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saturn in pisces

Astrology Forecast September 30 – October 6, 2024

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThe week begins today with a mix of intense and motivating energies as the Moon in Virgo opposes Saturn in Pisces. This aspect can make us feel a bit constrained or burdened by responsibility, creating an urge to retreat into overthinking or self-criticism.

Fortunately, the Moon’s sextile to Mars in Cancer will provide a balancing boost of emotional drive and determination. You’ll find the energy to tackle your tasks, especially those related to home, health and nurturing. It’s an excellent time to focus on practical matters and get things done, even if you feel some inner resistance or self-doubt.

The Moon’s sesquiquadrate with Pluto however may add an undercurrent of intensity that brings deep-seated emotions to the surface. You may feel a bit edgy or sensitive, but this energy can be channeled into transformative work. Use this energy influence to identify and release any emotional patterns that may be holding you back.

As the Moon enters Libra on Tuesday, the energy shifts from Virgo’s meticulous, detail-oriented focus to Libra’s desire for balance, harmony, and connection. After a somewhat intense and self-critical start to the week, this shift brings a refreshing breath of calm. You may feel a stronger pull toward social interactions, partnership and finding balance in your life. This influence is ideal for seeking compromise, engaging in creative pursuits, or simply enjoying a more peaceful atmosphere.

Wednesday’s annual solar eclipse during a Libra New Moon brings an opportunity to reset our relationships and seek harmony in areas of life that may feel out of sync. Libra’s energy emphasizes diplomacy, fairness, and the pursuit of inner peace. You may feel a strong urge to confront imbalances, whether in personal relationships, work, or your own sense of self.

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