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Ghosts Are Real

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAcccess.comAre ghosts real? I certainly know that they are, because I have come face-to-face with them during paranormal investigations. Many paranormal experts claim there is scientific evidence that they are real. Believers say that skeptics are not listening to what is in front of them, but skeptics say that any paranormal evidence likely has a rational explanation and that those who are chasing ghosts are fooling themselves. All I know I is this: I have seen ghosts right in front of me… standing there, looking right at me.

I have been to many haunted sites and sometimes ghosts can be downright nasty, not to be confused with spirits. Ghosts do not know that they are dead, and they can become very annoyed when you are in a house that they dwell in. In these cases you are the intruder. I have had objects thrown at me, heard voices telling me to get out. I always smudge myself with sage. I use it before and after an investigation so that nothing attaches to me.

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The Energy Worker And The Air Bender

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comMy spiritual healing work is based on pulling in energy from the Source, raising my vibration and transferring that energy to others, and the planet. I have been doing energy healings since I was a child and I have been doing it professionally for about 20 years. I am also a certified Kundalini Yoga instructor and spiritual teacher. A few months ago, I was mentoring a 15-year-old air bender. Air benders manipulate the energy of the atmosphere to help the planet, or people to heal. He had prayed for a mentor to come a few months before we talked about me mentoring him.

At the same time I started working with the young air bender, there were horrific fires in California, close to my home.  Everything was chaotic. Cell phones and the Internet were not working properly, because of the fire. The air was so thick with smoke, you could barely see a few yards ahead of you.

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Mirror-Touch Synesthesia (MTS)

click here for a free reading at PsychicAccess.comScience is catching up with the empath, literally. Recently I came across a fascinating book titles Mirror Touch by Dr. Joel Salinas, a Harvard trained researcher and neurologist at Massachusetts General. It explores the phenomenon of Mirror-touch synesthesia (MTS) – a rare neurological trait that causes someone to feel the emotional and physical experiences of other people.

The word synesthesia means joined perception, or to blend the five senses. Science recognizes over 80 types of synesthesia.

Because of Dr. Salinas and other brave professionals, science is sitting up and taking notice and actually exploring the brain and how it functions in individuals with these traits. Dr. Salinas uses his ability of feeling the emotional and physical pain of his patients to treat their symptoms, as if they were his own. The experience for him and others like him is challenging and draining.

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The Soul Self In The Age Of Technology

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI used to work as a realtor for a short period of time. Most likely the short duration of that career was, even though I absolutely love people, that I sucked at the selling part.

As part of that chosen career path, I felt compelled to purchase and carry a cell phone. Customers looking for a salesperson usually will not wait long and will often just move on to the next available agent – hence the need for a phone that I had to carry with me constantly.

When I was out visiting family or friends, I had to explain immediately why I was carrying this device and my need to answer it quickly, so that I didn’t lose a potential sale. Everyone seemed to understand the situation.

If my phone rang and it was only someone wanting to chat or another type of call, I simply explained to whomever was on the other end that I was thus engaged and would call them back. However, this did not always go over well! People who call someone sometimes feel their call must be taken and followed through with a conversation.

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Spirit Orbs Among Us

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comOrbs are among us. These balls of light sometimes show up in photographs and are believed to be ghostly entities, as they typically show up in cemeteries and haunted buildings. However, it has been my experience that an orb can show up anywhere, anytime…even in places one would never expect to see one.

I have been seeing orbs all my life, as far back as I can remember. Seeing orbs always gives me a feeling of loving spirit around me. It is my belief that spirit orbs are pure energy and love. They are consciousness.

Some orbs that appear in a photograph may be a speck of dust or insect. But not the ones I see. In fact, when some of those ‘speck of dust’ photos are enlarged, you can sometimes recognize a face in it. So, you may want to take another look at some of those orb photos.

Orbs often just float right by, suspended in the air. They may stop and be stationary for a few seconds, and then speed right away. Orbs come in all shapes and sizes in an array of colors. Just like people they are all unique. And what one person can see, another may not see.

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Aftermath Of A Six Planet Retrograde

click here for a free reading at PsychicAccess.comWe recently came out of a six planet retrograde. So, if you feel like you have been enduring a very challenging time… a time warp, a bad movie or a nightmare… you are not alone! We are still coming out of the affects form this whirlwind, dizzying dance of the planets.

You may have felt sluggishness, at the very least. You may have felt an inability to get traction. All of your technology may have gone haywire, way more than it has with just Mercury in retrograde.

Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and Pluto were all in retrograde from June 26, 2018 and July 10th, 2018. Jupiter turned direct July 10th, leaving four planets retrograde. On July 26, 2018, Mercury reversed and we were back to five planets retrograde. August 7, 2018, Uranus turned retrograde and at that point we had six planets in retrograde, seven if you want to count, Chiron. The planets started turning direct again with Mercury, on August 19th.

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Do You Also Remember Atlantis?

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comAre you an Atlantean? Since I was quite young, I have been able to remember some of my past lives. I was raised by atheist parents, so I didn’t call them past lives, since I had never heard that phrase before. I called them ‘the other times.’

In one such other time, I was an Atlantean. I have met many Atlanteans on my path in this life. Are you one of them? I remember being always dressed in white, like everyone else there (just like I do now as Kundalini Yoga instructor). White is cleansing and represents purity. More importantly, white deflects negative energy. Black absorbs it.

I have noticed, as technology began to evolve more in recent years, especially since 2000, that I became more nervous, because I remember how technology destroyed Atlantis. Technology is meant to be a good thing, but how it used is a potential danger.

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