps leading up to it, and it contains the most beautiful array of magnificent flowers that you can imagine. Approach the first step up into the garden. As you place your feet on the first step, take a deep breath and then exhale. Now step up to the second step, take a deep breath and exhale. Then step up to the third step, take a deep breath and exhale, until you reach the entrance. Continue reading