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Your Future Baby Is Right There, Next To You!

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comOne of the connections I am able to make as a psychic, and have been able to make since I was a child, is the connection between mother and future child.

I remember, for example, seeing a three year old (I almost always see them as three years old for some reason) playing next to a sixteen year old classmate when I was still in high school. Six months later, this classmate left school, because she was pregnant. I was still confused by my psychic abilities and still doubting them at that time. I remember thinking it was just a coincidence.

I have had this happen so many times, that I no longer doubt that I am seeing the new soul connecting with and getting used to the energy of their soon to be mother. I have never seen this with fathers. I am not sure why; perhaps it is because the soul needs to connect with the mother’s body and energy, because the two will soon merge?

Each of us enters the world because hope for the future preceded us ~ Marge Kennedy

I had a friend whose husband had been married before. He had a son from his first marriage and also had a son with my friend, Lydia. She really wanted another child, but he was adamant that they couldn’t afford another child. He also felt he only had boys and did not want another boy. One day, Lydia and I were attending a local play. She is blond, fair skinned with blue eyes. Her husband has black hair, brown eyes and dark skin. During the play, I saw a three year old playing on the carpet next to my friend. By this time, I no longer doubted my ability and told her about it as soon as it was convenient to talk.

It was very interesting, because the little girl looked exactly like Lydia, but she had her father’s skin tone and eye and hair color. The little girl told me she was coming in a few years and that she would be in the performing arts. I told Lydia she was going to have a girl, but he insisted I was wrong. She reiterated there was no way her husband would have another child. They had had many arguments about the topic and she had given up.

In time I moved away and we grew apart, as people do when geography separates them. When Facebook came into being, we re-connected. She was very excited to show me the pictures of her daughter who looked exactly like her, but with black hair, brown eyes and dark skin!

Lydia told me that because all of the other predictions I had made about her life had come true, she used that to convince her skeptical husband, who also saw those predictions come true. He then believed that they would have a girl, and therefore agreed to them having another child.

Today, I love watching her beautiful daughter’s career in the performing arts evolve. She is in a new play every few months. She is a talented actress, singer, and dancer.

I believe that each personality is complete at conception and comes in the soul of every child ~ Taylor Hartman

I had another friend, Angie, who was a manager for one of my businesses. I saw her future child next to her as a two year old girl. I told her she was going to get pregnant and have a girl. Clearly, I am an usual employer! She told me that she had a deep, deep fear of giving birth; her mom had her watch her little brother being born, when Angie was only five. It scared her for life and she swore she would never get pregnant. She admitted to me that she used three different forms of birth control because of this. But I just reiterated that I saw a baby girl “coming soon.”

Three months later, Angie announced that she was pregnant. She was terrified and going to see a therapist about her fear of being in labor. Yet, she was going to have the child, despite her fear. She ultimately had epidural anesthesia, which really helped her with her fear, and gave birth to a beautiful baby girl.

I have also had communication with my own daughter, when I was only 21. Interestingly, when I saw her she appeared to me as being in her early 20s. She told me how she was coming to the planet in a very unusual way. I did not doubt my connection to her, but I did doubt the way she said she was coming into my life. My vision turned out to be accurate, as odd and unimaginable as it was to me at the time.

I have also had communication with a soul who wanted to become my son. He asked permission, because the original soul who was meant to be my son had changed his mind. He had decided to pass early in this life and therefore changed my life path, as he was no longer coming in as my son. It was little weird, I must say, taking applications as it were for the position now open for my son (I will write about this topic, of people changing their life contract and how it affect others, in a future blog).

If you are planning to fall pregnant, or in the process of trying, know that your future child is already around you. They get used to the idea of being close to your energy, being in your family, and being a part of you. It is therefore so very important that the years before you get pregnant you ensure that your life is serene, drug and alcohol free and without stress or drama. One must aim to present a calm and peaceful environment to a future baby. They are around you and pick up on your energy and everything around you. Whether or not you can see or hear them, your future child is right there next to you!

About The Author: Satya

Satya lives in Northern California and is a natural Clairvoyant, Empath, Conduit, teacher, author, animal lover, healer, Reiki Master and an advanced yoga instructor. She has provided valuable psychic assistance to Hollywood stars, athletes, and everyone else in-between. A multi-layered Intuitive, with many unique gifts at her disposal, she can give you a doorway into the past as well as a gateway to a happier future. With her long distance energy work, she provides healing for people and animals too! She instantly spots karmic connections from past lives that directly affect current situations, helping clients to move through them quickly. For accurate solutions on just about any pressing problem, you can find Satya at

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