Caring For Mother Earth With Archangel Ariel
Otherwise known as ‘The Angel of Nature’ or ‘Lioness of God,’ Archangel Ariel is the overseer of both the healing and protection of all the plants and animals of Mother Earth. She also manages the care of the natural elements, such as the wind and water, as well as inspiring humans to look after the beautiful God-gifted planet that we live on.
This being the case, her presence is very often felt where conservation projects are taking place, or when any plans are being made to heal the cleanse the environment and heal the planet.
Should you desire to learn more about nature itself, then Archangel Ariel will provide you with valuable insights and opportunities to help both expand your experience and awareness of it.
Furthermore, as the Angel who watches over the planet’s natural resources, she is incredibly helpful in ensuring that your basic needs, such as shelter, food, water and warmth, are always well met. Archangel Ariel also encourages individuals to live life to their fullest potential, by following God’s will of course.
It is also understood that Archangel Ariel is the grand overseer of The Universe itself, including the sun, moon, stars and planets within it.
What You Might Not Know About Reincarnation
Reincarnation, or the rebirth of our spiritual form into different bodies over time, is a broadly accepted concept across many spiritual traditions and cultures. It is a natural extension of the Law of Karma, which tells us that there is no cause without effect, nor effect without a cause. But beyond the basic concept, many of us don’t know very much about this eternal cycle.
Nature is full of these ongoing cycles: the planets in their orbits, the seasons here on Earth. We, in both our physical and spiritual states, are no different. At the moment of conception, our cells begin to multiply at exponential, and highly patterned rates, until the time comes for our physical birth. It is widely believed that each soul, or reincarnated spirit, enters the body when we first draw breath.
It is the agents of karma, among them the angels, who decide, for specific reasons, which souls will occupy each new body. Perhaps there are lessons to be learned or obstacles to overcome. The point is, it is believed that we ourselves do not choose.
In many spiritual traditions, such as Buddhism, the purpose of reincarnation is such that each soul may learn the requisite number of lessons in physical form to ultimately achieve enlightenment, or nirvana. One truth not commonly known is that many more souls exist in the Universe than there are physical people on Earth. A soul may not be reborn immediately following one death; it may wait for hundreds or thousands of years.
Remote Healing
After receiving a profound remote healing experience, just a few weeks ago, I now know that distant healing really does work! Successful remote healing sessions have been documented in the past, where the recipient was totally unaware that they were being worked on. But I feel that being receptive to the healing makes a significant contribution to the healing process.
My remote healing was done by a couple who work as a team. Their work has had a profound effect on me. The dynamic healing duo includes an emotional intuitive and a medical intuitive. I never had any pain issues with my hips, but they told me that there was a blockage in my right hip, caused by blocked emotions. To my surprise, the following day, my right hip ached!
The healing team picked up on so much information energetically which they could never have known about me, and in addition to their healing session, they gave me tools to assist in releasing any negative, pent-up emotions, as well as letting go of any people connected to my buried emotional pain. When left unattended, old emotional wounds prevent us from moving forward in joy. Old wounds can go far back to childhood, or even into past lives.
Beauty And Positive Thoughts With Archangel Jophiel
Often referred to as the ‘Angel of Beauty’ or ‘God’s Beauty,’ Archangel Jophiel can help to bring some gorgeousness into your life! She does this by helping you think beautiful thoughts which, in turn, helps to develop a beautiful soul.
Therefore, should you find that you suddenly recognize beauty in the world around you, or spontaneously find ideas as to how to create some beauty in your own life, then it may well be that Archangel Jophiel is close by to help you to enjoy a more beautiful life.
As she is the Angel of Beauty, Jophiel’s energy is deeply feminine. Her main objective is to help turn any of your negative thoughts and feelings into beautiful ones. Jophiel does this by helping you to think positively about your life and your environment. Indeed, she can help to fill your heart with sheer gratitude, happiness and love, and will assist you in the art of self-care, so that you cannot only help but beautify yourself, but also help others do the same.
That said, as much as Archangel Jophiel is an asset in creating outer beauty, such as achieving a lovely skin, hair and physique, equally she can help make you beautiful on the inside too. She is also a valuable ally with regards to beautifying your home environment.
The Return Of The Divine Feminine
Sometimes when I do psychic readings, I sense a powerful female presence from Spirit, with wings spread wide, who appears to be lending strength and support to my clients. I recognize her as the Egyptian Goddess Isis, or by her Greek name, Auset.
When Goddess Isis comes into a reading, I know that serious business is at hand and that my client needs to be brave, strong, and to believe in themselves. This brings in the grander subject of the Divine Feminine and how that is showing up during my client’s reading.
The awakening of the feminine is alive and happening all around us, and more widely recognized now than ever before. The rise of the Divine Feminine is showing up in all sorts of arenas, including the corporate workplace. Women, as a whole, are speaking up and no longer have much tolerance for sexual discrimination, lower pay rates, or other outmoded ways of female disempowerment.
However, the interesting thing about the Divine Feminine is that it has a quality of power that is not based on forcefulness. It works more in alignment with the psychic realm and intuition. The Divine Feminine works in harmony with what is, and ways to empower everyone.