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Astrological Forecast November 23 – 29, 2020

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThe only significant astrological event on the agenda this week is Neptune turning direct on Saturday, after a five month retrograde cycle. Since it’s a subtle aspect, it should pass almost unnoticed! Although Neptune is a karmic planet that tends to move in the background, it has a higher purpose to direct us spiritually, allowing us to connect with our higher self, as well as our magical powers. As it shifts direction, this is a wonderful time to explore our intuitive, psychic and mystical gifts.

It may feel like we’re running in circles under today’s Pisces Moon, but as it grounds itself in Aries tomorrow, we’ll have three days to gather our wits about us, and prepare for Thanksgiving and the holiday weekend. We’ll greet the traditional ‘Black Friday’ shopping rush under a Taurus Moon, which bodes well for finding great bargains or regrouping after over-doing it on Thursday.

Our best bet this weekend is to focus on intellectual and social pursuits, as the Neptune shift on Saturday and the Gemini Moon on Sunday encourages thinking and dreaming big!

The Tarot Is A Mystical Bridge To Spiritual Insight

Click Here NOW FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comMysterious, symbolic and highly energetic, the Tarot is a high vibrational tool that can help us explore the deeper meaning behind the events of our daily lives, and the influence of Spirit in our earthly existence. The Tarot especially offers guidance in situations where may feel lost or confused, and it serves as a mystical bridge between our physical reality and the metaphysical realm. The cards have their own energy, a high vibrational frequency, which Spirit uses to communicate messages of guidance, encouragement, insight and caution.

Every Tarot reader has their own set of spiritual gifts and psychic abilities, and therefore we tend to each develop our own reading style accordingly. In my own readings, I find that Spirit most often seeks to illuminate areas in our lives where changes and healing may be needed, in order to bring about the most beneficial future outcomes. This can be anything from the need to shift one’s perspective, to the need to let go, or sometimes the need to simply accept things as they are.

Ultimately, I find Spirit uses the Tarot to get us ‘unstuck,’ so we get back in the flow. When we are in the flow, or in alignment, we are creating with the Universe, instead of creating resistance. Only then are we truly moving toward our highest good and the fulfillment of our greatest potential.

The Tarot is a conduit for communication with our guides and our higher self, through which we can gain a deeper understanding of the soul lessons and the magic happening in our lives.

From the physical ‘self’ perspective of the human ego, we often cannot see situations for what they really are. But our higher self understands the deeper meaning and purpose, and wants to lovingly guide us to a more joyful, peaceful and fulfilling existence.

Sometimes we can be very resistant when unwanted events shake up our lives. Typically, when difficulties arise, we get swept up in the drama of the situation, and allow ourselves to act from this highly-charged emotional state. In such times of trial, we can use the Tarot to take a step back and look at the situation from a wider lens, and receive guidance on the matter directly from Spirit.

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Astral Travel To Your Favorite Destination

Click Here now FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comTraveling to sacred sites has always been something I love doing, ever since I was a young girl. There is something undeniably magical about visiting a spiritual place that has much lore or mystical history associated with it.  Some of my favorite destinations include Mount Shasta in Northern California, Sedona in the Verde Valley of Arizona, and Machu Picchu in the Andes Mountains in Peru.

These sacred sites are all home to powerful energy vortices and ley lines in the Earth’s electromagnetic field, containing more metaphysical energy than ordinary places. Visiting here feels as though you have stepped into a different dimension, or another place in time. Millions of people around the world travel to these locations in search of enlightenment and healing, gaining a broader perspective, raising their awareness, or simply to have a special spiritual experience.  

With the advent of Covid-19, few people have had the luxury lately of air travel and long-distance trips. Many spiritual travelers are feeling frustrated and trapped. Some are going stir crazy not having the freedom to travel anywhere in the world. Even local excursions and short-distance trips are challenging these days. I enjoy traveling in the Mount Shasta area, for example, since it is not too far from where I live, but I am reluctant to stay over in a hotel during this time.   

However, spirit recently reminded me that I could still travel to my favorite sacred sites by way of the astral realm. It made me think of the Celtic concept of the immram, which refers to the taking of a soul journey, a sacred pilgrimage, a wonder voyage to a sacred site where the soul needs to go. Spiritual seekers and metaphysicians have been taking these inner voyages on the astral plane through the ages. 

We are not limited to the physical body or the mundane world. In the same way we can physically visit a physical place of interest, we can also journey there on the astral plane. Traveling in this way, we can journey anywhere we want to, while remaining in the physical comfort of our own home. 

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There Is Magic In Sending Yourself Flowers

Click Here right now FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI recently had a client who called in for a psychic reading, who told me that she had recently sent a bouquet of flowers to herself, and had it delivered to her at work.

At first I thought it odd, but then, after having some time to think about it, I realized what a brilliant idea it actually was. Such a simple, yet powerful act of self-love. How often do we do nice things for ourselves in this way?

We are often so consumed with other people’s attitude or behavior toward us, or seeking the love and approval of another, that we forget to love ourselves first. For once when we truly love ourselves, we can receive so much more of what we’re looking for from others, and we are also able to love others more, in a way that they too deserve.

My client who sent flowers to herself also told me that she found it oddly synchronistic that the very first bouquet she spotted, on the first floral website she visited, contained two flower varieties that were highly significant to her. These flowers represented happy moments she has shared with the man she loved, and also held for her a secret, intuitive message that she considered a sign.

It made me think of the basic principle of the Law of Attraction. The energy we put out, is what we ultimately get back. My client was not only sending love to herself with these flowers, she was also working a little bit of magical alchemy without even realizing it!

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The Intuitive Wisdom Of The Human Body

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThe more time I spend working in the psychic realm, the more it seems to expand outward and the more it has to teach me. There is a certain magic that happens during psychic readings, where I feel touched by Spirit.

Sometimes, after completing another session with a client, rather than getting back to everyday life, I just stay in my chair for a while, and commune with my guides. I thank them, and also absorb any further messages or information that I need to learn as a spiritual advisor.

However, I find the best time to learn from Spirit is actually in my free time, when I am not working. It is actually in my personal life where Spirit usually has the most to teach me. Those ordinary, mundane moments, when I am doing the dishes, or taking a shower, or cleaning the house, is often where I learn the most. Maybe this is the case because I’m in more of a receptive, relaxed state of mind? It also happens frequently at night, when I’m just about to fall asleep, or upon waking in the morning.

I find it truly amazing how divinely orchestrated everything is in the metaphysical realm. There is very little effort needed to be able to perceive so much. Each year that passes, I learn to trust my inner guidance more and more.

Lately, I have come to recognize once again that the human body is a highly sensitive, intuitive apparatus through which Spirit guides us. My physical body, and how it reacts to being around certain people, and in certain situations, is something I no longer take for granted. What I have observed is that my body is innately aware and instinctively intelligent, maybe sometimes even more than the rational mind.

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The Magical Energy Of The Moon

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThe Moon has a powerful influence on our lives. Not only does it determine the tides of the ocean and how plants grow, but you may have noticed it also affects our mood! Connecting to the powerful phases of the Moon can bring enlightenment to your life by way of the moon’s cycles and movement. It can shape our lives and the choices we make. Being in tune with the Moon’s powerful energy can bring you greater awareness of body, mind and soul.

Depending how the Sun, Moon and Earth align on a particular day, only a part of the Moon is usually visible to us. The tracking of the Moon’s phases goes back thousands of year in various spiritual traditions and cultural customs. Traditionally, the New Moon is considered to be the start of the month and a good time to start anew. And the Full Moon is seen as a time of celebration, delight, and mystery.

A Full Moon occurs every 29.5 days, when the Earth is situated directly between the Sun and the Moon, making it appear to us on Earth as a complete circle… illuminated and breathtaking! Native Americans relied on the Moon to guide them in daily life. They gave symbolic names for each of the Full Moons, based on the unique events of each particular month of the year.

January – Wolf Moon

The January Moon is thus named due to the cold, snowy winters, when wolves would howl hungrily outside tribal villages, looking for food. January’s Full Moon is also known as ‘Old Moon’ and ‘Ice Moon.’

February – Snow Moon

February’s Full Moon is named for the abundant snow that usually occurs during the month. The snow made it hard to hunt, and food in the winter was scarce. Therefore it is also known as the ‘Hunger Moon.’

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My Great Grandmother’s Mysterious ‘Sugar Cookies’

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comMy great grandmother made incredible cookies. She called them “sugar cookies,” but perhaps a more appropriate name for them might have been mysterious mystical magic cookies! Everyone loved them – youngsters like myself, as well as our family’s elders, and every age in-between.

Those cookies still bring back so many wonderful memories. They had a special aroma of freshly-baked delight that wafted all the way outside her kitchen window and down the lane beside her charming little home, where she lived with my great grandfather. As a child I couldn’t wait to get to their house, so that I could partake of those delectable sweet treats.

They were round, but not perfectly round. They had that authentic homemade look, which made them even more exquisite to my childlike enthusiasm. And, there was a rather unique spiciness among the ingredients; it was a spice that I had never tasted before in anything else. Oh, my! I especially loved the barely charred edges they usually had, as a result of leaving them in the oven a bit longer than necessary. Those crisp little edges made them all the tastier to me.

I remember sitting at her kitchen table, watching her scoop up the ingredients, one by one, and adding them to her mixing bowl. I didn’t know how much of each ingredient she was using, because she never used a measuring cup. She just knew how much to add of everything. I believe this style of instinctively cooking from scratch is practically becoming a lost art, with all the digital recipes and modern utensils we use nowadays to cook even the simplest of things. And perhaps some of the true character and originality has also been lost in many of our ancestors’ recipes.

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