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The Eternal Love Of A Mother

Click Here now FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThe nurturing energy of a mother is usually the emotional glue that keeps many families together. Whether it is their kindness, generosity, unconditional love or simply their joy and laughter, the mother-figures in our lives are often fundamental in helping us grow, expand, love and learn.

Many mothers must transcend what is possible to achieve the near impossible on an ongoing basis. Regardless of their circumstances, the impact of our mothers is deep and everlasting.

Perhaps it was your mother’s triumph over adversity that instilled a deep-rooted sense of perseverance in you. Perhaps it was by observing your grandmother’s social interactions that you learned how to function well in your community. There are many examples of how the mother-figures in our lives have nurtured and inspired us.

A mother’s unconditional love for her children is the most beautiful bond of love we may ever know. For this most of us should be eternally grateful. We are indeed privileged to have felt such loving care and protection.

For those of us who have lost our mothers, it is comforting to know that they continue to guide, guard and protect us in spirit, as we make our way through this life on Earth. Regardless of the turmoil we might endure, most of our mothers always come through with an amazing amount of love and care, both in this life and the next.

Our mothers can often also do more for us from the spirit realm, than they might have been able to do for us while they were here in this life. It is comforting to know that our mothers and grandmothers, including the mother-figures and nurturers in our extended family, are with us always, combining their earthly experience and newfound wisdom in spirit to impart to us even more than we could imagine while they were on the earth plane. Continue reading

The Divine Justice Of Karmic Lessons

Click Here now FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWe sometimes feel we have been wronged by others in some awful way, and then we wonder if the perpetrators will get their ‘come uppance’ or ‘just deserts.’ We wish to know if divine justice will be served upon them.

Sometimes we are so upset or angry that we would like to see this retribution happen immediately and right before our very eyes. In these emotional moments we are out for revenge and want to see the other person reap what they’ve sown. We believe it may bring us some peace that justice has finally been done.

As a youngster, I often heard my mother refer to it as “The Law of Return,” suggesting that whatever we put out there, both good and bad, will always come back to us. She would say that it always comes back to us tenfold!

There are also spiritual teachings and wisdom traditions that suggest if we don’t learn our lessons and correct our mistakes in this lifetime, it will become karmic in the next. It further suggests that we eventually will experience whatever harm or wrongdoing we have imposed upon others in our own life, sometimes for several lifetimes, until we’ve truly learned our lesson.

So, will others get what’s coming to them for the pain and suffering they have caused us? It’s my experience that this is rarely the case, but from evidential mediumship messages, I am convinced that a life review, when we reach the other side, is inevitable. The soul who has hurt someone else, will be held accountable and will feel what the other person felt very intensely.

I do know from spirit messages that have come through from certain relatives and family members on the other side, that they have relived what I had felt when they were harsh towards in this life. Spirit often comes through with messages of guilt, remorse and regret. The aim is usually to seek healing and forgiveness.

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The Origins And Journey Of The Soul

Click Here now FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWhere do souls come from? Souls are created in a place I know as the Guf, or the ‘Tree of Souls.’ In Jewish mysticism this Tree of Life is located in the Garden of Eden. When this tree blossoms, it produces new souls.

This ‘Treasury of Souls’ is said to be located in the Seventh Heaven. I have seen this place in a dream vision. I could go up to the gold and emerald gates, but could not enter. It is my understanding that all souls are created here by God.

Souls in the Guf are in different stages of evolution. There are young souls and old souls – a diversity of spirit energies waiting to incarnate, reincarnate and ascend.

I can usually distinguish the young, new souls from the wiser and more experienced, because they tend to be a bit ‘wild’ and unrestrained. Young souls are typically eager to experience as many things as possible, and sometimes rush in ‘where angels fear to tread.’ If they are exceptionally gifted, they also need to be guided properly. Many old souls reincarnate to the earth plane to help ground and guide these younger souls.

The old souls also return to provide the physical world with the many things needed for us to thrive, such as advancements in the arts, sciences and technology. Sadly, some greedy, spiritually unconscious humans abuse these gifts to the world for their personal gain. This causes much unnecessary suffering in the world.

When we decide in this life that we would like to have a child, it means our soul wants chooses to take on another soul contract. However, such a soul agreement, like any other contract, is always a two-way process. There cannot be a pregnancy unless the soul of the unborn child also chooses you as parent. In the Guf, souls can decide if they want to join a contract, or not.

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Paw Prints All Over My Heart

Click Here now FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThe agony of losing a dog is immeasurable. I lost my beloved Oliver, a King Charles Cavalier, several months ago and I’m still crying every day. But I have found some consolation in his afterlife signs and visits from the other side.

He was 11 years old and in perfect health, or so I thought. He’d had a full checkup three months prior and he had the test results of a very young dog! I also used to take him on long walks every day, his head held high, his tail wagging happily, a prancing skip in his step.

He was such a loving, happy dog. He stopped for every human, always begging for their attention and a pat on the head. Everyone knew him and loved him in the neighborhood.

He followed me around everywhere, lay under the table as I worked, always got up to join me for Yoga, and I left a spot for him behind my pillow every night at bedtime. I took him everywhere with me.

My 90-year-old mom lives across the street and that was his second home. He loved it there. One day, I was out running errands and he got loose. He then came knocking on my mom’s door looking for me there. She was always happy to see him and invited him in.

One day he simply stopped eating. He refused his favorite dog treats, would not even sniff peanut butter. Then he stopped drinking water. We immediately took him to the vet for tests. Not long after, the kind doctor phoned. My heart sank. “His organs are already shutting down, there’s nothing we can do for him,” he said.

We rushed back to the vet, praying he would hang on long enough so we could say our goodbyes. He did hang on for us. My husband, daughter and I were all together when we first picked him up as a puppy and now we were together to see him off. They didn’t even need to sedate him; he was already leaving his body and was calm as can be.

Just before they gave him the final injection, he suddenly turned his head and focused. I thought his loving gaze was on all of us, but my daughter insists he was only looking at me. There was no question he loved us all, but I did have an incredibly special connection with Oliver.

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An Unusual Spirit Visitation From Grandma

Click Here now FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI have a very vivid memory from when I was a little girl of my grandma teaching me how to pray the rosary. I didn’t really remember much of the prayer at that age, but as I grew older I made an effort to learn it by heart and do it correctly.

It has since become an essential component of my spiritual practice and has helped me to manifest many miracles in my life. In fact, one of the promises of praying the rosary is to receive miracles.

When grandma died, I made it my goal to properly learn the rosary. I prayed it every night and asked for her to visit me from the other side. I wished for us to communicate while I was awake and fully conscious, instead of in a dream. And that is exactly happened.

Recently, I was thinking of my grandma and I got down on my knees to make another special request for her to come visit me. While I was meditating, a helium balloon I still have as a keepsake from Valentine’s Day 2020, began moving along the ceiling into my general space.

I knew that this had to be grandma’s doing because there weren’t any windows open and there was no draft. The heating was also not turned on or anything like that.

I then said out loud, “Grandma if it is you moving the balloon, is there anything you would like to tell me? Please communicate with me telepathically. Give me a sign, move the balloon towards me. Something, anything!” The heart-shaped balloon almost instantly started to make its way down to me. Lower and lower it came until it was hovering right in front of my face.

Then the balloon started moving towards the door. I stood up and followed it. It went out into the kitchen, then around the corner and into the living room. Then it hovered over my altar. I have an altar where I keep pictures of my ancestors. After grandma passed, I also placed a picture of her on it.

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Miracle Moments In Mediumship Readings

Click Here now FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comMediums are a mouthpiece for the spirit world, or the ‘telephone’ in the middle. In a mediumship reading spirit may come through with a short, simple greeting or a full hour reading. The medium is merely the messenger and does not control the process. It is a three-way conversation between the client, spirit and the medium.

It is, of course, important for the sitter or client that spirit gives validating information or evidence that the medium could not possibly know or guess. This ‘seals the deal’ so to speak. The best way to receive these validations is to allow spirit to just take the lead and let the miracle unfold. The medium or the client trying to take charge and steer the reading is never a good idea.

Some typical examples of spontaneous evidence may include their birthname or nickname, their dates of birth and passing, how they passed, their personality and physical appearance when they were in this life, their career or business, their favorite hobby or sport, and even a beloved song, a saying they may have used a lot, or a family inside joke.

An unusual reading I will never forget was the time spirit kept showing me a yellow kayak that had rolled over in the water, to indicate his cause of death. Someone dying in a hospital bed is generic, but there is no way anyone could have guessed such an unusual fatal event. That is what I mean by authentic evidence in a reading.

I love it when a client gets that ‘ah ha’ moment, when they know without a shadow of doubt they are talking to a loved one. It is a beautiful miracle for all involved. Most of the time it is also a deeply healing experience.

I recently had a father come through with the unusual nickname he used to call his daughter. She did not ask me at the beginning of the reading what her father used to call her. He just revealed it to me unexpectedly. This is the best way to approach mediumship readings. In my experience, skeptical ‘test questions’ seldom succeed with spirit. In fact, there is usually no response to such ‘tests.’

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Talk To Your Pets Using Telepathy

Click Here now FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comSo many beloved pets cross over the ‘rainbow bridge’ leaving their owners with unbearable grief. I’ve found myself consoling several clients over the years, as well as focusing on connecting them with their furry ‘children’ on the other side.Doing these pet psychic readings often remind me of my own pain when my two Rottweilers, sisters Sophie and Jasmin, passed within months of each other.

Unless one has loved and lost a pet yourself, it is hard to understand the awful sense of loss one experiences. It also takes a considerable amount of time to come to terms with the fact that they are no longer in the physical. The grief is at times unbearable, despite the inner knowing that they have gone ‘home’ to spirit, on the other side of the veil.

In hindsight, several days before their death, both Sophie and Jasmin were constantly staring at me, as if they were looking right through me. I recall saying to each of them, “You’re not leaving me yet, surely?” They were eight and a half and nine years old respectively, and both in relatively good health.

But, ‘the look’ was the same my boxer dog, Major, had given me 40 years ago. Only hours after he gave me that intense look, Major’s already deceased mother, Trudy, appeared outside the kitchen window and communicated to me, “I’ve come to take him.” The memory of that communication from Trudy – a particularly sensitive dog – is as vivid as if it happened yesterday.

Animals communicate by sending images, thoughts and feelings using telepathy. We can all master telepathic communication and often do it without even realizing. A course in animal communication made me realize that I’d been using this psychic technique all along.

I started helping people to communicate with their lost pets many years ago. It began when a lady was referred to me by a friend, who had been to me for a psychic reading. She asked if I could help locate her Siamese cat. I had never done this kind of work before, but being an animal lover I was willing to try. I managed to find the cat for her, but she only phoned to confirm this a year later!

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