Our Priorities Are The Moral Of The Story
I have always loved thought-provoking stories. One of my favorites I heard when I was only seven years old. It’s profound wisdom has stayed with me all my life. It goes like this:
An old lady of about 85 years of age lived alone in an old, dilapidated log cabin in the woods. Due to her advanced age, daily life was a struggle, but this feisty woman knew she had to keep going to survive.
One day, while out gathering wood for a fire, she was approached by a mysterious wizard.
“Good morning,” said the wizard. “I have great news for you. Today is your lucky day! ” He then explained that he was the Wizard of the Forest, and that he would grant her any wish her heart desired.
The old lady paused to consider this generous offer. But before she could make up her mind, the wizard interrupted her thoughts. “I could turn all the wood you have into solid gold. Imagine how rich you would be!” he suggested.
“Oh, what good would that do?” replied the old woman. “I could hardly carry it back to my hut, for the gold would be much heavier than the wood!
“Well, then perhaps I could turn all the water in your house into wine,” said the wizard with great enthusiasm.
Tarot Forecast May 2024: Judgement
The card for this month is Judgement, which encourages us to rid ourselves of what no longer serves us and to address karmic issues for personal and spiritual growth.
We may especially find ourselves facing the consequences of past actions or decisions this month.
Judgement emphasises the importance of accountability and responsibility, urging us to learn from our experiences and strive for karmic balance. By taking responsibility for our choices, we can break free from negative patterns and create a better future.
This will therefore be a month of reckoning and evaluation. Judgement invites us to reflect on our actions, choices and life path, and challenges us to take responsibility and face any unresolved issues with honesty and courage.
It will be a time of resolution and redemption, allowing us to find closure and make amends for past conflicts or mistakes.
By facing our challenges with integrity and compassion, we can experience inner peace and acceptance, paving the way for healing and growth. It also offers an opportunity for profound transformation and awakening, giving us a fresh start and the chance to embrace new beginnings with optimism and enthusiasm.
The Value Of Anger In Manifesting Your Desires
A client recently talked about her struggles with anger and that no matter what she did, she could not get rid of her ‘anger issues’. She was concerned that her anger would inevitably attract and manifest more negativity in her life.
Spirit’s response was that there is value and wisdom in anger. The reality is that sometimes we get smoking hot, furious, explosively angry! It is a human response to events that go against our wishes and desires. If it were not a natural reaction, the experience of anger would not be part of our physical life journey.
The truth is that all negative emotions are actually a dear friend who is there to tell us something. It indicates that we are out of alignment with our Higher Self, Spirit and the Divine. When we experience fear, anxiety or anger it indicates that we are out of alignment and no longer in the flow.
A common “pain-causing” tendency is the stories we tell ourselves about the future. One of the most common narratives I find when working with clients is the one that begins: “I will be happy when…”
We create a story about the fulfilment of certain desires and then focus more on the result or outcome rather than the process and the present moment. When our happiness depends on the future fulfilment of a story, we are no longer in resonance with the present reality and out of alignment with the universal flow. We are no longer living fully, we are merely playing an impatient waiting game.
Embrace Life’s Turbulence With The Right Attitude
With the many ups and downs we face in life, it is sometimes possible to feel euphoric one moment and utterly devastated the next. Yes, life is challenging at times. But Spirit says that our attitude makes all the difference.
Life’s emotional roller coaster is an inevitable part of the human experience. However, by choosing the right attitude, we can transform this journey into an opportunity for growth, learning, and profound spiritual awakening. If we choose the right attitude, it can soften the emotional roller coaster ride of life.
Our soul purpose requires that there be times of great happiness and deep sorrow, for it is through successes and hardships that we learn how to evolve spiritually.
But when we choose to trust the process and embrace our journey with the right attitude, it becomes much easier to deal with the stressful issues and demands of everyday life.
Our attitude toward life’s ups and downs plays a pivotal role in shaping our experiences. By adopting the right attitude, we can greatly reduce the emotional turbulence that accompanies life’s challenges. It’s like putting a cushion in the seat of a roller coaster – it doesn’t eliminate the dips and drops, but it does make the ride more bearable!
The Magical Gift Of A Spiritual Relationship
One of the greatest privileges and gifts we can experience in this life are the spiritual relationships we have with certain people who come into our lives at just the right time and place.
A spiritual relationship is a deep and profound connection between two people that transcends the physical and emotional and touches the very essence of our being.
It’s characterized by a shared spiritual journey, values and beliefs that foster a sense of unity and purpose. In such relationships, both parties experience a deep sense of understanding, empathy, and support for each other’s spiritual growth and well-being.
Spiritual relationships can take many forms, including romantic partnerships, friendships, and family ties.
These connections are not necessarily defined by the conventional markers of relationships, but rather are built on mutual respect, love, and a shared pursuit of spiritual fulfillment and enlightenment.
These relationships are deeply meaningful and often challenge individuals to evolve and expand their understanding of themselves, others, and the universe. You and the other person are on the same spiritual plane and see things in the same way. Secret doors and new pathways open for you. Remarkable things happen that often seem truly magical.
Weaving The Tapestry Of Your Life’s Purpose
One of the most profound quests we undertake in this life is the fulfillment of our life’s purpose. It’s a mission that intertwines with the spiritual dimensions of our existence and leads us into the depths of self-discovery, self-actualization, and spiritual growth.
Fulfilling our purpose is not just about a career or business path or setting achievement goals. While these are important aspects of our lives, providing us with means to earn a living and contribute to society, they do not wholly define our purpose and the full scope of our potential fulfillment.
Purpose is about uncovering the essence of our being and aligning it with our greater spiritual existence.
The journey to a more spiritual understanding of our purpose begins with introspection and reflection. These moments of contemplation serve as portals to deeper soul insights, where we question our motives, desires, talents, and the very fabric of our existence.
Personally, I found myself grappling with these questions during a transitional period in my life. I had reached certain career milestones and achieved material success, yet I felt an unshakeable sense of emptiness gnawing at the edges of my being.
Mindful Connection In The Age Of Clocks And Screens
These days, we keep one eye on the clock and the other on our phone screen. It is stressful to always be on the go and in the know. Too often there is no time to relax and really enjoy the moment.
We have clearly lost sight of the things that really matter in life. We have become slaves to the clock.
These days we hardly notice or appreciate our friends and family. We are either preoccupied with our social media news feed or in such a hurry to get to our next destination. How often do we give a meaningful hug to those we love? We see more value in getting somewhere fast or getting something else done.
Can you remember the last time you gave a loved one a really good “squeeze”? Seriously! I mean a real, unhurried, sincere, meaningful hug? Have you ever received such a hug? Do you know what it feels like to get a real hug? It’s quite healing, affirming, and refreshing. What is that feeling? It’s love! And that is the true meaning of life, to give and receive love.
With the rise of digital technology and our increasing obsession with screen time and addiction to social media, many of us are not used to connecting in a personal, warm way. Some of us are not even capable of having a meaningful conversation these days. Ever since smartphones came on the scene, you see people everywhere with their heads down. If only they were busy praying! No, they are texting while their lunch partner is doing the same!