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Shield Your Soul From Negative Energy

Click Here now FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThere is an evil darkness in our world that seeks to destroy people’s lives and souls. As a highly sensitive person I have been a witness to it my entire life, and I don’t like it. I see people changing for the worse because of it and it’s simply unacceptable.

But I am not referring to a mysterious evil force or demonic entity. No, I’m speaking of the angry, hateful, negative energies that reside within ordinary people like you and me. These forces of evil roam the world seeking the ruin of souls, striving for the opposite of what is good, and positive, loving, and full of light.

We are all spiritual beings in the flesh, but not all of us choose to live our lives as agents of light and love. Instead, some succumb to going through life as energy thieves and psychic vampires. It’s easy to spot the difference. Ever been around someone that leaves you feeling drained and not good about yourself, or your life? Well, I have to tell you these negative souls will destroy your joy and happiness if you allow them.

Misery certainly loves company. To keep these negative souls from zapping your energy and constantly bringing you down, you must learn to surround yourself with the white light and unconditional  love of Spirit, God, Source, the Universe. Ask the Divine to protect you from all forms of negativity: negative talk, negative behavior, and negative energy.

Negativity can come unexpectedly from a person that you may never have guessed would be capable of harming your spiritually. They may not even realize they affecting your energy and well-being, but there is a spiritual battle going on every day. So, please be more aware of the people you spend time with and ask your inner guidance system if it is good for you to be around certain individuals and groups. Is that friend or relative uplifting and inspiring you to be the best person you can be, through their words, action and deeds? If not, why are you even hanging out with them?

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Can Anyone Read The Tarot?

Click Here now FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comDuring this past week alone, several people from different walks of life have asked me this very question. Yes, anyone can learn, but as some of my Tarot students have shown, it’s the passion you have for Tarot that makes the difference, and that can turn someone into a reader with a difference.

Tarot readings can be used for one’s personal growth only, or for doing readings for self and others. Often individuals learn the Tarot of their own volition, paying particular attention to its imagery and symbolism, as they develop their skill with practice, practice, and more practice.

Once they feel they can trust their higher self and their spirit guides, and feel they are being directed to the symbols and imagery in Tarot, which will kick start the required information to be revealed, they will be confident to do Tarot readings.

A good teacher or mentor will always encourage a student to be guided by the way the Tarot talks to them, and not just by learning ‘parrot fashion’ the many meanings each card may have.

It is the language of symbols which helps us more easily tune into the unconscious mind, especially when there is not always time available to spend many hours doing psychic development, and going within and meditating before a reading.

Many Tarot readers work with various spreads, or layouts, to help them answer specific questions and to define events, timing, important influences and important people in the questioner’s life. Tarot helps us find clarity as to the direction in which we are headed and even helps identify blocks which may lie ahead.

I have in my collection at least fifteen Tarot decks, but one or two would suffice for most people. I just love the way talented people have been able to bring Tarot to life in their own Tarot deck design, using their own imagery, shapes and color.

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We Can Co-Create A More Caring World

Click Here now FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comEach part of our body has many functions, many parts. Some we can see and some, of course, we cannot. Each has a very important function and serves a role that helps our body to work and operate well.

For our body to continue to run well, we have to take care of all the parts. We must ensure, for example, that we don’t drink too much alcohol, or eat too many processed foods, because if we do it could ruin our health. But healthy living goes beyond our physical lifestyle. If we think negative thoughts, or are emotionally bitter or cynical, then we also promote disease in the human body.

It also goes beyond our own life and body. Our planet is also a living, breathing body and all the smaller parts of our wonderful world must also run smoothly, in order for nations and countries to survive and grow, and for all to live in peace and harmony.

If we all do our job, and we are all on the same team with the same values, such as harmony, love and peace, we could have a gloriously peaceful, harmonious world. We are aware of things like corruption, greed and dysfunctional politics. These evil practices go on and make for ripples of constant negativity. Sometimes we see it in horrible ways, where lives are ruined and destroyed.

We all have different talents and gifts. If we all listened to the messages from our higher consciousness, and acted on them, we could co-create a meaningful change in the world.  If we all did our part, and maybe weren’t so complacent, and really listened and heeded our true calling, we may be able to work together – just like our body uses all of its parts to function. We are all one in spirit and we are all connected. We must all contribute.

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The Miracle Of Automatic Handwriting

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comGrowing up in a psychic family, I was constantly among adults who were seeing ghosts and reading people’s eyes. But I always wanted to be different than the other psychics in my family.

I guess that is one of the reasons why I began reading ordinary playing cards, instead of the Tarot. But I wanted to experiment even further, and in time I also discovered that I could open up the flood gates with automatic hand writing.

I have to be very careful, because when you use automatic writing it can be like opening a can of worms. Each time I do this I make sure beforehand that my mind is calm and clear. I also see to it that I have lots of blank paper, because you can use a lot of paper in one session.

I also have to make sure that when I did connect with a spirit it was indeed from the Light. After some of the things I have witnessed in my life, I certainly do not want to invite any evil spirit or any other dark entity that could harm my family or me.

I remember my very first time I was very skeptical of doing automatic writing; I asked, “Are you with the Light?” A simple question. The only answer I received was a straight line. I was not very happy or impressed. That was it? Just a straight line? My second time it was not bad, because the pen wrote the word yes. It kind of freaked me out at the time.

I knew I needed to practice more. So, I put more hours into it and the more often I did it, the better I became. I would even try it while playing music. Eventually, I was ready to try this together with the cards. This is not a traditional method, but like I said, I wanted to be different. The first time I placed the cards face down and then did the automatic writing first, to see what it would say.  The first word that came through was “baby”. Next was the word “girl” and then “candy.”

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Faith Is My Armor Of Light

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWhen I had just completed high school, I decided it was time to venture out into the world, get an apartment and just experience living all on my own. So, one month after graduation, I let my butterfly wings soar and found a little place about a few blocks from where I grew up.

One night something happened I will never forget, even though it was 30 years ago. I remember it like it was yesterday. Someone brought over an Ouija board! I was brought up to believe that the Ouija board is  a portal to the lower realm and negative energies, and that sometimes who you want to connect with isn’t always who actually comes through. My friends and I asked the board who we were talking to and his name was George.

The part that really creeped me out came later, after everyone had gone home. I was cleaning up. My apartment was on the third floor and as I was looking down at the four corner intersection below, there was a car sitting under the street light. An older, bald man rolled the window down and leaned over to look up at me through the passenger window. “I’m George”, he said. I was so creeped out!

My roommate was gone and I was exhausted, but I couldn’t sleep. Lying in my bed later, I was trying to make sense of it all. I looked across the room and the light coming in through the blinds made it so I could see the hallway and the doorway. And there I suddenly saw the shape of a man; the figure of a man that was so dark, but you could totally make out it was a man standing right there in the doorway!  I will never forget his voice. “I will never leave you, nor forsake you”, he said. Amazingly, I felt immediately comforted.

The church I grew up in was directly across from my new apartment. And I just knew that he was an angel, letting me know that through my faith I am protected. I was never again scared to be by myself.

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Keep Your Home Safe From Toxic Energy

Click Here right now FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comYour house is your sacred space. It is hallowed ground. It is the place where you and your loved ones regenerate, and find renewed strength and inner peace. For this reason, the energy in your home must be kept healthy and clean.

Some people believe it is okay to temporarily allow toxic people and other sources of negative energy into their homes, and then try to meditate, pray or smudge it away with sage later on, when it becomes a problem. I do not recommend this approach.

It is not always that simple or easy to get rid of negative energy. It tends to linger, especially when it is very aggressive, or has an extremely low, dark vibration. It may require a lot of repetitive spiritual cleansing work, and your firm intention, to be properly dealt with.

I used to take in people in need, who temporarily needed a refuge or safe haven. But I learned a difficult lesson. While I had the best intentions, and my heart was in the right place, I wasn’t actually helping them. Most of them only went on to damage my property, steal my belongings, or hurt my feelings in some way. All of them somehow took advantage of me. And they always left my house, and my heart, in a mess.

These days I will donate, advise, offer a ride, or even a shoulder to cry on. But no one comes into my home anymore, especially since I started having children. My home is now sacred, holy territory. And I keep the energy pure in every possible way.

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Integrating With 5th Dimension Energies

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comOur world is undergoing a spiritual detox, and it has been putting immense pressure on everyone to take a leap of faith into the fifth dimension of love… or continue living at a lower vibration in the third dimension of ego.

The people who are choosing to elevate themselves at this time, or in the future, may be experiencing ascension symptoms that range from feeling exhausted, confused, physically sick, overly emotional, and disconnected. This is to be expected, since you are cleansing yourself of things, places or people you no longer identify with.

Those who are stuck in the third dimension thrive on creating drama, are typically narcissistic, and have an aura that is muddled in color. They tend to resort to mind games in relationships and have a difficult time being honest about their intentions. Third dimensional people also go along with the crowd, need to be accepted by others incessantly and develop codependent, toxic relationships.

Third dimensional people also tend to be two-faced, because they have more difficulty integrating the darkness-light polarity within them. Those who are empathetic or intuitive generally sense their energy being depleted when around third dimensional people, so it’s best to keep your distance and say no when necessary.

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