Make It Happen Every Day
We have the ultimate ability to forge our own spiritual path in this lifetime, regardless of perceived limitations. As life is lived, important karmic lessons are learned and it is always your free will choice as to how fully you embrace your surroundings and opportunities.
Your experiences will depend on the lessons you choose to learn, the people with whom you interact and the ultimate goals you envision achieving.
To make the most of this incredible journey, spirit invites us to implement the following strategies:
Learn from all your experiences. Rejoice in the ability to create your reality and celebrate your successes, but do not judge your mistakes, nor your supposed failings. Reframe it instead into lessons.
Rejoice in all accomplishments. Even the smallest achievements lead to much greater opportunities. Never criticize your lack of visible success.
Lead by example. Be your best self today and encourage others to do the same for themselves.
Be kind to yourself. Aim for personal balance so that you can give more freely to others.
Be of service. Give so that your heart becomes truly free. Take giant strides in life and make your mark with love and integrity. Don’t let life pass you by.
Evaluate carefully. Think and make wise choices. Step back from the precipice of judgment long enough to gain solid insight before making a definitive move. You are much stronger than you realize. When confusion reigns, ask spirit for support and guidance.
How To Anchor Yourself In Any Storm
Happiness, peace, calm, no drama. This is the way of life we all really strive for and long for. We even design our lives in such a way as to create the illusion of having attained this. Yet, life happens. There are stresses. There are arguments, fights, heartaches. Yes, there is pain.
We sometimes find ourselves in situations not of our own making, and circumstances that anger us. Yet, at the end of each day, if we can go to bed knowing we were honest, and we did what we believed with all our heart was right, then we have inner peace, and happiness.
Yes, we all do make mistakes. We do things out of anger, hurt, then later regret. But if we work hard to try to resolve the situation, we can be happy in ourselves.
No one can say words to us that bring us to unhappiness; no one can take actions that hurt us if we don’t let it destroy our faith within.
Becoming the rock in the middle of the storm is key. We must keep our mind clear, not let others tell us that we are no good, and avoid trying to become what others want us to be. We have to be what the spirit within tells us to be. Then we will be happy, we will be anchored in the center of the storm.
In all our lives there comes a time to make major decisions. Our first wisest choice is to ask the Creator, our Higher Power, through our prayers and meditations, what is best. The second is to get expert opinions. The third is to ask for the opinions of others, whose lives may be affected by the decisions. There is no need for egos, hastiness, or heartaches of years gone by. Simply listen carefully, through all the junk, for the good statements made.
Vulnerability Grows Your Abundance Garden
Vulnerability is a critical element that determines our ability to receive from the Universe. I often tell my clients we may have to break a few eggs to save the dozen. Without ever taking the risk of making ourselves vulnerable there can be now growth, no progress, no expansion, and no abundance. This means if we dare to make mistakes, we eventually gain the ability to help more people, than if we kept ourselves covered and rigidly in control of how others see us.
Imagine yourself carefully harvesting chicken eggs and preparing to bring them to a farmer’s market for sale. But then you set off with a restrictive, limiting, fearful strategy of clasping those eggs frantically under one arm…for fear of dropping them all on the ground.
“I’m in complete control,” you proudly claim. But are you really?
Consider how tired your shoulders and arms would soon become, and how long it will be before some of those precious eggs are either crushed or dropped.
In the end, we usually give up on the idea of taking our eggs to the market, for fear of not being able to successfully complete the journey. Instead, we store those eggs in the refrigerator in the hope of feeling strong enough or muster enough courage sometime in the future.
But all is not lost, and it is never too late. We can circle back to something that is unfinished at any time, even if we initially felt we bit off more than we could chew. The Divine Feminine energy often works this way. Roundabout, yet sincere about eventually finishing the journey. She is thoughtful enough to improve herself and return with renewed vigor to what she started.
So, find it within yourself to return to that fridge and retrieve those stored eggs with renewed courage. Then once again set out to bring them to market. This time, you may just find it more manageable, and you may just make it all the way. There you may just be welcomed with open arms at the market…this time with all your eggs intact and everyone keen to purchase them!
How To Find Your Direction In Life
As a professional psychic, I have done readings for many people over the years who have lost their sense of direction in life. They usually ask questions about where there life might be going.
“Where do you want it to go?” I then reply.
“To a better place!” is the frequent response, although they typically do not know what they really want, or why they even want it!
The purpose of a psychic reading, I then explain, is to look at what possibilities and opportunities life has to offer each person. However, being co-creators with the Divine, God, Source, Spirit, the Universe, we first need to get clarity about what we actually want from life. After all, how can the Universe send you what you wish for, when you don’t know what it is yet?
Once we are fully aware and clear about what we want, we can begin asking for it and align our energy to the desired end result. This is how we ultimately attract what we desire and deserve – more often than not with greater speed and abundance.
Have you been tossed and turned by the storms of life to such the extent that you no longer quite know where you are heading, or need to be? If so, then you need to find a sense of direction. To set your internal compass towards a more fulfilling, meaningful life blessed by the Universe, consider the following strategies:
Go From Inactive To Proactive
Stepping outside of one’s comfort zone is easier said than done. However, to find new direction in your life you must end the procrastination. Figure out what you really want in life and start taking measurable action steps to begin achieving it.
How To Get More From Your Psychic Reading
I can’t count the number of times I have been consulting with someone who says, “I’m so confused, I’m hearing so many different answers from different psychics, I don’t know what to believe anymore.”
First and foremost, remember that different psychics have different methods of reading. Depending upon the psychic and the reading method used, different aspects of the situation will be revealed. You can clarify the information that is coming forth very simply by asking a direct, specific question. After all, it is your time and your money.
When you ask a specific question it allows the psychics to focus on that particular energy. If you are not clear about your goals for the psychic reading, then all the significant energy affecting your life at that moment comes to the surface. The question that is most important may just get lost and go unanswered among all the other information comes through.
You shouldn’t have to go into great detail with the psychic. Asking a clear question is very different from feeding your psychic information. If the reading is on track the psychic will be able to pick up on details or aspects that will verify for you that the right person, place or situation is being brought forward. If this isn’t happening, or your instincts tell you the connection is not good, then stop the reading. Psychics are either linked in and on target, or we are not.
Having said that, remember that most of us have had more than one relationship in our lives and for many, more than one significant relationship. The heart remembers them all and holds them for us to remember, learn and grow from. Sometimes in a reading a past relationship will come up, because it has great bearing on the current relationship. If there is still resentment, fear, or hurt, or we haven’t completely let go of the past, this energy tends to come up in the reading.
It is important that relevant information come forward pertaining to your question, so that you can see how your past is affecting your present. This is true of business relationships, career, finances, family and romance.
Dream Big This Summer!
Summer is a perfect season for welcoming happiness. It brings out a spirit of joy in everyone. Invitations arrive in the mail for outdoor parties with friends, beaches officially open, and outdoor markets beckon with fresh produce, conversations, laughter, and music. Summer is also the culmination of the seeds planted during the early spring. It is the season when connections are made with friends and loved ones and a time for renewal and self-love.
As we witness certain events unfold these days in our cities and towns, some positive, some troublesome, and some with more profound lessons that stir our souls, we must hold fast to the joy that summer promises. We must not be discouraged. The world’s weight can be a heavy load to carry, but the burden does not belong to us as individuals. It is time to change the station on your internal radio, and replace the gloom and doom with a deep resonance of peace.
In choosing light over darkness, we signal to the universe that a shift has occurred in our minds and spirits. The universe will respond with similar energy and usher in our lives more love, joy, forgiveness, peace, solitude, and all we desire.
Each of us can live a life free of heavy anchors that only serve to weigh us down. Each of us can soar high above the mundane world that challenges our hopes and dreams and sometimes sends a message that our most important goals do not matter. Do not allow anyone or anything to stand in the way of manifesting your heart’s desires!
This summer, I invite you to create a vision board with your most precious dreams, boldly outlined from border to border. Place a photograph of yourself in the middle of your vision board and connect your desired outcomes to your photo, like tree branches.
Crystal Energy Work For Prosperity
In these difficult times, we are all more budget-conscious, and for good reason. There is fortunately much we can do energetically to improve our finances. If it’s been a while since you worked with your crystals, and you find yourself financially struggling, this is an excellent time to revisit this work. Using the right types of crystals can help you grow and attract this kind of energy.
But instead of merely wanting more money, think about the concept of prosperity: the state of being successful and thriving with complete economic well-being.
Prosperity crystals have colors associated with wealth: green, gold, and clear. The beauty and power of green stones such as jade, amazonite, aventurine, and peridot are known for their ability to attract wealth. The same is true for crystals and stones in shades of gold (citrine, tiger’s eye, amber), as well as pyrite, or fool’s gold. And clear quartz, one of the most versatile crystals of all, sparkles like a diamond and further magnifies the traits of the other prosperity stones.
The best way to use your favorite prosperity crystals and stones depends on your intention. If you have entered a lottery or lucky draw, for example, you can simply carry a prosperity crystal or two in your pocket. An entrepreneur or business executive can wear a stylish piece of jewelry with their favorite prosperity stone to grow a new business venture.
Prosperity energy doesn’t have to be all about money only. Think of good fortune when making important deals, or a sudden flash of inspiration for a viable creative project. This is one of the key secrets many people struggle to grasp with prosperity: it is not merely material wealth!