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From Believing To Knowing

Click Here to get a FREE psychic reading right now at“I wish I believed in the spirit world like you do,” my best friend commented many years ago. I then told her that it wasn’t so much a case of believing, but more of a matter of knowing.

Last week, a new friend asked me to teach him how to have this ‘knowing’ that I have. But I really have no idea how to do that? I never experienced a transition from believing to knowing. The ‘knowing’ has always just been there.

I have always felt that the spirit realm is our true connection to home. As the years passed, I began more and more to view planet Earth as our schoolroom. And boy can we get some lessons while we are here!

When I think back, I have recollections of spirit activity around me from when I was about five or six years old. My parents and I were living in Ottawa, Canada, at the time, where my dad had recently been employed. We were temporarily living in a creepy rental home, until my father found his feet and we would be able to move to a house with better vibes.

I recall seeing and hearing shadow beings in the hallway of that eerie house in Ottawa, and I remember telling my mother about the paranormal activity I sensed there. But she thought I was just imagining things, or seeking attention. I also recall lying in bed, scared, listening to what sounded like chattering voices. The energy in that old place wasn’t malevolent, but it didn’t feel benevolent either.

The most profound experience occurred when I was just nine years old. We had moved back to the United Kingdom and were visiting family friends. They were hosting a party, and the kids were sent off to bed, while the adults carried on with their social event below.

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Raising A Psychic Child

Click Here for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comBefore I conceived my first child, I had a lot of communication in the spirit realm with the souls of both my children. My son showed me, for example, how he prefers to be viewed on the Other Side, as a young Mayan male. I had some physical challenges with his pregnancy, but he came to me in spirit and healed me. After his birth his healing ability became even more evident as he started growing up.

He also told me he wanted to be born on August 3rd, although my due date was actually July 27th. When my doctor told me he wanted me to be induced on August 1st, I begged my doctor to wait until the 3rd. I knew it was an important date to my son. But my doctor refused. So, I was induced on the 1st…and my stubborn son simply turned his head and refused to come out, until he decided it was the right time! He was born a triple Leo on August 3rd.

My son has shown from a very young age many signs that he is psychic. He once saw a advertisement for a herbal supplement to help children sleep. All it said was SLEEP on the packaging there was no other indication of bedtime or children sleeping. He could not yet read, and we have never talked about anything relating to the concept of needing to take medication to sleep. So, this was not in his frame reference. He looked at it and simply said, “This is to help kids sleep.”

I remember many moments like that where he just knew things he could not possibly know. When my mom, a very scientific skeptic, came to visit, she experienced a lot of back pain. I told my son that grandma had an ‘owie’ back. He was only one year old at the time. He then climbed on the couch behind her, touched her back… and her pain went away!

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Our Loved Ones In The Realm Next Door

Click Here for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comSomeone very close to me recently had an unusual near-death experience. It was a profound event she says she will never forget, and it reminded me of the fact that our loved ones are always around us, whether we believe it, or not.

My dear friend had to go into the hospital for an iron infusion. She was severely deficient and the iron supplements she had been taking, weren’t doing the trick. Not looking forward to the procedure, and having been told that she could have an adverse reaction to the infusion, she was not at all excited to go to the emergency room.

Soon after they started the infusion, she passed out! But this was more than just her fainting. While she was in this altered state of consciousness, she had repeated encounters with both her deceased parents. She felt their warm embrace comforting her and telling her all was going to be okay, and not to worry.

“We are both with you, we love you and we are here protecting you,” they told her. “It is not your time, you still have things you have to do and people around you who love you, and care a lot about you, and need you.”

The experience was quite traumatic for my friend. She came to twice, and then passed out again. Three times in total. Being that she is over 70, and considered very weak for her age, the medical staff were concerned for her safety. Thankfully, all went well in the end. Today she feels much stronger and has more energy, as her blood was build back up thanks to the iron infusion. But she says she doesn’t think she will be getting such an infusion again anytime soon!

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Opening Up To The Spirit Realm

Click Here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comAll of us will experience the passing of a loved one at some point in our lives. It is very painful to deal with the aftermath of such a loss, but the ability to communicate with our loved ones on the other side can help to alleviate this trauma.

Since my daughter left this life over five years ago, I have been able to clearly and distinctly see her at any given time, which has been extremely gratifying for me. I has assured me that that she is now in a much nicer, calmer existence.

Her lifetime in this world was at times trying and extremely painful. Part of that was to repay her karmic debt, and the remainder was her individual spiritual journey which had to play itself out.

What I also enjoy is being able to experience with my own eyes how her new life is now so entirely different from the one we shared during her brief stay here. While in this life, she was not such a domesticated character, for example. Obviously she cooked and cleaned to take care of herself and her family, but she never would have been considered a ‘homemaker’ or a ‘kitchen aficionado.’ Quite the contrary to being a ‘domestic goddess,’ her heart was always much more geared towards the creative, artistic, free-spirited side of life.

She painted and sculpted, and wore outlandish clothes with the most confident panache. Her taste in her own personal wardrobe was unusual to say the least, and her home and yard were always decorated with complete abandon and eccentricity. She also was in such total compliance with nature, it was a joy to be able to experience that interaction with her.

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Fly Me To The Moon

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comDespite modern day skepticism, people have reported seeing apparitions of those who have crossed over since the dawn of time. This paranormal phenomenon is definitely nothing new to my way of thinking, because I see spirit all the time. They tend to come back to let their relatives know they’re okay, and to reassure us that they are watching over us. But sometimes earthbound spirits also appear to ask for my assistance with shamanic soul rescue work.

One of my clients used to live in the busy part of Manhattan, in a very tall building where she could see other peoples balconies. When I was doing a phone psychic reading for her one day, she told me that there was a woman who kept looking over her balcony.

She could never figure out why she always kept looking down. For a while she thought she was trying to see if she had lost something that might’ve fallen from her balcony, or maybe she was looking at somebody. This had gone on for several months.

The unusual situation peaked my interest. One day, when I was consulting again with this client, there was a ‘nagging energy’ that kept coming in on my left. I decided to bring it in… and it was the woman on that balcony. Well, actually it was her spirit coming to me. The woman was no longer in this life. She had committed suicide and her spirit was still lingering on the balcony of that apartment building. Her spirit needed to be released.

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Be Mindful Of Your Words And Thoughts

Click for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comIt is important to consider one’s ‘vibes’ and intentions, because is an essential aspect of understanding intuition, manifesting, destiny and predicting the future. The momentum of any person’s life is consistent with the vibrations they are putting out into the Universe. So, when an intuitive or psychic is looking at your situation, it is often based not only on your existing vibration, but often Spirit will also reveal a potential that could shift the vibe within a situation or change the future outcome.

Psychics, intuitives and diviners do not create your future, but they can explore and reveal the potential and energy within a situation, in order to predict the likelihood and probability of potential outcomes. Although it does not happen very frequently, I sometimes have clients approach predictions during a reading with a cynical mentality of ‘it will never happen.’ And, I have also heard Spirit respond very bluntly to such skeptical clients: “Then it won’t.”

The mind matters when it comes to our lives and situations. I don’t believe that Spirit deals in false hope, but I do know from experience that the mind is the catalyst for our experiences. Therefore, vibes are important. Our vibes show us what we are actively engaging in and what we can expect for the future. At times it can even be best to stop, or satiate the more challenging vibes we have to a situation, by disconnecting from the story of the situation entirely.

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Ghosts Are Real

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAcccess.comAre ghosts real? I certainly know that they are, because I have come face-to-face with them during paranormal investigations. Many paranormal experts claim there is scientific evidence that they are real. Believers say that skeptics are not listening to what is in front of them, but skeptics say that any paranormal evidence likely has a rational explanation and that those who are chasing ghosts are fooling themselves. All I know I is this: I have seen ghosts right in front of me… standing there, looking right at me.

I have been to many haunted sites and sometimes ghosts can be downright nasty, not to be confused with spirits. Ghosts do not know that they are dead, and they can become very annoyed when you are in a house that they dwell in. In these cases you are the intruder. I have had objects thrown at me, heard voices telling me to get out. I always smudge myself with sage. I use it before and after an investigation so that nothing attaches to me.

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