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The Spirit Rituals Of Life – Part 3

click for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comPain can just make things downright miserable. We can have the best of everything: a great job; a wonderful, caring spouse; a wonderful home; wealth and luxury; the list goes on, but if you’re in emotional pain, or suffering from a chronic illness, it is very difficult to connect spiritually… let alone do anything uplifting every day.

But, committing to rituals that are good for us every day, can help relieve the pain. I have many clients who suffer from fibromyalgia, depression, and all kinds of pain. One thing that I can say for sure is that whatever may help or work for one person, may not for another. Each person needs to be helped on a individual level.

I have found that emotional pain is sometimes just as painful as physical pain.  Those that have lost loved ones sometimes don’t want to get out of bed, just like my client who suffers from migraines, she just wants to lay in bed most days with the shades drawn and to be left alone.

While I was alone in the woods, I asked some questions regarding pain, and how pain can help us to take action to connect with more happiness or contentment.

How can we relieve physical pain? Spirit says, “If it doesn’t kill you, it makes me stronger.” Do things that help alleviate pain. For example, one of my clients suffered from severe osteoarthritis and arthritis, so she took it upon herself to start taking supplements that build up the joints and help cushion the bones when they grind against each other. She said that this one little daily ritual is what has saved her from experiencing the pain on a grand scale. It has minimized her discomfort remarkably.

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Finding Inner Peace

Click for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comInternal peace sometimes eludes many of us. We have busy lives, moving at a fast pace. Some days it feels like we cannot even gather our thoughts in the midst of our obligations.  I am sure you already know that you should take some time to relax, and find moments for yourself. You should definitely do this. Having leisure time is important for a healthy life, as much as good diet and exercise.

But this article aims at those times in which the tide is high, and there is no real time to fully stop… at least no more than for a few minutes. What to do in such circumstances? These are a few simple tested ideas that people use in sports, acting, and even public speaking, to improve both their ease and their performance.


Stay with your breathing. Stop paying attention to your thoughts and just focus on your breath. Do not try to control or slow it down, just feel it coming in and out. If you can, become especially aware of the moment when it changes from inspiration to expiration, and vice versa. This will bring a feeling of openness and clarity.


Sit for a moment and visualize a white light in your heart. See this light grow with each breath, until you are inside a white light bubble. Now this is the important part: allow your body, your whole body, to dissolve in this white light for just a minute or two. After that allow the white light to recede into your heart. This releases a lot of tension from the body and clears the mind.

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The Power Of Your Imagination

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comGreat feats have been achieved throughout history, because someone imagined the impossible could be possible. Our imagination is the best motivation tool we have. Only when we create the image of our best life in our mind, can we truly start to believe that it is possible to reach our goals.

You can achieve so much more in life by using your imagination. Imagination is key to achieving the goals you desire. If you cannot imagine yourself being, having, or doing the things you want in life, it will be difficult to stick to whatever it takes to reach your goals.

Einstein said that imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited to all we know and understand, while imagination is limitless and embraces everything… all there ever will be to know and understand. When you use your imagination, you get to write your story any way you want it to be.

As a hypnotherapist, I have my weight loss clients imagine how they will look and feel in the next six months to a year, once they reach their goal weight. It is a powerful technique to make their goals more tangible.

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Physical Fitness Advice From The Other Side

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comMy grandma and I were very close while she was in this life. We spoke about many things and held many of the same views. She was a highly intuitive person. Many in the family didn’t know this about her, but she could accurately sense and feel things about people. She would also predict things before they happened.

Her mother was also a well-known intuitive – again something that her own children didn’t even know about her. My great grandma would predict gambling numbers for people, and they would often win! Grandma told me, “My mother would dream the numbers and people would pay her for this advice.”

Grandma also shared many other stories with me about her family growing up. Some of those stories still fascinate me and to this day I reminisce about the things she told me. I feel very lucky and blessed to have shared 47 years of my life with her. Grandma had children at a very young age, so thankfully she was able to see some of her grandchildren, and even some of her great grand children grow up.

We spent many summer vacations at my grandparents’ house. Just like me, my grandma loved to talk about ghosts, spirits, and all things paranormal. We would talk into the wee hours of the night. Some of the things she shared with me, she may not have shared with anyone else in the family. I guess she sensed in advance that I would need some of this information for my future calling.

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Sometimes The Solution Is Right Before Us

click here for a free reading at PsychicAccess.comA client recently asked me why ‘bad things’ keep happening in her life. Why does everything seem so hopeless and nothing is fun anymore? She is constantly in pain and there is really no more joy in her life.

The first thing Spirit showed me was a vision of myself when I was in pain, then a flash of me doing Yoga and how I was no longer in pain. For me the key is to not second guess, just to share whatever I get immediately. So, I simply told this women she must start doing Yoga. “Oh my gosh, she said, “I gave up Yoga some time ago and then the pain came back. I never thought of that!”

We have to be proactive and create positive steps in creating positive outcomes. It is simply the Law of Cause and Effect. We get pain relief from doing things that make us feel good and things that are good for us. Spirit says, “If we do nothing to fix something, nothing will get fixed.”

Sometimes in life we are so busy with the drama and chaos that we can’t think with clarity, in order to see what we need to do. Sometimes the solution is right before us, but we don’t realize it, because we are overlooking it. My client said she felt like a blindfold was lifted . Apparently she sees her old Yoga mat in her closet every day, but chose to overlook it. “Not anymore,” she laughed.

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Sagittarius Shakes Things Up

click here for a free reading at PsychicAccess.comA few days ago, on December 7th, we had a New Moon in Sagittarius, which has been both invigorating and challenging. It has brought forth a collective desire to break free from the past, which is now stirring up some conflicts or controversies with people, politics and business relationships.

Sagittarius can shake things up to open our eyes and put us on the right track. It’s never pleasant, but the intention is actually to purify and transform our lives.

Emotions have been running high this entire year, so anything that has been suppressed may now rise to the surface and force us to face some harsh truths personally, and with others. Mercury was also retrograde until a few days ago, which offer a perfect opportunity revisiting any problem and carefully finding the best solution.

Energy levels are also low, so take your time and try not to get stuck inside the storm. Avoid being impulsive at this time, because you might regret it later. Also, think about what isn’t contributing to your growth and how you can eliminate anything or anyone who doesn’t make you feel loved or valued. Continue reading

A Life-Changing Ripple Effect

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comAfter a visit to the doctor a friend of mine was told she needed to be more active. Her job requires her to travel, so not a lot time to work out. Her office job also doesn’t offer a lot of opportunity for her to move around and get that much needed muscle activity going in her body.

After a reading with me she said she was motivated to change her lifestyle and do something she hadn’t even thought of before, but loved the idea of it so much she decided to “take action.” Pun intended.

Her plan was to start a group exercise class that incorporated Yoga and some light callisthenic exercises using a chair, for those who couldn’t stand long. Her aim was to make it appropriate for all age brackets and all levels of fitness, so that anyone could participate. The key was to move!

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