Psychic Predictions And Divine Timing
During a psychic reading it is perfectly natural for the question to arise, “When will this happen?” Our minds are trained or geared toward planning, strategizing, and looking for patterns. Asking ‘when’ supports our goals to ensure progress in the hopes of achievement.
Our penchant for wanting to know, or at least estimate, when something will occur stems back to ancient times, when our ancestors relied upon the movement of the planets and changing seasons for planting seeds, harvesting crops, and so on. It was vital to plan when things will be most likely happen.
In our everyday human life there are schedules we adhere to and time is dictated by clocks and time zones. However, in the realm of Spirit, the truth is, there is no such thing as time. What if all clocks were obliterated and we had no more calendars saying which day of the week it was? Some metaphysicians believe that people made up what we refer to as time and dates as a means to measure progress and spiritual growth of our species.
True psychics are able to see into the future of probable outcomes for their clients, to help them make choices that will support a specific outcome. These predictions come from the world of Spirit, as well as everyday life on Earth.
Remember, in the world of Spirit there is no such thing as time. When a psychic is shown a particular event during a reading, a number of factors can change or determine the timing of when something will occur.
Psychic Detectives
Movies and TV shows featuring psychics who solve baffling mysteries and crimes have become increasingly popular in recent years. Some might dismiss it as mere fiction, but there’s actually a strong factual foundation to many of these psychic detective story-lines.
Psychics using their paranormal abilities to find missing persons and solve crimes goes back to ancient times, when oracles in Greece or Rome would be consulted to unravel mysteries. Today, law enforcement agencies, from the local police to the FBI, have been known to call upon the input of a psychic when all other leads have been exhausted.
Sometimes people ask why psychics aren’t always consulted from the beginning. The simple answer is: skepticism and public opinion. Psychic work is not an exact science and therefore typically seen to be a ‘last resort’ when all else fails.
Moon’s Mailbag # 1
Welcome to my new monthly blog entitled Moon’s Mailbag, wherein I will answer a variety of questions on all things metaphysical, paranormal and psychic. Yes, that’s right! Each month I will select a few of the questions I receive from my clients on Psychic Access. To get the first mailbag edition rolling, I asked a few of my regular psychic reading clients to think about some good questions. By the way, if your question didn’t feature this month, it could potentially be answered in a future publication.
Q: I’ve heard that it takes a lot of energy to do a psychic reading. How do you prevent yourself from being drained energetically?
How to Discern Between Emotions And Intuitions
Many clients say to me during psychic readings, “I just have this feeling”, or “I don’t know, but something isn’t right.” These are great inquiries, because they are the first steps needed to establish a good working connection with your internal guidance system. Rather than questioning or doubting these feelings, maybe it’s time to tune up your internal guidance to get confirmation and validation for some of these feelings.
When you get upset emotionally about something that has happened in your life, in other words an actual event that occurred in the outer world, which you know really happened and is not imagined, is a different type of feeling compared to an intuition. These feelings have a broad range, from anger, sadness and fear, to joy and bliss. And you usually experience them in response to actual events that happen in your outer world.
Controlling Your Psychic Powers
When fictional characters, like Luke Skywalker in Star Wars, train to use their abilities, one of the first things their mentors, such as Yoda, tell them is that they must learn control. This is just as important to us as we use our own metaphysical abilities in the real world.
The first and foremost reason for this is that we have to use any psychic ability given to us for our own good, and that of others. If we use these abilities without mindful intent behind them, or with hostile intent, they can be very counter-productive.
So, how is control learned? An easy way to start is by ridding ourselves of negative influences and objects. As the ancient system of Feng Shui dictates, our environments reflect our internal states. First we must ground ourselves, by connecting our energies with those of the physical and spiritual realms. Continue reading