life path
Honoring Your Soul Contract
Each of us came into our current life for a reason that is relevant to our soul evolution. Regardless of how, where and when we arrived, we all came into this physical existence with a planned mission known as our soul contract, or pre-birth soul plan.
Before entering this life, our souls deliberately choose certain experiences and lessons to learn and contributions to make for the purpose of our own spiritual evolution. It’s essentially our cosmic to-do list!
We come for a variety of reasons: some to learn, some to teach, some to grow, some to heal. Some come to observe, others to participate. Some come to navigate a profound dark night of the soul. Some even come to influence the masses or change the world forever.
Whatever the nature of your soul contract, you can be absolutely certain that there is a divine purpose to it all. Never forget that your soul mission is your own doing. We owe our existence and our journey to no one. It is ours alone to experience and ours alone to complete.
One of the most empowering things we can do in this lifetime is to uncover the nature of our soul contract to ensure our ultimate success. We must reflect on our true purpose and the meaningful connections and experiences we encounter.
Learn To Say No To Toxic People!
Do you allow others to steal your energy with their drama and demands? If so, you may want to reconsider how you deal with them, because it is very unhealthy physically, mentally and spiritually to be around negative people and force yourself to do things you don’t want to do.
Protecting your energy field from toxic people and situations is more important than you may realize. They can have a profound effect on our overall well-being. Physically, the stress and negativity can lead to various health problems, such as elevated blood pressure, a weakened immune system, and disrupted sleep patterns. Chronic stress can also contribute to the development of more serious health conditions over time.
Emotionally, exposure to toxic people can lead to feelings of anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem. Overly demanding people tend to be self-centered, manipulative, abusive, and lacking in empathy. They disrespect emotional and physical boundaries and undermine your self-esteem. Constant exposure to such people can leave you feeling emotionally drained and manipulated, and undermine your confidence and sense of self-worth, affecting your emotional resilience and ability to cope with life’s challenges.
What Reality Will You Create Today?
In this lifetime, it is important to remember that we are all the creators of our own realities, as well as the co-creators of our shared reality.
This means that as an individual we have the divine gift of free will. Free will is our personal power to make our own choices in life. It is one of the most important and valuable aspects of human existence because it allows us to determine our own fate and shape our own destiny.
Without free will, we would not be autonomous and responsible spiritual beings in human form. Instead, we would be robots, pre-programmed to act in a certain way. Being born with free will allows us to make moral choices, to love and be loved, and to create our own unique paths in life.
Of course, with free will comes responsibility and accountability. We are responsible for our own thoughts and actions, both good and bad. We must therefore think carefully about our choices and make sure that we are acting not only for our own highest good, but also for the greater good.
Free will also does not mean that we are completely free from the constraints of external circumstances and worldly influences. We also share a collective free will with the rest of humanity. Just as we create our own daily reality and shape our individual destiny, we also co-create a shared global reality with the rest of the world.
Navigate Your Career Change With Inner Guidance
When a new year dawns we tend to take stock of our lives and consider making some changes, such as in our field of work or our current position. Some people even consider starting a business.
It is common to consider a career change at the start of a new year. A new year makes us aware of the passage of time and is therefore often seen as a time for self-reflection and goal-setting.
But as simple as it may seem at first, changing careers can be a daunting process, especially if you hope to achieve the best possible outcome. It requires careful planning, research and preparation, but with the right mindset and approach, it can be a very rewarding and fulfilling endeavor.
Changing careers is inherently uncertain. It involves leaving the familiar for the unknown, and this can be challenging and scary. However, our personal and spiritual growth tends to thrive in uncertainty. It encourages us to step out of our comfort zone and embrace the unfamiliar. Rather than seeing uncertainty as a barrier, consider it an opportunity for personal expansion, self-discovery, and soul evolution.
If you are considering a career change, one of the wisest things you can do is to ask spirit for guidance and support and to follow your inner guidance. Spirit will guide you through the ambiguity and help you make the right decisions along the way. Navigating a career change can be daunting, but tapping into your spiritual inner guidance system will provide more of the clarity and direction you need.
Get Ready For A New Year Of Boundless Joy!
As we stand on the precipice of a new year of endless possibilities and limitless potential, I invite you to join me on a journey of self-actualization, spiritual enlightenment, and unwavering hope and optimism in 2024.
This year, let us embrace the transformative power of positive thinking, the resilience of the human spirit, and the boundless divine wisdom that lies within each of us. Let us throw off the shackles of self-doubt and negativity and embrace the extraordinary potential that lies within our souls.
Most importantly, let us strive this year to stay in our joy as much and as often as possible. For true joy and inner peace come into our hearts only when we invite them into our consciousness. Happiness does not just come, we must choose to seek it.
As we embark on a new year full of promise, let us also remember that we are part of a network of interconnected beings, each with a unique purpose and a vital role to play in the grand tapestry of life. Let us foster compassion, empathy and understanding and create a world where love and kindness prevail. Let us be kind, compassionate and generous, spreading love and light wherever we go.
Maybe It’s Time To Let Go Of The Baggage
Most people who make New Year’s resolutions don’t keep them. Every year we tell ourselves it’s time to move on, to change, to leave negative people and influences in the past, and yet we rarely follow through. We wonder if it is even possible to let go of the things that hold us back?
Yes, it certainly is!
The first step is to simply make the decision that it’s time to let go of all the old baggage in your life. To do this we must be completely honest about what’s really holding us back and why it’s so difficult to let go. This is sometimes best done with the help of a coach or mentor, such as a therapist, spiritual advisor or trusted friend, who will listen and guide you objectively.
Until we have a true understanding of all our baggage and our own part in it, it will never go away. We must also be gentle and accepting as we travel this path. The past can never be undone, but it can be learned from and it can help us move into a better future.
I’m sure you’ve heard the saying, “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results each time.” It’s within our power to change negative thinking patterns and habits. Good habits take at least a month to wire into our brains. Start with affirmations, practice better self-care, and stop obsessing about things you can’t change or control. Over time, you’ll find yourself making better decisions that aren’t tainted by the past.
The Universe Always Has The Better Plan
Our journey through life is constantly changing. Whatever circumstances you find yourself in today is temporary. In time it will change. It may not change overnight, or within weeks, months, or even years, but it will change eventually. For change is the only constant in our co-created existence.
Since change is inevitable, it makes sense to embrace these energies of ongoing evolution, expansion and transformation. It really makes no sense to live in constant resistance to the universal flow, for it is a tragic waste of our creative energy as co-creators and detrimental to our soul purpose and karmic growth.
Living a conscious life in harmony with the cycles of life and in sync with the creative pulse of the universe is one of the most empowering and karmically liberating things we can do for ourselves in this lifetime.
While many of us tend to think we have the best plan for our life and that we know exactly what is best for us, we often do not really understand what will best serve our highest good. But God, Source, Spirit, the Divine, always knows what is best for us, and sometimes it is not what we originally had in mind.
We have to admit to ourselves that we tend to have a biased way of wanting things to work out, and that sometimes it may not be in the best interest of all parties involved, or even ourselves, on a soul level.