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The True Power Of Your Worst Nightmares

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWhen I was 24 years old, I was a somewhat disempowered young lady who went to work for the city council. All the girls in the office had an active social life and a boyfriend, except me.

In fact, I was bullied for it and became a bit of a joke around the water cooler, to the extent that I could not properly concentrate on the task at hand and ultimately lost my job. Looking back, it was one of the best things that ever happened to me. But, at the time, it did not feel like it.

About a year ago, I started to have a recurring dream that I was 24 again, and sharing an office with the same mean girls, supervised by the same misogynist boss. But this time I had a very different mindset.

In my dream, the boss had criticized my work. So, I pick up the documents he complained about to, walk up to his office, put it on his desk, and tell him politely to type his own letters in future. I was going home now, because I am no longer prepared to put up with his nonsense.

Well, if only I had the same courage back in the old days, I might have suffered far less emotional anguish! I felt really empowered in the dream, and it brought me the realization that I no longer have to suffer fools and that I need to stick up for myself more often. However, the dream also revealed to me that I still had not entirely made peace with the past, otherwise the dream would not be recurring.

The moral of the story is that dreams do not only reflect how we are doing in the present, and how far we have advanced in life, but also what we need to do to work on ourselves to be even better in the future. How powerful and life-enhancing is that!

Another compelling dream I have been having of late is of myself flying a light hovercraft over the estate where I lived as a child.  I faced several challenging, traumatizing things growing up there, including poverty and domestic abuse. However, this liberating dream confirms that I have managed to rise above those childhood setbacks and obstacles, and I am now in control of my own life and destiny.

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How To Maintain A Healthy Aura

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThe aura is an emanation surrounding the body of a living creature; it is viewed as the essence of the individual and discernible by people with special sensibilities. Although most children can see them, it’s getting them to tell you what they see that’s the problem, especially, if they don’t know their colors.

Auras have a spectrum of colors that can be photographed with special equipment. Most people believe that auras are intangible. They don’t realize that the health of one’s aura can easily be monitored and sustained healthily. Just as one monitors your blood pressure or insulin levels. Even though you can’t see your aura doesn’t mean it isn’t there. We can’t see radio waves or x-rays, yet we still know they exist. If you want to monitor the health of your aura you must rely on an aura reading by someone capable of seeing them. Fortunately, there are techniques we can use to maintain a healthy aura.

It is a misconception to think that an extended aura is a good thing. An overextended aura brings about many health problems. Aches, pains, insomnia to name a few. An overextended aura also can leave one vulnerable to negative energies. I was always taught that when someone drinks or uses drugs, it in a sense, blows big holes in ones aura. This allows these negative forces to attach themselves to you and work through you.

Have you ever lived with an alcoholic? Or know someone who is a drug addict? Have you ever noticed how they change when they are drinking or drunk? Certain drugs and alcohol lowers the inhibitions. Thus, allowing such entities to take control. Ever notice, when someone is under the influence, their voice changes and often times, so does the color of their eyes. They become violent or abusive. They may become promiscuous, while normally they are more reserved.

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Shield Your Soul From Negative Energy

Click Here now FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThere is an evil darkness in our world that seeks to destroy people’s lives and souls. As a highly sensitive person I have been a witness to it my entire life, and I don’t like it. I see people changing for the worse because of it and it’s simply unacceptable.

But I am not referring to a mysterious evil force or demonic entity. No, I’m speaking of the angry, hateful, negative energies that reside within ordinary people like you and me. These forces of evil roam the world seeking the ruin of souls, striving for the opposite of what is good, and positive, loving, and full of light.

We are all spiritual beings in the flesh, but not all of us choose to live our lives as agents of light and love. Instead, some succumb to going through life as energy thieves and psychic vampires. It’s easy to spot the difference. Ever been around someone that leaves you feeling drained and not good about yourself, or your life? Well, I have to tell you these negative souls will destroy your joy and happiness if you allow them.

Misery certainly loves company. To keep these negative souls from zapping your energy and constantly bringing you down, you must learn to surround yourself with the white light and unconditional  love of Spirit, God, Source, the Universe. Ask the Divine to protect you from all forms of negativity: negative talk, negative behavior, and negative energy.

Negativity can come unexpectedly from a person that you may never have guessed would be capable of harming your spiritually. They may not even realize they affecting your energy and well-being, but there is a spiritual battle going on every day. So, please be more aware of the people you spend time with and ask your inner guidance system if it is good for you to be around certain individuals and groups. Is that friend or relative uplifting and inspiring you to be the best person you can be, through their words, action and deeds? If not, why are you even hanging out with them?

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Faith Is My Armor Of Light

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWhen I had just completed high school, I decided it was time to venture out into the world, get an apartment and just experience living all on my own. So, one month after graduation, I let my butterfly wings soar and found a little place about a few blocks from where I grew up.

One night something happened I will never forget, even though it was 30 years ago. I remember it like it was yesterday. Someone brought over an Ouija board! I was brought up to believe that the Ouija board is  a portal to the lower realm and negative energies, and that sometimes who you want to connect with isn’t always who actually comes through. My friends and I asked the board who we were talking to and his name was George.

The part that really creeped me out came later, after everyone had gone home. I was cleaning up. My apartment was on the third floor and as I was looking down at the four corner intersection below, there was a car sitting under the street light. An older, bald man rolled the window down and leaned over to look up at me through the passenger window. “I’m George”, he said. I was so creeped out!

My roommate was gone and I was exhausted, but I couldn’t sleep. Lying in my bed later, I was trying to make sense of it all. I looked across the room and the light coming in through the blinds made it so I could see the hallway and the doorway. And there I suddenly saw the shape of a man; the figure of a man that was so dark, but you could totally make out it was a man standing right there in the doorway!  I will never forget his voice. “I will never leave you, nor forsake you”, he said. Amazingly, I felt immediately comforted.

The church I grew up in was directly across from my new apartment. And I just knew that he was an angel, letting me know that through my faith I am protected. I was never again scared to be by myself.

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Slay Those Demons This Festive Season!

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comIn my many years on God’s earth, I can earnestly say I feel I have ‘slain more dragons’ than St. George, ‘cast out more demons’ than the priest in The Exorcist, and conquered much bigger giants than young Jack when he climbed up that beanstalk. I am not hoping to gain sympathy by saying this, but merely to state that if I can put down my personal demons, with Spirit’s help of course, then I could help you do the same.

The year 2020 has been one of far too many challenges for most of us. Some of us have had to deal with unusual difficulties and challenges we may have never encountered otherwise. For me, it began with a cancer scare, then continued with the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic, and ended with me supporting my husband through a bout of deep depression. Indeed, 2020 is a year I will never forget, as much as I may want to!

However, my guides have been reminding me that I have also gained some blessings from this year. For one, I would say that my inner resolve has grown much stronger, and my desire to be of service and help others have reached an all-time high.

I am not suggesting that everyone must have reasons to appreciate the challenges this year brought, but as 2020 draws to a close, I do hope that the following practical strategies may help you to ‘slay some demons’ and end this year on a more positive note, in order to start next year with more optimism, hope and joy.

Find An Inspiring Role-Model

The one person who has always given me a sense of strength is the late Martin Luther King.  He famously said, “The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.”

Whenever I am in a difficult, stressful situation, I always ask myself what would Martin Luther King do in my situation? In fact, I even imagine him by my side, giving me all the strength and motivation that I need at any given time. You can do this too by finding yourself a hero or heroine that inspires you.

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The Spiritual Cleansing Of Negative Energies

Click Here for a FREE psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comNegative energies and dark entities are sometimes misunderstood and misused concepts in spirituality. The term ‘negative energy’ is typically thought of as an ‘evil force’ that is intending harm to you, or something sinister that lies hidden in your home. But this is often not the case. I have a somewhat different view of this.

I believe much of the modern day fear and superstition around ‘dark entities’ may be due to the misunderstanding of old texts scribed in a style that may be too cryptic for today’s language and worldview. There are many instances in both Christian and Buddhist religious literature, for example, in which ‘demons’ are mentioned, but in my opinion they are referring to these phenomena in a poetic manner, as a metaphor.

One clear example of this is the so-called ‘Noonday Demon,’ or ‘Midday Devil’ found in Psalm 90:6 of the Hebrew Bible. It is a demonic figure believed to be active around noon every day to make people restless, distracted and excitable, causing its victims to neglect their work or duties. Well, we all know that sluggish feeling we tend to get after a lunch hour. The digestive process takes quite a bit of our energy, and spikes in our insulin levels, as well as neurotransmitters like serotonin and melatonin, doesn´t help to keep our focus on a specific task.

The solution proposed in traditional texts for this ‘demonic activity’ does not, however, involve exorcisms with Holy Water or other radical metaphysical interventions. Instead what is recommend is mere tenacity and patience. It is evidently more of a normal, physical challenge that one has to overcome, instead of it being a ‘psychic attack by the devil.’

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Spiritual Attachment And Detachment

Click Here for a FREE psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comThe physical world is not the only realm in which some of us struggle with issues of detachment (alienation), or attachment (codependency). The same holds true in the spirit realms.

If we experience spiritual attachment, this usually happens as a result of an addictive personality. In life, one could be addicted to unhealthy relationships, various substances, shopping, food, and so on. The driving force behind all of these is basically the same – the attempt to fill a perceived void with a substitute.

This inclination can then lead to the presence of negative spirit attachments with addictive energies. Perhaps the spirit entity had the same kind of addiction when it was in physical form, and still needs to experience that ‘high.’

When this happens, the victim in the physical world, to whom the spirit entity has attached itself, may become more stubborn and in denial over the need to change their habits. Many friends and family members who have had to deal with addicts, will tell you that addiction changed their loved one’s personality. From a spiritual perspective this is very true.

Spiritual detachment, on the other hand, happens when someone is the victim of abuse or trauma. A part of themselves ‘detaches’ or becomes distant from their core self, which may unintentionally invite a more powerful spirit presence to enter, to ‘protect’ or ‘guide’ the victim. Aristotle’s phrase ‘nature abhors a vacuum’ comes to mind. It means every space or void in nature always needs to be filled with something. The same holds true in the spirit realm.

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