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When You Ask You Shall Receive

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!Spiritually aware people know that if we ask, we shall receive. So, why don’t we ask more often?

Is it because we don’t want to take personal responsibility? Or do we feel that we are not worthy or deserving? Or is it because some of us just don’t know the best way to go about it? Maybe we have asked before and it did not work out the way we expected?

The first thing I often have to teach my clients is that it is our spiritual birthright to ask for things. Asking and receiving is at the heart of our soul’s journey in this life. It doesn’t have to be something big or special. We can ask for whatever we feel we need to live our best life.

The more we ask, the more we get; the more we trust, the faster it comes. There is no complicated magic involved. This is the way the universe works, so go ahead and ask. Bring all the goodness you want into your reality.

In our daily lives we often overlook the simple act of asking. We are taught to be self-reliant and to solve our problems on our own. While self-reliance is a valuable trait, it shouldn’t prevent us from reaching out when we need help or want something. There is an unspoken power in asking – an acknowledgement that we’re not alone and that there is a benevolent force and higher power willing to support us.

Think of the concept of asking as a dialogue with the universe. When you express your desires, you set an intention. This intention becomes a powerful signal that attracts what you need. It’s a practice rooted in trust and openness. The more you practice it, the more natural it becomes, and the more you’ll see positive results.

The universe is not going to give you what you want, it is going to give you what you ask for ~ Abraham-Hicks

Think about the times you hesitated to ask. Maybe you thought you didn’t deserve what you wanted. It’s a common barrier. Many people believe that they must reach a certain level of worthiness before they can receive good things. This mindset is an obstacle. The truth is that everyone is deserving. The universe doesn’t judge; it responds. Your worthiness is inherent; it’s not something you earn through deeds or accomplishments.

Another reason we may be reluctant to ask is the fear of rejection. No one likes to hear “no. But rejection is not a reflection of your worth or the universe’s willingness to provide. Most of the time, what we see as a “no” from the universe is simply a redirection, leading us to something better suited to serve our highest good.

Imagine you’re in a situation where you want something as simple as company for an outing. Instead of resigning yourself to loneliness, you make a request: “I’d like to meet someone this weekend who shares my interest in art films.” In doing so, you open yourself up to possibilities. You might run into an old friend who happens to be free, or you might meet a new person at the local supermarket who enriches your life in unexpected ways.

So, why not make asking a habit? Start with small requests and watch the sometimes miraculous results. As you build confidence in the process, you can ask for bigger and more significant things. Remember, there’s no limit to what you can ask for. The universe is abundant and its resources are infinite.

The next thing to understand is that the universe likes efficiency and speed. So when we ask for our wishes to be fulfilled, and we are in complete trust at that moment, our requests are granted immediately. There is no waiting for our requests to be processed or approved!

You are important enough to ask, and you are blessed enough to receive back ~ Wayne Dyer

So, why does it often not unfold in real time? Why does our every whim and fancy not appear at the drop of a hat? Well, there are important reasons why we often have to wait patiently for a request to unfold:


The main obstacle to our desires being fulfilled is usually our own lack of faith. The speed with which the universe responds can be astounding when you ask with true faith and align yourself with a flow of energy that brings all free will desires to fruition. This alignment is critical. Doubt and unbelief act as barriers that slow down the process. Faith, on the other hand, acts as a catalyst, accelerating the manifestation of your desires.


According to the teachings of Abraham Hicks, the “buffer of time” is a crucial element in the manifestation process. It refers to the time between asking for a desire and its physical manifestation. This buffer serves as a valuable phase for refining and aligning our vibrational energy with the desired outcome.

Having this buffer of time allows us to clarify our intentions, maintain a positive focus, and align our thoughts and feelings with what we wish to manifest. This time also provides an opportunity to address any fears, doubts or resistance that may be hindering the manifestation process. Embracing the buffer of time with patience and trust is essential, as it ensures that our desires are fulfilled in the most harmonious and beneficial way for our highest good.

Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you ~ Matthew 7:7


The free will of others can also play a significant role in delaying or blocking the manifestation of our desires, as each person operates within their own vibrational field and has their own desires and intentions. When our desires involve the cooperation or participation of others, their personal choices and actions can affect the timing and outcome of our own manifestations. This is known as co-creation.

For example, if you desire a particular job, the hiring decision rests with the employer, who has his own set of criteria and preferences. Similarly, if you desire a relationship with a particular person, their willingness and readiness to engage in that relationship will influence the manifestation process.

While the universe orchestrates events in accordance with our desires, it also respects the autonomy and free will of each individual. Therefore, it is essential to maintain flexibility and trust that the universe will find the best possible way to fulfill our desires, even if it means redirecting us to alternative paths or solutions that are consistent with the free will of all involved.

You can reduce or avoid the problem of your manifestations being delayed or blocked by the free will of others by asking the universe to provide better ways for your desires to manifest. This involves shifting your focus from specific outcomes involving specific people to the essence of what is truly desired. Rather than fixating on a particular job, relationship, or circumstance, one can ask for the best possible job that matches one’s skills and passions, or for a fulfilling relationship with someone who shares one’s interests and values. In this way, the request remains open to different paths that the universe can orchestrate without being hindered by any one individual’s choices.

In addition, practicing non-attachment to the exact form the outcome takes allows for greater flexibility and receptivity to the universe’s solutions. Trusting that the universe knows the most harmonious and efficient way to fulfill our desires can lead to more timely and satisfying manifestations by circumventing potential resistance from the free will of others.

The act of asking is a powerful tool in our journey as spirit beings on a human journey. It requires us to trust, to believe in our worthiness, and to be open to receiving. When we master the art of asking, we tap into a boundless source of support and abundance. So, go ahead, ask more often, and watch as the universe responds with generosity and speed, bringing all the goodness you desire into your reality.

About The Author: Psychic Access Team

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