Life Design
Astrological Forecast November 9 – 15, 2020
Mars will turn direct this Friday, after a retrograde cycle of two months, and we’ll begin to feel forward movement once again. It’s time to focus on our personal lives with more determined action, and with the Moon in Virgo on Monday and Tuesday, we’ll be able to focus on the details and make solid plans for future movement.
Expect some challenges with emotional balancing on Wednesday and Thursday under the Libra Moon, followed by a spiritually karmic Moon in Scorpio over the weekend. What’s done is done, what’s been decided is decided, and we’ll all want to go within on Friday and Saturday, to regroup and find our center.
A Scorpio New Moon occurs on Saturday, opening up a two-week cycle of new beginnings and fresh starts, primarily on a soul level. The things we’ve been learning about ourselves, as the Sun has been traveling through Scorpio, will now turn our focus to the future and doing things differently, and with more freedom of movement, and conviction of heart. Sunday’s Sagittarius Moon will encourage a lighthearted day, so take things easy and have some fun!
Will The Aliens Come And Rescue Us?
I don’t know if is due to the havoc that has been happening on our planet in recent months, but lately I have consistently been having an unusual, recurring thought. I have been wondering whether the aliens might be willing to come and rescue us? Unfortunately, my next instinct is usually, I doubt they will!
If we had the opportunity to express our fears and worries to highly-evolved extraterrestrial beings, and ask for their help, how would they respond?
Let’s say we tell them how terrified or confused we have been of this insidious new virus that has been spreading all over our world. Or maybe we would whine and fret over the changing climate, extreme weather patterns, pollution, the plight of the animals, or environmental decline. Or we might lament the many socio-economic hardships, cultural difficulties, psychological suffering and physical pain many of us face in our daily lives.
My guess is the aliens would immediately question our fears, and remind us that it only creates panic and paralysis. Fear does not heal, or solve problems. The aliens will also explain to us that while we are here in this particular plane of physical existence, there is great value in learning to creatively cope with all the trials and tribulations that are thrown our way.
Even though life’s setbacks may appear to be frightening and insurmountable at times, each time we accept the challenge, it will enhance our personal growth and spiritual expansion. We become stronger and wiser as spiritual beings, and with the conquering of every passing fear and obstacle, we become more adept at understanding the true purpose and meaning of life and our place in the Universe.
Astrological Forecast November 2 – 8, 2020
The big event this week is Mercury turning direct tomorrow, coinciding with the United States presidential election day. It could potentially influence the election process in a negative way, for example by slowing down or complicating the counting process with technical issues, or causing miscommunication and delays with the results. With a Gemini Moon overhead from Monday to Wednesday, there will many rumors and a lot of speculation about the final outcome. And globally, there may also be speculation about the effects certain world events are having on the economy in general.
On a personal level, we may find it impossible to move in any tangible direction this week. Mercury rules Gemini, so we can expect this week to be filled with confusing conversations and a lot of conjecture in an attempt to gather the information we need to make important decisions about our future and how to move forward.
The Moon will move into Cancer on Thursday, calling for us to pull back into our personal world, and attend the things that keep us safe, comfortable and secure. The weekend will unfold under a Leo Moon, restoring our sense of self and reminding us to share all our hopes and dreams with the world – or at least the people who make up our little world! Being proactive is a theme this weekend, so let’s all focus on getting what we need, and making sure those we love have what they need.
Your Eternal, Beautiful Soul
We are not just a physical body. We are spiritual beings and our soul is ageless and eternal. It never comes to an end. The soul is energy and merely takes on different forms. For energy cannot be destroyed, only transformed.
Your soul is currently manifested in a physical body, but you are not your body. Your soul is who you really are, the very core of your existence.
It is my belief that the soul chooses many new and different experiences as a physical manifestation, each time it decides to incarnate. Some of these physical experiences are very joyful and fulfilling, while other can be very challenging and evolutionary.
Many of us consider ourselves to be ‘old souls.’ An old soul is basically a person that seems to have deep wisdom, unusual insight, or profound compassion from their early childhood. As children they are often said to be ‘wise beyond their years.’
Old souls are often what others may call ‘the voice of reason.’ They tend to see all sides of a situation, or know just the right thing to say to help others with guidance, without dictating to them which path to take.
Most people are conscious of taking care of their body and mind, but not so much about taking the time to nurture their soul. To this day many scientists and medical experts still do not associate physical health and well-being with the mind-body-soul connection. Adding the soul to the wellness equation creates the best medicine possible, in my opinion.
Reset Your Spiritual Energy In Just Three Days
The Covid-19 pandemic has been a source of much fear, stress and emotional discomfort. Especially empaths and highly sensitive people are experiencing this very intensely and it has been overwhelming for many.
It is my belief and experience that we can manifest whatever we can clearly envision in our mind’s eye, as long as it’s for the highest good. And I have to wonder, why are there not more of us currently working towards shifting the world to become more healthy and safe for all of us?
The answer is very simple, but difficult to accept. We do have a choice with everything we do with our lives. However, we cannot make someone else choose the same manifestations that we choose. Everyone has free will. Some may choose to live in world of fear, anxiety, and chaos, while others choose peace, safety and harmony.
Maybe it is time for each of us to look at our life and decide what is most important to us. How do we want to live? What does our ideal or best life look like?
Know that you can create change in your life and in this world. You can start fresh by starting over. Do you realize that you create a tiny ball that you become stuck in, as you obsessively focus on your problems or issues in life. This ball expands like a snowball, but it feels tighter and tighter with each passing moment. You can crawl out of this ball of tension and fear by simply setting the intention to take three days and do the initial work to reset your energy focus. Continue reading
The Virus That Brought A New Lease On Life
I have been asking spirit to help me better understand the deeper meaning of the COVID-19 virus emerging at this time in human history. This is how it has been explained to me.
The surfacing of the novel coronavirus is unfortunate, and in many ways tragic, but it also has value. It is teaching mankind many important spiritual and life lessons, including the value of slowing down, appreciating life, and loving each other more.
Modern society has been rapidly expanding and moving increasingly faster and faster since the 1918 influenza pandemic – the most severe pandemic in recent history. In our modern world we have grown accustomed to constantly rushing, and we seldom, if ever, take time to stop and smell the roses.
My spirit guides showed me that it is like a car driving over the speed limit all day, every day…until it burns out. We have been speeding through life. Rushing here, rushing there. No time to rest, no time to prepare healthy food, no quality time with our loved ones, no gratitude or appreciation for the blessings we receive, and also no respect for Mother Nature.
The Divine Creator decorated this place we call home with some pretty amazing scenery and life forms: oceans, mountains, forests, rivers, deserts, wild life and beautiful flora. Yet, we choose to speed by without noticing much of it.