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A Message Of Love From The Rainbow Bridge

Click Here for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comRecently, my beloved 18-year-old dog needed to be put down. I asked her, and her sister, to hold on until we moved out of state. For some reason, I just felt the need for them to make one more move with me. They had relocated with me wherever I went for the past 18 years, but this was a big one. They were both amazingly healthy, I was just nervous and concerned for their well-being.

Unfortunately, we were scammed in the real estate deal linked to this move, having been told the heater in our new home had been serviced and was in working order. Arriving there, we found out it was actually a very old oil heater. It was cracked, toxic and not working at all.

Keeping my dogs warm, which is essential for old dogs, was near impossible. The house only allowed for one space heater, or the electricity would go out. The dogs wandered around, and we struggled to keep a blanket or heater on them consistently. Soon one of my dogs stopped walking.

My dog was so loved. The pain was intense when she passed. However, she came to me in a dream soon after. In this vision she was young, beautiful, with a clean, shiny coat. She was also warm and comfortable, lying in the sun. There was a glimmering rainbow on her body – a symbol of the Rainbow Bridge that leads to the Other Side. I knew she was telling me she was doing okay now. She was in the light.

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Psychic Connections

Click Here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI first noticed my psychic sensitivity when I was a little girl, probably as young as three or four years old. I remember getting sick and looking at individuals, that were either family or friends, out of the corner of my eye with a knowingness that my illness was coming from them – although I experienced the symptoms first. I remember cringing at the knowledge that in a day or two they wouldn’t be feeling well. Yet, for some reason, that I don’t quite understand to this day, I didn’t feel I could tell anyone.

I was raised by my grandparents on a farm that was five miles out in the country. We were as close as a family could be. In fact, I feel incredibly fortunate to have experienced such a loving, nurturing childhood. Yet, although I felt I could tell my grandparents anything, and they would be supportive, for some strange reason I felt I couldn’t tell them about my psychic awareness. Perhaps, it was because no one talked about unusual things like that, so I was embarrassed, not realizing at the time that it was indeed a gift. Yet, I don’t recall ever feeling frightened or anxious. Mostly, it simply felt confusing.

As the years went by, more and more incidences happened to me that didn’t seem to be regular occurrences for others, but I still wasn’t quite sure. I remember thinking that perhaps they were having the same kinds of experiences, but were also not comfortable with telling others, just like me. In any case, again, I felt reticent to mention it to anyone.

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Let The Tarot Speak To You

click here for a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comI can remember, like it was yesterday, the first time I picked up a deck of Tarot cards and it spoke to me. As I recall, it was the Four of Swords card that was my first introduction to the deck. What it revealed to me at the time was daunting. “You don’t do this often enough…and we are going to show you how,” the card said.

I was surprised and intrigued! So, I pulled another card. This time it was one of the Major Arcana cards. Death, to be exact. This time the card said, “Changes are coming, and you must do it and not be afraid. We will get through this together, but you have to let go of the old in order to embrace the new.”

This, mind you, was all happening during my first Saturn Return around age 29. I already had ‘all hell breaking loose’ as it was. I’d left a ‘good job,’ which I hated. My mother did not understand and, since she worked for the government, even called her friends at the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)…because I was thinking of leaving town. I actually did leave, but turned around and came right back, but that’s a story for another day.

So, my Saturn Return was complicated enough, and it was about to get even more so. Talking Tarot cards, indeed! But so it was that they spoke to me. And that was how I got to know each of them, along with much further reading and studying, of course. But nothing can give you the true feel for a Tarot card, but a Tarot card itself.

The cards continued to communicate with me throughout the years, and eventually they decided it was time I share what they say with others. So, here we go with three of my favorite examples of what they have to say.

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Developing Your Spirit Communication Skills

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comSpirit communication is the process of sending and receiving information to and from the spirit realm. This process can sometimes be overwhelming for individuals. The spirit realm and nature sends us inspiration, messages, comfort and guidance. In every moment of every day we receive information. Are we deciphering that information correctly? Are we also clear in our requests to Spirit?

There are many ways spirit communicates with us. For example, a synchronistic song playing on the radio, which we associate with a loved one in Spirit; unusual behaviors, or unexpected appearances of animals, birds or insects; seeing so-called ‘angel numbers’ or synchronistic clock times like 11:11 or 12:12; Ouija board messages, as well as Tarot and oracle card signs; pendulum dowsing; and dreams.

Then there are messages relayed by intuitives, psychics and mediums during professional readings, using the clair senses, channeling, divination and mediumship. These modes of communication can be natural for some, but also a developed skill for others.

Were you a child that had imaginary friends or saw relatives who were dead? If so, then you have the innate capability pre-developed, but you may need to enhance and strengthen your communication ability. Not to become a professional psychic reader, but to be better connected in life. Strengthening comes through discipline, commitment and a passion to be of service.

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Psychic Predictions And Divine Timing

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comDuring a psychic reading it is perfectly natural for the question to arise, “When will this happen?” Our minds are trained or geared toward planning, strategizing, and looking for patterns. Asking ‘when’ supports our goals to ensure progress in the hopes of achievement.

Our penchant for wanting to know, or at least estimate, when something will occur stems back to ancient times, when our ancestors relied upon the movement of the planets and changing seasons for planting seeds, harvesting crops, and so on. It was vital to plan when things will be most likely happen.

In our everyday human life there are schedules we adhere to and time is dictated by clocks and time zones. However, in the realm of Spirit, the truth is, there is no such thing as time. What if all clocks were obliterated and we had no more calendars saying which day of the week it was? Some metaphysicians believe that people made up what we refer to as time and dates as a means to measure progress and spiritual growth of our species.

True psychics are able to see into the future of probable outcomes for their clients, to help them make choices that will support a specific outcome. These predictions come from the world of Spirit, as well as everyday life on Earth.

Remember, in the world of Spirit there is no such thing as time. When a psychic is shown a particular event during a reading, a number of factors can change or determine the timing of when something will occur.

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Psychic Detectives

click here for a free reading at PsychicAccess.comMovies and TV shows featuring psychics who solve baffling mysteries and crimes have become increasingly popular in recent years. Some might dismiss it as mere fiction, but there’s actually a strong factual foundation to many of these psychic detective story-lines.

Psychics using their paranormal abilities to find missing persons and solve crimes goes back to ancient times, when oracles in Greece or Rome would be consulted to unravel mysteries. Today, law enforcement agencies, from the local police to the FBI, have been known to call upon the input of a psychic when all other leads have been exhausted.

Sometimes people ask why psychics aren’t always consulted from the beginning. The simple answer is: skepticism and public opinion. Psychic work is not an exact science and therefore typically seen to be a ‘last resort’ when all else fails.

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Moon’s Mailbag # 1

click here for a free reading at PsychicAccess.comWelcome to my new monthly blog entitled Moon’s Mailbag, wherein I will answer a variety of questions on all things metaphysical, paranormal and psychic. Yes, that’s right! Each month I will select a few of the questions I receive from my clients on Psychic Access. To get the first mailbag edition rolling, I asked a few of my regular psychic reading clients to think about some good questions. By the way, if your question didn’t feature this month, it could potentially be answered in a future publication.

Q: I’ve heard that it takes a lot of energy to do a psychic reading. How do you prevent yourself from being drained energetically?

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