I Thank You
There are many people who touch our lives every day, often without us knowing this. Too often we forget to thank these people for the sacrifices they make on our behalf. We all serve in our own special way, but some deserve to be thanked more often than they are. They deserve our appreciation and gratitude.
There are those who serve in the military, and the parents of those sons and daughters who chose a career as protectors of the nation. They are out there to put their lives on the line to keep our country safe. And when you get a call from a mother or father who is sending their child a care package, of stuff we are so used to having here at home, it reminds you how privileged we all are.
Then there are also those ordinary people who put their lives on the line when there is a fire or when others need to be rescued. Many of my clients are volunteers who do this work without compensation. They work for free because they want to contribute to their communities. Continue reading
Sitting On The Dock Of The Imaginary Bay
I am, for all intents and purposes, a transplanted ‘Islander’ who is far, far away from her home… many thousands of miles, in a culture that could not be more different than the one I was raised in, if it tried to be.
The differences in perspective are so very large when you come from a tiny island in the Caribbean. I tend to be much more laid back than, say, someone who may have been born and raised in a big city. I’m not always ‘understood’ by some who think I need to be a lot more of, well, I have never been able to figure that out exactly, what I should be ‘more’ of, since I love being me. And after all this time, I know how to be me. Continue reading
Going Back To School
At the beginning of this year I did not realize how much my life was going to change. So many times over the years I have told clients that you never know how life can change when a blinking of an eye. Well, that is exactly what happened to me too.
On the last Friday of February 2012 I lost my full time job and they made me retire. I was very shook up, because it was very unexpected and I gave them 27 years of dedicated service. Suddenly, I was on the side of the fence, where many of clients have been who call me to ask what is going to happen in their lives.
How was my life going to pan out? As a psychic we usually see with clarity for others, but not for ourselves. It was time to reflect on my future; what I needed to do and where I was going. I knew in my heart for the longest time that this day was going to come, and I needed help to see what was going to happen. I asked God to show me ways in my life that I never seen before and one thing that came up was I needed to go back to school. Continue reading