Simple Self-Care To Improve Your Well-Being
We are living in stressful times, but this can also be a time of reflection, and looking into the future, making plans. If you are currently feeling depressed, or in despair, there are many simple things you can do to ease your mind, or lift your spirits.
To begin, take some time to reflect on how you are feeling. Often we are unaware of how things are really affecting us. Consider how you may be choosing to perceive things, and whether you need to take some time to truly process some of your thoughts and feelings. Just recognizing that you are sad, afraid, frustrated, or depressed, is already a step in the right direction.
Remind yourself also that some of your thoughts and feelings may not be unusual in these unusual circumstances. Many people are going through the same thing at the moment. You are definitely not alone.
Each of us react differently to unpleasant life events. Try to stay positive and not be so down on yourself. Try to be more proactive and take time to reflect on what is most important in your life. Meditation, and other forms of spiritual practice, is a great way to relieve stress in your life.
Review The Day For Better Sleep
Many of us are having trouble getting enough sleep these days. Even if we are currently not going many places and meeting a lot of people during the Covid-19 pandemic, we are still experiencing a lot of stress and disruption, which upsets our minds and unsettles our bodies.
In more normal circumstances walking outside might be a great way to relax in the evening, but even that might not be enough as to allow our body-mind to reach a fully natural balance.
There are also many medical resources for better sleep, of which the most common is the use of various sleeping tablets and herbal remedies. But sleep medications and even medicinal herbs require some caution and care, as they are not always harmless, and the side-effects may differ from person to person.
Some Yoga breathing exercises and meditations may also be useful, as they help balance the blood-flow and deepen the breathing. This is not a visualization technique, nor it is a ritual, but a simple process that may aid your sleep.
There are also shamanic techniques that include breathing, but the core idea remains the same: there is energy locked in stressful or painful events of the day, and the way to release it, is to remember them with a calm mind and a healing intention, maybe even a healing prayer, mantra or meditation.
Recapitulation, as technique taught by Deepak Chopra, is the process of reviewing your day, from beginning to end, every night before you go to sleep. It means to go through the events of the day, and digest mentally what has happened, instead of suppressing your thoughts and feelings. If we try to distract ourselves continuously, we might find we feel tired, but we remain restless.
Inviting The Comfort Of Angels
Now, more than ever before in our lifetime, angels are here to support, guide and comfort us in these challenging times. Angels always show up during times of great calamity and crisis. Many angel sightings or experiences have been witnessed during traumatic periods throughout human history. It is important to remember that they are ever-present, and waiting to be of service, love and support.
Over the years, I have seen time and time again that some of the key primary purposes of the angels in our lives is to remind and reinforce for us that we are not alone; that we can and will overcome the challenges we face at the moment; and to link us back to the best part of our hearts, which is where our true strength lies. It is that part of us which they hold sacred for us.
The angels have known us since before we were born. They have been watching over us as we have gone through triumph and tragedy, ever-vigilant, always supportive, they are loving and guiding us with signs and feelings towards our hearts desire. Through it all they remain unwavering in their faith in our ability to rise to the full expression of our hearts in all of life’s circumstances.
They are friend to all, regardless of our diverse beliefs and sometimes misguided dogmas. They truly are here to serve all of humankind. More often than not they are subtle in their presence, and their voices come through in feelings of comfort, love, and peace. They also guide us with a deep sense of knowing that a course of action we are about to embark on is either advantageous, or dangerous. They are never judge nor jury; they are always our advocates without question.
Time To Feng Shui Your Home
Social-distancing and being quarantined at during the Covid-19 pandemic, is the ideal time to embark on a major de-clutter and clean-up. By doing a thorough cleaning and clutter clearing clutter now, we can open up the flow for positive energy to flow through our homes, offices and lives once the quarantine is lifted.
To make the most of such a spring clean, consider applying some feng shui principles to rearrange your home. Many people’s perception of feng shui is that it is just a form of interior design, but it is actually an ancient spiritual practice and philosophy. It will literally open energy channels for abundance and prosperity, as well as health and wellness to flow into your life.
Feng shui is a system of laws that govern spatial arrangement and orientation in relation to the flow of energy (chi). The aim is to create a harmonious environment that enhance the balance of yin and yang. It is about living in spiritual harmony with our environment.
When we apply feng shui to our home and lifestyle, we do so in order to achieve balance in both our working and living space, and maximize our potential for success in our personal lives and in business.
Feng shui literally translated means ‘wind water.’ Wind scatters energy and water holds energy. In applying its principles, we can clear out negative energy and generate more positive energy.
The Truth About ‘Twin Flames’
If you are confused about the spiritual concept of ‘twin flames’ and ‘soulmates,’ you’re not alone. Perhaps, I can shed some light on this very misunderstood subject.
I could never have understood or imagined it myself either, until I found myself going through the ‘madness’ myself, over 20 years ago. If you have never gone through a so-called twin flame experience, you won’t understand it. It’s a romantic connection like no other! But the biggest lesson I learned for it is that it is also no reason to stay in a toxic relationship.
My twin flame relationship was highly important to me, regardless of it being a one-way street. I meant so much to me that I ended up travelling to Mumbai, India, to obtain advice and assistance from a highly skilled gurugi (spiritual teacher). I was convinced that she could fix things for me, since my relationship was surely ‘meant to be.’
The feelings were so intense, for me, anyway. And, I was convinced that my beloved’s feelings for me were of the same exquisite level. In fact, I had no idea or any way of gauging otherwise. The ultimate fantasy, right!
Further, I thought that it was up to me to heal this person that had captured my heart. It seemed to me the more painful the relationship was, the more healing I had to do for him. As a result, I carried the entire relationship energetically, and emotionally.
For example, although I had always been a passionate ‘foodie,’ I began to look anorexic, as I continued on this healing mission for him. I was eating plenty of good food all the time, but I realize now that I was so drained, as a result of giving him so much of my energy, that it wouldn’t have mattered what, or how much I ate.
When Too-Close-For-Comfort Reveals The Truth
So, here is something new, which I have not heard before in my work: distraught clients asking for help while quarantined with their partner or spouse. For some, being cooped up with their significant other is apparently not going very well!
The circumstances that we are all going through at the moment, is forcing us to take another look at our closest relationships and see if they are meant to be long lasting, or if it is only a chapter or season in our life. Some relationships start off wonderful like a TV commercial, one minute it is heavenly, and then one day not so much.
So, let me share a recent Tarot reading I did for a gentleman, who said it helped them a lot during this too-close-for-comfort time at home with his wife. Who knows, maybe it will be of value to you too? It might just rescue your mental health, happiness and well-being…until they let the two of you out of the house again.
He said that he is a great problem-solver, but just can’t figure out how to make this marriage work. He never saw certain aspects of his wife’s personality, until he has now been forced to have to be around her for a very long extended period of time during the Covid-19 lockdown. He also admitted that sometimes it’s hard to really connect his feelings to things going on in his life, only because he “can be moody.” But we soon discovered the real truth about his toxic relationship.
In the reading, I saw that he has had many relationships in his life and he acknowledged that he had been married several times. I said that I felt it did not work out because he didn’t get the necessary support he needed from his mates in the past.
The Transmutation Power of Crystals and Stones
The beneficial powers of gemstones and crystals is well-known in the psychic and metaphysical community. Many of us use them in our daily spiritual work. One of the most amazing things crystals and stones do for us is to transmute energy, that is to say, change negative energies into powerful healing.
Let’s take a closer look at some of the more popular crystals and stones and their individual energy properties. Remember, if you choose to use any of these crystals in your daily practice, their energies can be combined, depending on your individual needs.
Rose Quartz
Shades of pink, milky or opaque
Represents the planet Venus, and the signs of Taurus and Libra.
Not surprisingly, given its connection to Venus, this stone contains energies of universal and healing love. Many practitioners use it to increase levels of compassion for others, or before and after a session for grounding.
Rose quartz will help us to rid ourselves of fear, anger, jealously, or aggressiveness. It can also help us in a journey to let go of loved ones we have lost.