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Take Some Time Out To Embrace The Silence

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI see now, more than ever before, parents busying their children with this and that sport, and this and that activity. I sometimes wonder if they ever have time to just be children.

I see how fast time flies these days and I think we actually make it go by even faster by overloading our lives with so much activity. We over commit ourselves way too much. I have been carefully watching my world lately, and I have seen the busy lifestyles of my friends and family. I see how frantic everyone has become. Such a commotion!

I find it disturbing how we over-busy ourselves and our children, and our lives. We really miss out on what I deem as the ‘finer things’. We need to get that connection back. It’s never too late.

We need to take it down a notch. I understand there are things we have to do – go to work, pay the bills, chores to do, people to see. Sure, I get it! But there are those additional things that we sign on to do when we really shouldn’t, or don’t have the time for, and when we do it has a domino effect. Chaos. Anxiety. Stress.

We need time to unwind more, and not just when we give ourselves six or less hours of sleep. We carve time out for our kids and for our friends and family, and often there is really no time left for a few blissful moments of silence. It’s in the silence that we can know ourselves and truly learn to live with a glass half full mentality.

We are filling our days with so much unnecessary activity these days just to keep up with the Joneses. What is wrong with staying home once in a while? I think staying at home is underrated. I don’t know about you, but home is where my yoga mat has its place and I don’t have to pay a gym membership to be active in my own home. It’s also where my library is, and my family, and most of the things I love and enjoy.

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Today’s Journey, Not Tomorrow’s Destination

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI often hear my clients say, “If only I can meet my soulmate, then I will be happy.” Then when they meet that special person, they say they will finally be happy once they propose. Once they are married, then they cannot be completely happy until they have children.

Then, if they only one child, then can only be happy if they have a second. Or if they have two boys, they will only find lasting happiness once they also have a girl. Or they can only be happy once they have built or bought the dream house, or lost the weight, or launched their new business, and on, and on.

The worst scenario is people waiting for their retirement to finally be happy.

If you ask other people you will discover that nobody has everything they want. Most people have never had ‘everything.’  The few that might seem to have it all, usually do not. There is always something still lacking or missing. Nobody’s life is perfect.

Many of us spend our fleeting time on this planet wanting more, being insatiable, and never feeling fulfilled, content, or happy. It’s wonderful to have goals. Not having goals can be extremely depressing. But enjoying the process and journey toward achieving those goals will make them have even more valued and fulfilling.

More importantly, we are seldom grateful or appreciative for what we do already have. I have also found that not being grateful will bring us karmic lessons of appreciation, often by losing the good things in our life that we so easily disregard. I have seen that time and again with clients, friends and relatives.

We are an insatiable, greedy society. This who become millionaires, then want to be multi-millionaires., and then won’t be happy or fulfilled until they’re billionaires. When is enough, enough. We can only wear one outfit at a time, drive one car at a time and live in one house at a time.

I have so many friends who spent their children’s entire childhood chasing the career dreams and business goals, constantly being stressed, frazzled and not at all present when they do spend a little time with their kids. Then they wake up one day and realize their children are grown and gone, and they missed most of it.

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Stop Blocking Yourself!

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comHave you ever felt like your life is just going nowhere, or you can’t connect emotionally to another person? At these times there is always one thing after another, and events in your life simply don’t seem to ‘gel’, or go right. Maybe you can’t get the job you want, or you are lonely.

There are so many barriers we have to deal with, but there is a way to overcome all of this. The best way to do it is by truly knowing yourself – through self-discovery – and by letting go of people and material things that hold you back.

So many times we invest so much wasted energy in people-pleasing. Instead of constantly trying to please others, we could use this time to live a happier life, with greater more spiritual awareness, which will in turn make us much more useful in our service to others. Instead we spend so much time thinking about things we may have done wrong, the wrong others have done to us and regretting what we could have done differently

When we try and reason about our mistakes it just leads to anguish, because we have a lack of faith – faith in God and in ourselves. But, if we go before the thrown of God and get on bended knees, we will find that inner peace, grace and forgiveness that so many people venture off to far of places, looking to find. That inner peace and joy is always there and available, we just have to look up!

Also, we are concerning ourselves too much with the things of the world, putting too much value on financial success and material possessions. These can become obstacles that keep us from connecting with those we love, or want to love. It is pure self-sabotage.

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Embracing The Uncertainty Of Change

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comOne of the earliest life lessons I had to learn the hard way is that change is the only thing that ever consistently happens in life. We cannot avoid it. It is fundamental to our journey in this lifetime to learn to embrace change, as without it we cannot grow and evolve as spiritual beings.

Yet, change causes much fear and apprehension for many people. It can be daunting. This is in fact one of the reasons why clients contact me for advice and predictions. In life it is vital to always be prepared for change.

Being mentally and emotionally prepared gives us a greater sense of control over any forthcoming event and thus alleviate some of its stress. Who wants to remain stagnant anyway? It is vital to look for the good that change can bring, rather than dwell on any potential negative impact it could bring about. We need to take on board the necessity to learn and strengthen from it.

Change comes in many forms. For example, it is estimated some people change their homes up to eight times in their lifespan. How stressful is that?  But instead of focusing too heavily on the downside, such as the stress of buying, selling and packing, spirit advises we see a new home as a beautiful new chapter in our lives. Think of it as an exciting fresh start and allow yourself time to adjust. You may soon be happier in your new abode than you could ever imagine!

Beginning a new job is equally stressful. For whatever reason you find yourself in new employment, the very thought of walking into a new workplace on a Monday morning, meeting new colleagues in unfamiliar environment is always daunting. However, rather than be afraid, advises spirit, why not congratulate yourself for being there in the first place?

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Find The Eye Of The Storm

Click Here now FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comYour relationship is falling apart, you have lost your job, your finances are in a shambles, you suffer an unexpected loss due to a global pandemic. Chaos comes in many forms and at times it touches multiple areas of our lives at once.

The ripple effect starts in one area and then spreads insidiously, until every aspect of your life begins to look very bleak. Your emotional reserves are drained, confusion sets in and you feel stuck, powerless…reeling from the shock.

When things turn bad in your life this way it can have the force and power of a hurricane or tornado. It can be devastating.

Perhaps you sensed it coming. Your intuitive radar was ‘pinging’, sensing imminent danger, or maybe it caught you completely off-guard. Either way, the results are the same.

Now what? How do you get your bearings, recover your sense of direction, recharge your battery and get the inner strength to move forward?

All tropical storms have a center, or an eye. The stronger the storm the calmer the eye, which is characterized by lighter winds and a clearer sky. So, take a breath – a deep breath – and find your center. Find the eye of your storm.

Making decisions from fear or chaos always increases the strength and ferocity of the storm. Remember, all storms do pass. The beauty of life lies in the newness and change each moment offers us.

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I Am Proud To Call Myself Psychic

Click Here now FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI have been naturally psychic all my life, and have been working as a professional psychic for over 20 years. After all these years I am still curious about people’s responses when they ask me what I do for a living.

People’s responses to me being a psychic can sometimes be so predictable that you don’t even need to be psychic to know what they are going to say. No, I am going to tell you what your name, star sign or favorite color is, just because you thought it funny to ask. My typical response to these kinds of questions is inevitably, “Why, did you forget what it was?”

Now, I could tell them I am a Licensed Reverend or a Certified Life Coach. I could also tell them that I am a Certified Massage Therapist for over 8 years. I could even say that I am a Certified Reiki Master, or better yet, that I was a casino dealer for twelve years, before I ‘jumped off the cliff’ into the rest of my life. But my favorite thing to say is simply that, “I am a psychic.”

People have different ideas about what this really means. The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines the term ‘psychic’ as being of, or relating to, the psyche. It is also described as lying outside the sphere of physical science or knowledge. The word is further also defined as someone who is sensitive to non-physical or supernatural forces and influences; or as a person who is marked by extraordinary or mysterious sensitivity, perception, or understanding.

As all psychics are well aware, we can be looked upon askance in the best of times, and with horror during the worst of times. It’s rarely an easy gig! But, oh, so rewarding.

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The Law Of Sacrifice

Click Here now FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comAre you in a rut? Not getting what you want out of life? Pandemic fatigue getting you down? Whether you are hoping to achieve something on a psychical or emotional, or even spiritual level, it is my believe that we must always give up something in order to achieve that which you desire.

There is always going to be some form of sacrifice necessary for what you want in life. The most typical sacrifice often required is that of time – time that you must sacrifice to get that career or relationship or whatever it may be.

If you have a goal in mind for travel plans or a vacation, for example, you may need to put aside time to plan accordingly, or put more time in at your job to generate the money necessary to fund your trip.

If you are married or in a committed relationship you will know that most days you must sacrifice something. You may be required to be quiet when you wish to speak or you may need to meet your partner halfway, when you would rather not. In order to make it work, to make anything work, you must always sacrifice something.

If you value something enough, then it’s worth the wait or the effort. The sacrifice that you are willing to make in order to have something, whatever it is, shows the value of what it is you want to attain.

Know that to work hard for what you want is not always easy. It shows your desire, your drive and your determination. When you get what it is you set out to attain, it makes you want to keep working for it, for example a relationship.

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