Dealing With Negative Energy This Holiday Season
What do you do when you have to go to a family holiday gathering you have dreaded all year? What is supposed to be a positive, happy reunion this time of the year is often a negative, argumentative and energetically draining occasion!
I know from experience that diverse personalities show up to these types of gatherings and over the years I have learned to keep quiet, and smile, and muster through it. I have helped several of my clients lately find solutions to deal with these challenging situation.
There was the uncle that swears around the children who my client is trying to raise in a loving, Christian environment. I have also helped a client find out why her sisters-in-law and mother-in-law constantly gossip about her behind her back. I have helped bring light to a client’s ongoing problems with her siblings’ argumentative nature.
I want you to know that the choice is yours if you choose to deal with these people. Remember you always have free will, even in the most dire circumstances. You don’t have to be around family members who steal your energy and drop their poison of negative energy and comments on you.
It’s unhealthy to put yourself in situations that are uncomfortable, especially when the environment is saturated with dis-ease. Sometimes you have to exercise your right to say: “No thank you, I will pass!” If you do this, you will find you have more energy for those that do treat you well and don’t talk about you behind your back.
Also, do not allow yourself to feel guilty that your not going to attend. Make positive changes this holiday season by saying no to unnecessary stress, negative people and toxic energy. Embrace your own assertiveness for the betterment of your health and mental well-being.
Into The Eyes Of Pure Evil
Have you ever known someone whose energy is so extremely dark and evil, because they are so deeply wounded that there is no way anyone can bring them joy, love or light? No matter how much kindness you show them, it is always met with the opposite?
When I pulled up to a condo complex recently, where I had been asked to clear the presence of negative energy, I had a strange sense that the troublesome ‘spirit entity’ I was supposed to deal with was in fact still very much alive. Yes, I clearly sensed it.
Normally, there are clear signs that an earthbound spirit is present and active at a location because they typically make their presence known. At times I have even found them waiting for me right outside or in the entrance, guarding and claiming their domain. But this time there was no sign of a ghost, or spirit, or anything of the sort upon my arrival.
Intrigued and puzzled, I parked my car and walked into the building. The first thing I heard was loud yelling coming from a short woman down the hallway, who then hobbled back to her condo and slammed the door. I wondered who she was yelling at and why?
Another women came down the stairs talking on her phone. I asked her of she knew why the woman was so upset and she said, “Oh, she is ‘upset’ with me. She is always yelling and causing a fuss. She likes to harass whomever she is currently targeting around here, and right now that person is me.”
I then explained to her that I was called in to pinpoint the source of the negative energy in the building and do a cleansing, and that I suspect I have already found it.
“Thank goodness,” she exhaled, “I just needed that confirmed!”
Haunting Tales From The Condo Complex
There is a condo building with a paranormal reputation in my area that has been around since the early 70’s. It was originally a rental apartment complex, which meant occupants constantly came and went. As a result much negative energy has been imprinted in the walls over the years.
For almost three decades this complex would often attract unsavory inhabitants, including drug dealers, criminals, and all sorts of disreputable individuals. Local law enforcement often had to intervene and escort many of them out with court orders and arrest warrants.
There have been many reports of a prevalence of dark, negative energies over the years, especially in the front of the building. Several people also died here and the earthbound souls of some still haunt the complex. I have been asked a few times to do some shamanic work to help release these restless souls and clear the unwanted energy there.
For example, a woman was brutally murdered in one of the units in the early 90’s, before her lifeless body was transferred to a car in the parking lot of a nearby local business. Some residents had seen her standing near their beds on the night she was murdered, asking for help.
I was subsequently asked to perform a cleansing on the building, and since then her spirit has not been seen again. I felt she had been released and have since moved on to the Other Side. The thing I heard her say clairaudiently at the time was, “I will choose my company better in the next life.” The man who murdered her had asked her out at a local chain restaurant that she would frequent, and she thought he was attractive. She regrettably said yes.
Frank, an 80-year-old gentleman who lived in the front of the building used to be a ‘busy body’ who felt it his duty to enforce the rules of the building. He would religiously be outside in the parking lot, instructing those who drove through which area was not meant to be used as part of the road, since it ended in a cul-de-sac. But some would stubbornly continue to use this area as a shortcut through the parking lot to get to the main road, which was not allowed.
Stop Blocking Yourself!
Have you ever felt like your life is just going nowhere, or you can’t connect emotionally to another person? At these times there is always one thing after another, and events in your life simply don’t seem to ‘gel’, or go right. Maybe you can’t get the job you want, or you are lonely.
There are so many barriers we have to deal with, but there is a way to overcome all of this. The best way to do it is by truly knowing yourself – through self-discovery – and by letting go of people and material things that hold you back.
So many times we invest so much wasted energy in people-pleasing. Instead of constantly trying to please others, we could use this time to live a happier life, with greater more spiritual awareness, which will in turn make us much more useful in our service to others. Instead we spend so much time thinking about things we may have done wrong, the wrong others have done to us and regretting what we could have done differently
When we try and reason about our mistakes it just leads to anguish, because we have a lack of faith – faith in God and in ourselves. But, if we go before the thrown of God and get on bended knees, we will find that inner peace, grace and forgiveness that so many people venture off to far of places, looking to find. That inner peace and joy is always there and available, we just have to look up!
Also, we are concerning ourselves too much with the things of the world, putting too much value on financial success and material possessions. These can become obstacles that keep us from connecting with those we love, or want to love. It is pure self-sabotage.