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Keep Your Home Safe From Toxic Energy

Click Here right now FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comYour house is your sacred space. It is hallowed ground. It is the place where you and your loved ones regenerate, and find renewed strength and inner peace. For this reason, the energy in your home must be kept healthy and clean.

Some people believe it is okay to temporarily allow toxic people and other sources of negative energy into their homes, and then try to meditate, pray or smudge it away with sage later on, when it becomes a problem. I do not recommend this approach.

It is not always that simple or easy to get rid of negative energy. It tends to linger, especially when it is very aggressive, or has an extremely low, dark vibration. It may require a lot of repetitive spiritual cleansing work, and your firm intention, to be properly dealt with.

I used to take in people in need, who temporarily needed a refuge or safe haven. But I learned a difficult lesson. While I had the best intentions, and my heart was in the right place, I wasn’t actually helping them. Most of them only went on to damage my property, steal my belongings, or hurt my feelings in some way. All of them somehow took advantage of me. And they always left my house, and my heart, in a mess.

These days I will donate, advise, offer a ride, or even a shoulder to cry on. But no one comes into my home anymore, especially since I started having children. My home is now sacred, holy territory. And I keep the energy pure in every possible way.

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The Healing Power Of Trees

Click Here right now FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comRecently, I was visiting the small town in the Spanish countryside where I lived a couple of years ago. After running my errands, I met up with a friend in a small café, close to her home. Here we struck up a conversation with a very interesting, serene-looking gentleman, who had some fascinating things to say about the trees in the beautiful pine forests that surround the town.

At first he told us how worried he was that we might be subjected once again to a total lockdown due to the Covid-19 pandemic. But it soon became clear his fear was not due to the usual reasons. Apparently he goes to the nearby forest several days per week, for what he describes as his “charge up fix” of energy from the trees.

During the total lockdown in Spain earlier this year, he greatly missed the forest and, combined with the lockdown restrictions and sense of isolation, him not being energized as usual by his beloved trees, had a significant impact on his overall well-being and mental health.

He mentioned how he usually spends a lot of time talking to one particular old tree, and knew the tree was missing his presence when he had to stay away during the lockdown. He proudly showed us a photo of this favorite tree and explained how he communicates telepathically with the tree.

He had named the tree ‘Buho’ (Owl), because both the appearance and wisdom of the tree reminded him of an owl. During the lockdown period, when he was unable to visit, he would communicate telepathically with ‘Buho,’ by focusing on the photo of the tree.

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The Need For Empath Self-Care

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comIn times of great stress an empath may neglect their own needs in favor of others, and start to lose the unique perspective they bring to the world.

Since most empaths, by their very nature, want to help others, finding a balance between using their gifts, while practicing self-care, can be tricky. Simply put, it’s easy in these times for empathic people to become overwhelmed.

Empaths feel the energies of the world much stronger than others, and can pick up on the subtle changes in the emotions and intentions of those around them. The empath serves as both a mirror and a prism to the world and its energies. Being an empath feels as if your ‘personal filter’ has been turned off, and naturally, there are many things in our noisy, hectic world that can trigger empaths.

Whether it be the chaos of others arguing or fighting; the feeling of getting lost in a crowd; the sense that others are being phony or inauthentic; or just too much on one’s emotional plate all at once; the empath may begin to withdraw, or even shut off from the rest of the world, when it all becomes too much.

Think of an empath’s ability to pick up on energies like a motion-alarm system which is constantly being tripped by any form of movement or activity. In this case the motions are the energies, emotions, and forces which shape our world. The empath has to deal with the stresses of this constant barrage.

Not only is the empath surrounded in modern society by constant incoming sensory stimuli: flickering images, flashing lights, loud music, conversations, and ambient noise, but also moving in though an ocean of all kinds of good and bad energy. Finding time and space to shut off all the noise, and block out all the negative energies, needs to be part of an empath’s daily self-care routine.

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Protect Your Energy From Toxic People

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comIt is vital to protect ourselves energetically from toxic, negative people. It is essential to our health and well-being. To one degree or another we’ve all have experienced negative, toxic people. These people are sometimes easy to detect, but not always.

The most typical scenario I have encountered is the unkind or rude family member, or distant relative. These are also the most difficult to dealt with, because we often time have no choice but to spend time with them at family events and gatherings. Usually we feel we have no choice in the matter, bit this is actually not true. We do have a choice.

We don’t have to attend every family event. If you know the toxic person is going to be there, you simply don’t have to rise to the occasion. Stop feeling guilty for not attending. Of course, there are usually other family members who make you feel like you have to be there. “It just won’t be Christmas without you,” they might say.  But what it really comes down to is your personal well-being. Sure, you may only have to absorb their negative energy once or twice a year, but just like once you have heard something disturbing you can’t ‘unhear’ it, once you have had the experience it is now a part of your memories.

I prefer to be proactive when it comes to managing my energy. And we do have the right to decide who we choose to spend time with, or not. I prefer spending time with those relatives and friends who are compassionate and kind, instead of those who lack tact, are rude, cruel and inconsiderate. I prefer to avoid those who think their opinions are fact, and who are constantly dropping poison upon others with their negative comments. Not okay. Not ever.

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Leaving Your Spiritual Footprint

Click Here for a FREE psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comA footprint is an impression left behind by a human foot or shoe on the ground or some other surface. If you have ever been at the beach, you have probably noticed that this is the one place where a footprint is so easily and readily left behind. It I also not too difficult to determine if the impression was left by a an adult, or a small child. But have you gone any further than merely noticing those footprints? Have you ever wondered where does the person live who left that footprint? What is their education and career? What is their current relationship status? What is the life and legacy embedded in each of those imprints?

Human souls also leave behind their ‘metaphysical footprint’ by fulfilling their spiritual calling and soul purpose in their lifetime. The more exceptional or extraordinary ones are written about in our history books. They are great teachers, prophets and spiritual leaders that have left a discernible legacy behind when they departed from this world. When any person takes on a cause, with sometimes the most forceful opposition, to create an new and improved world for the common good, it is always an indicator that a spiritual footprint is being made.

Saint Teresa of Calcutta, simply known as Mother Theresa, for example, is certainly a spiritual icon that has left a well-established footprint of compassion, kindness and charity that continues to be recognized all over the world. We do not expect her to have been a perfect person, but the sincerity and love that she professed for some of the most spurned and downtrodden cannot be denied by anyone. It is to me abundantly clear that she indeed left a footprint of love, compassion and acceptance which equates at the end of the day to her being totally connected to and aligned with spirit.

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The Spiritual Cleansing Of Negative Energies

Click Here for a FREE psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comNegative energies and dark entities are sometimes misunderstood and misused concepts in spirituality. The term ‘negative energy’ is typically thought of as an ‘evil force’ that is intending harm to you, or something sinister that lies hidden in your home. But this is often not the case. I have a somewhat different view of this.

I believe much of the modern day fear and superstition around ‘dark entities’ may be due to the misunderstanding of old texts scribed in a style that may be too cryptic for today’s language and worldview. There are many instances in both Christian and Buddhist religious literature, for example, in which ‘demons’ are mentioned, but in my opinion they are referring to these phenomena in a poetic manner, as a metaphor.

One clear example of this is the so-called ‘Noonday Demon,’ or ‘Midday Devil’ found in Psalm 90:6 of the Hebrew Bible. It is a demonic figure believed to be active around noon every day to make people restless, distracted and excitable, causing its victims to neglect their work or duties. Well, we all know that sluggish feeling we tend to get after a lunch hour. The digestive process takes quite a bit of our energy, and spikes in our insulin levels, as well as neurotransmitters like serotonin and melatonin, doesn´t help to keep our focus on a specific task.

The solution proposed in traditional texts for this ‘demonic activity’ does not, however, involve exorcisms with Holy Water or other radical metaphysical interventions. Instead what is recommend is mere tenacity and patience. It is evidently more of a normal, physical challenge that one has to overcome, instead of it being a ‘psychic attack by the devil.’

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The Lightworker’s Mission – New Assignments In New Places

Click Here for a FREE psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comWith so many people currently working from home, the business world as we know it will be changing exponentially. More and more companies are recognizing the benefits of having their employees work remotely, for numerous reasons. This scenario may very likely create a greater change on a grander level – a shifting of consciousness from one city to the next, and from country to country.

What do I mean by shifting of consciousness? Well, someone residing in New York City, for example, who has to live there for work, may in future have the ability to work remotely from anywhere in the world, using the Internet, and they may therefore choose to relocate. Smaller towns and cities could potentially see a welcome increase in its population, after decades of urbanization and economic decline.

Many professionals may in future choose to live in smaller towns, because the pace of life is calmer, the air and environment is cleaner, or because it’s a safer place to raise children. Smaller towns and rural communities offer various desirable lifestyle qualities.

Furthermore, city dwellers moving to smaller towns will bring with them the energetics of the metropolis. They will attract new products and services based on demand, or may choose to open a business of their own that didn’t exist in the area before, which in turn will draw more city-minded people to the area.  Their everyday wants and desires may shift somewhat when living in this smaller town, but they will also bring with them the mindset of big city life. The same holds true for remote workers migrating to other states, countries and even continents.

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