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Learning To Accept Yourself (Warts And All)

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comA consistent trend I have noticed doing psychic readings and metaphysical counseling for many years. This trend relates to rejection, and our reaction to being rejected by our human family. It is not natural to abandon or reject loved ones, but in my experience as a pastoral counselor and psychic healer, I have noticed that it is a challenge that many have faced in this life.

Recently, as I was doing a channeling session with one of my clients, this came up and we both had a revelation about our own experiences of rejection. The discussion we had was not only about rejection and how we as humans experience it, but also about how we perceive acceptance. Our experience of rejection comes from only one source, namely our expectation, and also how we resonate with the acceptance we receive from others.

When we are children it is natural for us to allow our parents to be our source. They were the picture of God in our lives, and in ideal situations they were our source of acceptance, providing nurture and stability. Many times, when you see a religious group adopting a vengeful and cruel depiction of the Divine, it stems from a refusal to remove the archetypal depiction from God they experienced with their parents.

Many times, the search for source extends itself outward, and the responsibility of our fulfillment is put on other people or organizations. In some cases, fulfillment is found in substances and can also lead to addictive behaviors. We look to these external ‘sources’ to provide us comfort and satisfaction.

It is natural for us to live in community and relationships, so our endeavors toward fulfillment are often projected outward in our relationships. Unfortunately, since we all have an intrinsic need to identify with and live from Source, we find ourselves continually reaching for fulfillment that we rarely find. This leads to heartache, loss, and broken relationships within the human family.

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Your Soul Also Needs Sleep!

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comSleeping disorders are at an all-time high in this day and age. Not getting enough sleep is related to many health factors including, weight gain, heart disease, lethargy, headaches, memory loss and irritability. It also creates a dependency on caffeine, sugar and other stimulants.

Most people need seven to nine hours of sleep per night. Few people are actually getting that. Many are tossing and turning and not having quality sleep or enough REM (rapid eye movement sleep) time. I believe this time is when our soul leaves our body and spends time reconnecting to the spiritual realm. To me, this human respite and spiritual connection is just as important as the health effects quality sleep has on the body. We need time to dream and resolve our problems and conflicts. Even my dogs dream as they twitch and growl, finally getting to catch that pesky squirrel that keeps eluding them during their waking hours. Resolution!

Based on the Kundalini yoga and spiritual science philosophy I teach, there are changes that happen in the brain that create sleeping disorders. Yes, too much caffeine, too much radiation, and too much drama and television can create sleep disorders. But more often than not, it is our breathing patterns, that disturb our sleep.

Yes, our breathing affects our sleep. How? The right hemisphere of the brain controls the left side of the body. Both are considered the yin, feminine, subconscious, intuitive, spiritual and creative side. The left hemisphere of the brain controls the right side of the body. Both are considered the yang, masculine, active, analytical, methodical sides.

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The True Power Of Words

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWhat if a change as simple as the words you use could vastly improve your relationships with loved ones? And not just your choice of words, but also the tone and delivery. Healthy, successful relationships require constructive communication and often our relationships fail on our words alone.

Many people fall in love over time purely through conversations they have with each other. Relationships are usually ended with words alone, especially these days when getting unceremoniously dumped via text message is becoming increasingly common. Our choice of words and how we communicate them can evoke waves of joy and happiness, or they can cut like a knife.

We tend to take for granted the people in our lives. We become lazy and complacent and forget to express our gratitude and appreciation for the relationships we have with loved ones. It is vitally important that we adopt better, more spiritual ways to communicate with people who matter to us.

Have you ever stopped to think about the words you use with your loved ones? You most likely speak somewhat differently to total strangers. Or your choice of words is no longer what they used to when you were in love and the relationship was brand new. And how about the words we use when we talk to our children; are we uplifting and encouraging them, or causing them lifelong trauma?

Too often we say things we later wish we can take back. But if we always aim to think before we speak, and seek to choose the very best words, tone, and delivery, then we are much more likely to build the kind of relationships we desire and deserve.

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Sound Vibration Heals Our Brain Chemistry

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThoughts have metaphysical power. Words, speech, singing and sound also have power. Everything we say, sing and chant has vibrational sound frequencies that changes the chemistry of our brain and the physiology of our body.

A positive sound vibration changes the brain to a calm, compassionate, highly intuitive state. Think of a baby laughing and how it brings joy to everyone who hears it.

A negative sound vibration abruptly shocks and damages the nervous system. Think of someone scratching the chalk board or yelling racist epithets, and how both make you nervous and angry.

We can actually improve our health with positive vibrations in the form of mantras. A mantra is a set of words, with a positive meaning that also has a positive vibration. When repeated over and over, this vibration permeates every cell of the body, igniting, healing and repairing these cells. It moves through every muscle, bone and organ.

This process changes the entire energy field, aura, and expands it. Done with enough practice and an open heart and mind it can increase our light to the point where we can heal ourselves or help others to heal.

Have you ever walked into a silent room and felt that there had been a conflict between the people who have been there, before you arrived? That vibration, positive or negative, leaves an energetic residue and is absorbed by everyone entering into it, unless that person has increased their vibration to the point where they become psychically impervious to other’s negative energies.

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Your Outer Life Reflects Your Inner Being

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comLiving a fulfilling, abundant life can be one of the most difficult things to do for people who do not understand that they are the masters of their own destiny. We have much more control to design our future and shape our fate than many people realize.

Whatever we can think about, imagine, visualize, pray for, and believe is what we can make manifest in our lives. But I am not talking about passive daydreaming, wishful thinking, spending our days in laziness, and half-heartedly hoping for a better future, without taking any action.

To achieve what we want, we must not only dream it, we must also take action steps every day that will increasingly shift us towards our desired future.

Here are some practical guidelines you can follow to better master your life and destiny.


Gratitude is the main key to all manifestation. When we are grateful for what we have, we attract more of what we want. We can also not attract more of what we want, while we focus on, complain, and worry about what we do not want and do not have. Simple, right? Yet, we so often forget to be grateful for the small, yet important things we already have in our life, such as our health, waking up for one more day, and so on. Continue reading

The Powerful Magic Inside

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comEvery human being has powerful magic inside, and part of my job is to teach people how to use that magical energy. I understand the term ‘magic’ is somewhat of a loaded word, so let me re-frame it. Jesus called if faith and told us that with a small amount of faith we can move mountains. Buddha called it thought manifestation and explained that our conscious thought produces our reality.

How we focus our energy will eventually manifest in one way or another in our lives. For some people this implies ‘darkness’ or ‘evil.’ Darkness does exist, but I believe that it exists only as a catalyst to increase our vibrational frequency if we are ready to do so.

My personal belief is that darkness cannot ‘stick’ if there is nothing for it to stick to. This is why, when discussing lower vibrational frequencies, the best action is to increase your vibration. In my view there is really no war of light versus dark, or good versus evil. We can turn on the lights and then if there is something that needs to be cleaned up, we can clean it up. The darkness does not struggle when the lights come on. It just goes away.

For nearly all problematic circumstances our primary goal should be to change our consciousness and increase our vibrational frequency. It is quite rare that we are we taught to use this magic in everyday life.

There have been many spiritual teachers that have talked about it in the past, as I stated above. Jesus had enough magic (faith) to walk on water and Buddha could exert his magic (consciousness) to tame a wild elephant.

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Aligning With The New Earth Energy

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comHave you been experiencing unusual anxiety or restlessness in recent months? Many spiritually aware and highly sensitive people all over the world have been feeling tense or nervous lately, while there is nothing particularly bothersome happening in their lives to cause such feelings. The reason for this is that there is currently a lot happening in our world on a cosmic level.

Old energy patterns that are no longer serving us have been gradually shifting and falling away, to be replaced by the new, improved energies for a new age in human evolution. As exciting and hopeful as these energy upgrades may be, you may not feel very grounded or secure in your physical body at the moment.

Some people describe the feeling as sense of ‘floating’ or ‘drifting,’ and many also report feeling unable to accurately interpret the new energies coming in. They feel disoriented or even confused. It is like being a newborn baby having to readjust to physical reality and learn all over again!

The emergence of a New Earth has been unfolding on a subtle energetic level for several years now at varying rates and frequencies. This global energy shift and spiritual awakening is now once again speeding up. It is inviting you to ‘upgrade’ yourself and your life. It is offering an energy pathway to establish an enhanced connection with your higher self or higher consciousness.

We are all being encouraged and supported at this time to lift off the old armor, drop our tired, worn-out fears and limiting beliefs, and allow instead a renewed purity and innocence to permeate our being.

When we are aligned with the Divine Light, there is no longer any need for competition, strife or worry. We do not envy what others have, or compare our own failures to their successes. Once we are fully aware of our connection to Divine Source, to all of God, Spirit, Creation, the Universe, be know that we will be provided for and that we need not fear or worry.

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