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Reach Out And Touch Someone’s Life Today

Click Here FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comIt has been nearly a full year since many countries started going into their first lockdowns due to the global pandemic. Some people have endured much suffering and loss, especially due to the passing of loved ones.

Some have also become ultra-stressed working on the front lines in healthcare facilities, nursing homes and many other essential services. Many have lost income, jobs and businesses. Many are facing mental health challenges. Many schools have been shuttered and teaching became virtual. Parents have been struggling to multi-task between working at home and entertaining or educating their kids.

Regardless of where we find ourselves on this stress continuum, it is important to try to find some order in all the chaos. Although it might be hard to reconcile with the state of the world as it is today, it is still vitally important to carve out a little time for self-care and putting yourself first.

Just a few brief minutes of deep breathing, visualization, meditation, reading uplifting books, journaling, or a perhaps the luxury of a quick walk outside to clear the cobwebs can all work wonders! Whatever is feasible on any given day, it is important that you create a little oasis of calm for yourself. Reduce the pressure of the day by showing yourself some love and respect first.

If you are in doubt as to where to start, you can begin by just focusing on some gratitude and appreciation. Despite all the loss and heartache many of us have suffered in recent months, there is always something for which we can be grateful. Whether it is something grandiose and eventful or small and precious only to our hearts, give thanks for whatever comes to mind.

Love can be a wonderful motivator. We often do things for the people we love, rather than doing those same things for ourselves. It can feel wonderful to see the reaction of our little ones, spouses, elders, colleagues, or neighbors when we say or do something special to surprise them or acknowledge them. That is all it takes to show some love, compassion, appreciation and friendship.

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Manifesting With The Moon Phases

Click Here FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThe Moon affects all life on Earth and paying attention to her phases, and planning accordingly, can be especially useful in our spiritual practice and in manifesting our wishes and desires.

You can improve your life circumstances by planning events or personal prayers for manifestation around the phases of the Moon. It is also useful in the clearing of unwanted energetic influences.

Throughout the ages, in many belief systems, the Moon is seen as a Lunar deity or goddess. I regularly meditate on her divine presence, while attending to what I wish to manifest within the timing of the lunar energy.

The power of the monthly phases of the Moon can be utilized for manifesting as follows:

New Moon

The phase of the Moon when it first appears as a slender crescent, shortly after its conjunction with the Sun. A time of preparing one’s goals to manifest.

Waxing Moon

A few days after the New Moon one can see a clear crescent lit by the Sun. This is a perfect time for manifesting anything you wish to increase in matters of finances and career. It is also a perfect time for planting all seeds. Remember, the period from the New Moon to the Full Moon are the days of increase.

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Unlock The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind

Click Here FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWe are problem-solving beings, which is why we have thrived on this planet for so long. Where do the ideas for solutions come from?

Well, our conscious mind can come up with a lot of simple solutions to everyday problems. However, when it comes to more significant issues, it is our subconscious that saves the day.

As incredible as it may seem, experts claim that only 10% of our mind power can be attributed to the conscious mind, whilst a whopping 90% can be credited to the subconscious!

The subconscious mind is a mysterious, powerful phenomenon. I call it the ‘genie within.’ It is our gateway to universal intelligence and infinite wisdom. It is our pathway to higher consciousness. It is also a powerful aspect of our ability to create and manifest through the Universal Law of Attraction.

For example, when my son was small, my husband and I bought a beautiful yellow car. The car was indeed a pleasure to drive. However, my husband used to tease me and say things like, “You have a posh car – I wish I had a car like that! He would say it time and time again, but with no malice intended.

The problem was not so much what said, but rather how my subconscious interpreted his words. Inside I felt unworthy of such a car and guilty for having one far better than my spouse.

Unfortunately, within less than a year of owning my beautiful new vehicle, it was hit by a massive truck and smashed to smithereens. No longer did I have a ‘posh car.’ While I felt terribly sad about this and incredibly out of pocket at the same time, I did feel more at peace.

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Keeping My Promise To A Departed Loved One

Click Here FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comSometimes we become so busy and preoccupied in our daily lives that we forget the commitments we made to loved ones, relatives and friends. But this does not only apply to the living. Some of us also forget the promises we make to those that are no longer with us.

Too often we hold the hand of a loved one on their deathbed and promise to look after those they will be leaving behind. They wish for us to look after those they will no longer be able to care for and love in this life. And we promise wholeheartedly to do whatever it is they ask of us in their final moments.

But once they have departed and life returns to normal, we soon forget these promises and serious conversations. Our memories become conveniently selective. We usually don’t mean for this to happen, but life does have a way getting in the way.

I had a shocking reminder recently of my own selective memory in this regard. Several years ago, I got into the habit of journaling about issues in my life that deeply matter to me. Recently, I was not able to sleep and was encouraged by spirit to go through my journal.

So, I sat up at about four o’clock in the morning and randomly opened my journal on the very page where I had written about a promise that I had made to a loved about another person, whom I had a strong dispute with in the past. Being only human, I had some seriously negative feelings towards that individual.

However, I had promised to check in and be supportive to this person, whom I did not like very much at all, on behalf of the person who was in their final hours. At the time, I remember saying that I would “do my best” and that “if I could, I would.”

The promise was much more than just checking in on the relative. It went as far as the very items I was meant to get at the grocery store, as well as things to say to this person when I delivered it. I had however conveniently forgotten about it since, until I discovered the entry in my journal.

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Astrology Forecast March 1 – 7, 2021

Click Here NOW For A FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThe Libra Moon today and tomorrow urges us to restore balance and reminds us that bringing order to our physical worlds is essential to restore harmony within.

The highlight of this week happens Wednesday when Mars moves into fun-loving Gemini and shifts the focus from our physical worlds to our mental worlds. Mars loves sorting through all the possibilities, sharing ideas, and engaging in fun social activities as it sails through Gemini, which bodes well for a stimulating and exciting month!

The Moon will drift through Scorpio on Wednesday and Thursday, and combined with the Pisces Sun, will add a spiritual tone to all our movements.

Justice and balance will be the  theme under Friday and Saturday’s Sagittarius Moon, as we take a closer look at the events surrounding us on a global level. Although we may not be directly involved in what’s going on, it will give us increased awareness of the worldwide energy and focus.

It seems we’ll be ‘goofing off’ all week, so when the Moon moves into Capricorn on Sunday, it’s time to get to work and be productive. So forget about being a couch potato, pull out that “honey-do” list and get some things accomplished.

Thriving In The Winter Of Our Discontent

Click Here FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comEnduring a harsh winter with extreme weather, in the midst of an ongoing pandemic, is not an easy feat. It reminds me of the ‘winter of our discontent’ that Shakespeare refers to in the first line of his play Richard III.  This winter-pandemic combo is certainly a ‘double whammy’ that could potentially break any camel’s back! But how we choose to deal with these times will determine how it will serve to improve our lives in the long run.

Winter is actually a great time to think about spiritual and personal self-care, especially in places where there are extreme weather conditions. Where I live, in the state of Maine, the winters weather conditions can be severe, making it a time to just surrender, to give myself permission to rest my body, mind and spirit.

It is a time to go within, to meditate, to read, write, paint, to do things that feed the soul. It is good time to connect deeply with our inner being, the subconscious mind, the higher self. It is a time to retreat, allowing the mind to regroup, and to replenish your body, mind, and spirit. When we take the time to get acquainted with ourselves again, we find truth, wisdom, mental and even physical healing.

If you are going through a snowed-up winter right now where you live, use this time to review your bucket list. Reflect on all that is good about your life. Think about things that are not working for you anymore and the best course of action to move forward. Give yourself time to process it all.

The past year has also been a time of getting to know who we really are and what matters to us most. The global pandemic had some major shocks and surprises in store for those of us who had lost touch with ourselves and the people around us. I have been helping many clients working through these challenges.

For many the pandemic has notably been a time of intense solitude. A time of learning to be comfortable in your own company. In the beginning, the hope was that life would go back to normal in just a few months. But as time has gone on, we have had adjust to the so-called ‘new normal.’

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Helping Others Is A Great Way To Help Yourself

Click Here FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comTen years ago was a very difficult time in my life.  I had a lot of time to reflect and put my own needs in perspective. My experience with that stress gave me coping skills that I want to share with you in today’s difficult times.

We all have choices in life when we believe that we have hit ‘rock bottom.’ We can choose to stay at that bottom and focus on that negative energy, or we can look for the positive side and see that there is nowhere else to go, except back up to the top.

A decade ago my mother was fighting cancer. She was strong and healthy and had always focused on a healthful and active lifestyle. Why did this happen to someone who does all the right things in life, when there are so many people that do not take care of themselves and then live a longer life?

In those days, I could choose to focus on such negative thoughts about how unfair life was, or I could choose to find the positive in that situation. Spending time with my mother, taking her to doctor’s appointments, cooking her favorite meals and offering my listening ear instead created a positive spirit for both of us.

I tried to spend as much time with her as possible, giving her time to live, love and laugh. We focused on one day at a time, but also made plans for tomorrow. Keeping busy and reminiscing over the positive memories we shared, truly helped me through that very stressful time with my mother.

On top of dealing with my mother, I also had a nine year old Doberman dog that was very close to me. He had just been diagnosed with liver disease and his prognosis was not good. The added stress of my dog’s health made matters even more challenging. I still think sometimes that if it wasn’t for bad luck, I would have no luck at all! But I make an effort to snap out of this kind of thought process as quickly as possible. It serves no purpose in the long run.

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