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Communicating With Your Spirit Guides

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comEach of us has spirit guides that are with us from the moment we are born, right up until we take our final breath. Just as they are named, your spirit guides are here to help guide you through life. There are spirit guides who are with you for shorter periods of time to help assist you through certain situations, and of course, your closest spirit guides who will accompany you through your entire life.

What differentiates your guardian angels from spirit guides, is that your spirit guides, at some point in history, lived a physical incarnation on Earth and grew enough spiritually to earn the honor of title of being a spirit guide. They went through very similar issues while here in this world, compared to what you will experience in your own life. This is why they become your spirit guide, devoted specifically to you, and this is what makes the two of you the best team!

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How To Improve Your Money Karma

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comKarma and money can be a very confusing and complicated spiritual matter. There are lessons in being poor and lessons in being rich. We will be rich in some lifetimes, and poor in others. Most lifetimes we will swing left and right of the middle of wealth.

The universe sometimes uses money as karma, but not always. Money is neither good nor bad. Money is energy. It can be used for good or bad.

The test for poverty is: can you be happy, healthy, holy, loving, generous and not be materialist or greedy if you are poor? The test for wealth is: can you be happy, healthy, holy, loving, generous and not be materialist or greedy if you are rich? Can you find peace no matter how much or how little money is in the bank?

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A Spiritual Approach To Chronic Complainers

click here for a free reading at PsychicAccess.comDon’t complain, don’t ever complain. These are words I read in a book long ago, and they have stuck in my mind ever since. However, I certainly seem to have attracted a lot of complainers into my life – moaners and critics who have taken the very process to an art form! Amongst these individuals are family, friends and love relationships, and they are all challenging in their own way.

I have come to the conclusion that the lesson those souls have given me, is to rise above the irritation, and perhaps to try and see their predicament and unhappiness from a place of compassion. I have since managed to become less affected by other people’s groaning, because I stopped thinking that their displeasure might be my fault, or that I could ‘fix’ them and turn them from a ‘cup-half-empty’ type of person to a ‘cup-half full.’

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Dealing with Change – Insights From My Garden

click here for a free reading at PsychicAccess.comBeing alive is about experiencing change all the time. The natural order of the world is change and transition. As I was working in the garden this past week, I was observing changes, as well as intentionally creating changes. I had cultivated some seedlings and it was time to transfer them into their new homes.

As I was taking these seedlings and transferring them into the garden, or into larger pots, I observed that they all experienced some sort of shock. Most of them drooped down and looked very sad after their move. Some of them recovered very quickly, within a few hours. Others recovered after a day or so.

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Making The Tarot Work For You

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThe Tarot can be used to gain greater understanding, improve our intuition, and predict what may happen in our lives. But what many fans of the Tarot often do not appreciate, is that the Tarot can also be used productively in everyday life.

The Tarot is a mystical tool that will work differently for everyone. In fact, the meaning and message of the cards will be unique to every situation. For example, if you’re the type of person who typically notices patterns in nature, from images in clouds to numerical patterns, such as license plates, then Tarot will be a natural connection for you.

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How To Manifest Your Twin Flame

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI began working with the Law of Attraction back in the early 1980s during the terrible recession Britain was experiencing at the time. I soon came to learn that no matter how unfortunate a person’s circumstances, with the right mindset we can change it for the better – including our love lives!

After securing myself a job, against all the odds I faced at the time, I then decided to turn my attention to the wonderful subject of love and seek out my twin flame. We have now been married for nearly 30 years.

Before looking at how you could attract your own twin flame, it is essential to know exactly what is meant by this. Simply put, it is just another term for your soulmate. Your twin flame represents the mirror reflection of ourselves. Happily, a person’s twin flame meets with them in each lifetime. Meeting them often feels like you have known them for years!

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Stop Comparing Yourself To Others

click here for a FREE reading at PsychicAccess.comI believe that my own tendency to compare myself with others began at a young age, when my mother would constantly compare me to my cousins. For example, she would talk affectionately about their lovely physical attributes, like their thick hair, high cheekbones or deep-set eyes. Their personalities were louder and more assertive than mine too.

I was an overweight kid, and the more withdrawn I became, the more I would eat. I felt that my overweight was seen by others as greed, but I now believe I was layering deep insecure feelings.

I now know too that I was not meant to be like my cousins. In hindsight, I thank my mother for the life lessons. Perhaps she helped me in learning about insecurity and experiencing an inferiority complex. Today, I have a much deeper understanding of how my clients feel, when they don’t feel good enough. Or, as is often the case, when they are concerned about their children not feeling good enough for whatever reason. This is not always due to faulty parenting. Parents often suffer terribly when they see their kids, whatever their ages, suffer from lack of self-esteem. They see their kids as having every reason to be super-confident, yet witness them withdrawn and unhappy.

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