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Grandma Will Wear Her Big Girl Boots!

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI recently discovered a website where you can “rent a friend”. It made me wonder, why would anyone need to rent a friend? Isn’t making friends a natural thing?

Normally, people who have something in common or enjoy each other’s company tend to gravitate toward each other. Even when attending a large social gathering, people tend to find like-minded people in the crowd to interact with. So, why in the world would anyone ever need to ‘rent’ a friend?

Well, the site had a list of occasions when one might want to purchase this type of service. Some of the things on the list included hiring a companion to be your plus one at a wedding, or to go to the theater, sightseeing, dinner, or even traveling abroad.

Essentially, the service connects people with common interests.

Then I wondered, are there really enough people who would use such a service to make it profitable? Apparently, there are and I should not have been be surprised. Our social life increasingly depends on digital technology.

Most of us are lucky if we can count on one hand the friends we can invite to join us on some of our adventures, let alone the few close friends we can count on in good times and bad. It is rare to have friends who have the time, money, or energy to do fun things with us on a regular basis.

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Signs That You Have A High Vibration

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comSpiritually aware people know that it is important to achieve and maintain a high energy frequency to live a truly conscious, empowered life. Diverse spiritual practices, metaphysical techniques and lifestyle activities can be pursued to achieve this elevated state of ‘beingness’ and higher consciousness.

But how does one know for sure that all your efforts to raise your vibration are indeed successful? How do you recognize an elevated ‘vibe’ in yourself and others? Are there clear signs of someone having a high energy vibration?

Yes, there are indeed certain traits and indicators one can look out for to identify people with a high vibration:

Empowered. When a person with a high energy vibration walks into a room, everybody immediately takes notice of them. They have a powerful presence. Everyone will instantly light up and suddenly become more relaxed, friendly, happy, and joyful.

Healing. People seek you out others who have a higher vibration when they are feeling sad, depressed, anxious, or just need someone to talk to. High vibration people therefore often find themselves in the role of teacher, nurturer, caregiver, healer, or peacemaker.

Trusted. People with a raised vibration are often more easily and spontaneously trusted by others. Animals and children especially are naturally drawn to those who have a high vibration. Animals and children are sensitive to negative, low energies and tend to avoid it at any cost. If a crying baby or scared pet vehemently refuses to have anything to do with someone, chances are something is off with that person’s energy. Kids and animals prefer and only trust ‘light and love’ vibes.

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Divination And The Element Of Air

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comVarious ancient cultures, metaphysical traditions and mystical teachings identify five elements that constitute the world we live in. In Western occult traditions, these elements are typically arranged in the hierarchical order of spirit (aether), fire, air, water, and earth.

Spirit or aether is the nonphysical element (or ‘fifth element’) that serves as a bridge between the physical and the metaphysical realms. Spirit is the bridge between the body and soul.

Fire is the masculine element representing inner strength, transformative power, courage, protection, purification, and assertive action.

Air is the element associated with creativity, knowledge, learning, mental intention and the universal life force.

Water is the feminine element of emotion, intuition, inner reflection and the subconscious.

Earth represents grounding, stability, fertility, family roots, and the cycles of death and rebirth.

Air is my favorite element in spiritual practice, as is associated with ideas, concepts, inspiration, and innovative thinking. It is also the element of wisdom and divination.

Working with the air element sharpens ideas, enhances experiments, and paves the way for new inventions. Musicians and artists are typically inspired by the element of air. Air is however a fickle element as it can come as a gale-force hurricane, or a calm, soothing breeze…just like our thoughts.

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Believing In Miracles

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThe most amazing miracle I have ever witnessed was the birth of my daughter and my three granddaughters. Life itself is a miracle, and a mystery. But while some of us feel even the smallest thing is a miracle, others take everything for granted and do not give much thought at all to the unexplained.

Some people refuse to believe anything is a miracle. They only trust in the natural laws of physics. For them only seeing is believing, and nothing else is possible. Natural law has no tolerance for mysteries, much less miracles.

It is natural for people to be suspicious of what they do not understand. But people used to think the world is flat, because that is what they saw when they looked at the horizon.

So, my granddaughters finally talked me into getting a smart phone. Believe me, for a person my age, this gadget is indeed a miracle, and a mystery!

When I was a teenager, my boyfriend lived a few towns away. The only communication device we had in those days was a rotary dial wall phone. I had to sit on the kitchen floor to talk to him for only ten minutes at a time, because our household shared the line with two othertechamilies!

I remember I used to think: if only I could see him while we talk. Imagine that! In 1970 that certainly would have been a miracle. Well, what seemed an impossible fantasy back then is now the modern miracle of video chat and messenger apps.

The fact that my young granddaughters are so proficient with all the new digital technology is also a miracle to me. For them, this is just the way it is – it’s nothing miraculous in their minds. Continue reading

Recycle Your Blessings This Winter Season

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comAs we approach winter in the northern hemisphere, let us be inspired by the seasonal change. Look around and observe nature as it prepares itself for a period of dormancy that leads to renewal and rebirth in the spring.

Change is the catalyst for growth in our lives. Some choose to think of winter as an unpleasant, ‘lifeless’ time, but in truth it is a golden opportunity to connect with the deeper realms of our mind and soul.

Embrace the profound stillness that this season offers and use the longer nights as opportunity for conscious self-reflection. Sit with this stillness and claim your majestic place on the sacred throne that was created solely for you.

Take back your personal power from the turbulence of the outer world and allow the chatter to grow quiet. Trust that in the midst of your most pressing thoughts and that which nags your soul, there is the Divine right path to oneness, healing, balance, peace, reconciliation, spiritual recognition, and soul empowerment.

Along with the obvious holiday cheer, this is one of the many gifts of the winter season; connecting to the eternal flame of the universe that shines on each of us.

As I ponder the personal changes I wish to embark on, I am reminded that nothing new can happen without letting go of the old. Many years ago, a dear friend implemented an annual winter ritual of clearing her closet of personal items she no longer desired. This is always performed just before the New Year.

I recall asking whether she was maybe acting too hastily in letting go of some of her prized possessions, as some of the discarded items were relatively new. She responded that she was creating space for new gifts to enter her life, while passing the old on to others who might be blessed by receiving it. My friend essentially spoke of recycling her blessings, a concept that was new to me at the time.  And in doing so, she created a special karma for herself that opened the path for new delights to enter her life.

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Astrological Forecast January 25 – 31, 2021

Click Here NOW For A FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comMercury will be turning retrograde on Saturday, but we will start to see the effects of it as early as today. If you haven’t done so already, back up your phone, computer and electronic devices, just to be safe!

Mercury’s semi-sextile with Venus this week reminds us to realign our heart and mind, instead of just following one or the other. It is also a great time to read beautifully written words, or listen to well-spoken words, so read or listen that novel you have been putting off for so long, or start writing you own!

We may lean toward more spiritual and emotional stances with the Moon traveling through Cancer today until Wednesday, so don’t worry if you can’t seem to get much done. Just go with the flow and stay alert to any intuitive messages that come your way.

Our energy will spark up again on Thursday as the Moon waxes full in fiery Leo. This is also known as the Wolf Moon, so if you feel like getting out there and howling at the Moon, now you know why!

This Moon sets off a two week period of release, allowing us to let go of any old mindsets or imagined restrictions that are holding us back. With the Sun traveling through Aquarius now, that means thinking outside the box, changing your regular routine, and embracing innovative ways to get to your dreams and goals.

We’ll spend the weekend under a Virgo Moon, and with Mercury going retrograde on Saturday, it’s best to lay low, try not to overthink things, and keep your opinions to yourself!

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