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emotional responses

Tune Into The Guidance Of Your Emotions

Click Here now FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI believe our emotions are an additional ‘sense’ we use as a means of interpreting our life experiences, in the same way the normal five senses enable us to perceive and understand the world around us. Our ‘emotional sense’ help us make decisions about our preferences all the time.

For example, I love chocolate. My sense of taste tells me that chocolate is for me! It’s a very clear and obvious signal from my taste buds to my brain. We receive and process stimuli all the time and our senses help us to ‘make sense’ of that input.

Your emotions are also giving you information about your preferences and if we listen and pay attention, we can gain a lot of guidance from it. Our emotions don’t just come from nowhere. They arise in direct response to stimuli or input, just like our senses do.

I have also heard emotions described as an internal guidance system, or our inner compass, which helps us decide what we want to create more of, and less of, in our life. We sometimes get confused though, because just like the other senses, we have different preferences.

For example, some people love coconut desserts, but I detest then. Not thanks, keep your coconut out of my chocolate! The thing is, I’m not confused about the fact that I don’t like coconut. I also don’t feel I have to change my preference because other people love coconut. And I also don’t force myself to eat it, just to make other people happy.

When one of our five physical senses tells us something we tend to listen, because it’s visceral. We feel it undeniably in the body. Emotions are no different!

When you are heartbroken, do you not feel it in your chest as a physical pain? When you are embarrassed, do your cheeks or ears not become flushed? Or how about when someone you love hugs you so warm and deliciously, all your muscles just ‘melt’ into that person? These are all physical responses the accompany our emotions.

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Astrology Forecast April 12 – 18, 2021

Click Here NOW For A FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThe start of this week  is a time to stand your ground and get productive as the first three days unfold under a determined Taurus Moon. As an earth sign, Taurus is brilliant at taking creative ideas and manifesting them in real life.

To add to this constructive Taurus Moon influence,Venus, the planet that rules Taurus, will move into this sign for a three week visit, enabling us to cast off restrictions and follow our heart’s desires. The sextile between the Sun in Aries and Jupiter in Aquarius on Thursday further promises to boost our confidence and energy levels to reach for our goals and be successful.

We’ll also be cruising the information highway Thursday through Saturday as the Moon dances through Gemini. This is the ideal time to research a project, learn a new subject, or start that blogging site you have been procrastinating on. We’ll be processing new information at record speeds later this week, and in the process, could discover the solution to a long-standing health or financial problem. So, pay close attention and keep lots of notes.

On Friday, take heed when the Aries Sun squares Pluto in Capricorn. This aspect may cause us to be impulsive, bossy or egotistical. Please also drive with caution today, as the risk for traffic accidents and road rage may be heightened. Whatever you do, do not give in to the temptation of misplaced arrogance and avoid unnecessary disagreements and conflict.

This potentially disruptive energy influence may be further aggravated by the Moon conjunction Mars in the early hours of Saturday, which may lead to additional irritability or the potential for emotional outbursts and even violent behavior. So, as the end of the week approaches, aim to stay calm and do what usually work best to calm your nerves. Remain grounded and keep your emotional center.

Sunday’s Cancer Moon will invite us to step back and relax a bit, cuddling up with loved ones or diving into a good book or favorite movie, as we regroup from a mentally and emotionally challenging week.

The Key To A Lasting Relationship Is Inner Peace

Click Here NOW FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comOne of the most consistent issues that often come up in relationship readings is what I call the ‘peace vibe.’ And this kind of inner peace is associated with our capacity to trust in an abundant universe. Most of my clients believe there is a divine power greater than us, but trusting that this power can help us create a positive momentum in our lives is another story entirely!

It is said that Albert Einstein once remarked that the most important decision we have to make in this life is whether we believe in a friendly, or hostile universe. This is the foundational question when talking about whether we are in the ‘vibe of peace,’ or not. If someone is constantly waiting for the proverbial ‘shoe to drop,’ they are likely not living in peace.

You see, our point of attraction is determined by our vibes (energy vibration), which is why inner peace is such an important concept in manifesting a lasting, successful relationship. Trust is the key foundation for all relationships. Sure, all relationships also pose an element of risk, but a hyper-focus on the risk will only create a mental and emotional environment that does not facilitate a happy and healthy relationship. In fact, with my experience of doing love and relationship readings for the past 20 years, I would go as far as to say that without trust there really is no relationship.

So, how does this work? Well, have you ever noticed that highly critical people will always find something or someone to judge or criticize? There is never a lack of reasons for criticism from disapproving or disparaging people. The same is also true when there is a lack of inner peace. Chaos naturally follows chaotic people, while people who choose serenity and joy experience more serenity and joy in their lives.

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Retrograde Aromatherapy

Click Here now FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI am very relieved that Mercury is turning direct today, since this recent retrograde has affected me a lot as an empath during these challenging times. Mars will also be turning direct again next week, after a two month retrograde that has left many of us feeling low in energy, demotivated, and struggling to take any real action in our lives. Fortunately, I have now found a useful tool in curbing the effects of retrogrades: essential oils and aromatherapy. This is something that has always been available to me, but I never before considered using in the context of such astrological influences. But now that I have tried it, and it worked, I will be much better prepared next time around!

I am no astrologer, but I do thankfully have access to some very talented ones in my circle of friends, and I received this very helpful advice from one such a friend when I was complaining to her recently about the effects of all the recent retrogrades on my emotional health and well-being. She suggested that my interest in essential oils could be very helpful to support my emotional energy during any major astrological events. I had never before thought of blending and diffusing oils specifically aimed at balancing retrograde energy, but I liked the idea. So, I have been experimenting a lot lately with ‘retrograde aromatherapy.’

There are some common energy themes that are present during retrogrades. For example, a feeling of being at loose ends, or a sudden shift in emotions, often followed by unexpected or unwelcome events. A retrograde is usually a time for us to ground ourselves and focus on unfinished tasks. It is also a time to evaluate our lives and choices, as well as our careers and relationships, whilst managing our erratic emotions.

A retrograde is often a time of upheaval, change and transition. Feeling peaceful, centered, clear and confident during a retrograde can therefore be very useful. To help achieve this I can recommend using some of my favorite oils. Some are maybe less well-known, but you may consider exploring their uses and benefits.

Clary sage

The oil of this flowering herb is wonderful for inspiring clarity and confidence, and is also excellent at soothing intense emotions. For me, it has quite a strong scent and I therefore prefer not to diffuse this oil on its own, but that is a matter of personal preference.

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