Beauty And Positive Thoughts With Archangel Jophiel
Often referred to as the ‘Angel of Beauty’ or ‘God’s Beauty,’ Archangel Jophiel can help to bring some gorgeousness into your life! She does this by helping you think beautiful thoughts which, in turn, helps to develop a beautiful soul.
Therefore, should you find that you suddenly recognize beauty in the world around you, or spontaneously find ideas as to how to create some beauty in your own life, then it may well be that Archangel Jophiel is close by to help you to enjoy a more beautiful life.
As she is the Angel of Beauty, Jophiel’s energy is deeply feminine. Her main objective is to help turn any of your negative thoughts and feelings into beautiful ones. Jophiel does this by helping you to think positively about your life and your environment. Indeed, she can help to fill your heart with sheer gratitude, happiness and love, and will assist you in the art of self-care, so that you cannot only help but beautify yourself, but also help others do the same.
That said, as much as Archangel Jophiel is an asset in creating outer beauty, such as achieving a lovely skin, hair and physique, equally she can help make you beautiful on the inside too. She is also a valuable ally with regards to beautifying your home environment.
The Return Of The Divine Feminine
Sometimes when I do psychic readings, I sense a powerful female presence from Spirit, with wings spread wide, who appears to be lending strength and support to my clients. I recognize her as the Egyptian Goddess Isis, or by her Greek name, Auset.
When Goddess Isis comes into a reading, I know that serious business is at hand and that my client needs to be brave, strong, and to believe in themselves. This brings in the grander subject of the Divine Feminine and how that is showing up during my client’s reading.
The awakening of the feminine is alive and happening all around us, and more widely recognized now than ever before. The rise of the Divine Feminine is showing up in all sorts of arenas, including the corporate workplace. Women, as a whole, are speaking up and no longer have much tolerance for sexual discrimination, lower pay rates, or other outmoded ways of female disempowerment.
However, the interesting thing about the Divine Feminine is that it has a quality of power that is not based on forcefulness. It works more in alignment with the psychic realm and intuition. The Divine Feminine works in harmony with what is, and ways to empower everyone.
Do Loved Ones Become Our Spirit Guides?
While doing mediumship readings, I often have people ask me if their loved ones who have crossed over are now their spirit guides. The answer is, no. While our loved ones, who have crossed over, do watch over us, and communicate with us through dreams and other means, they are not our spirit guides.
Becoming a spirit guide requires many life times of experience, schooling and training. Our loved ones can give us energy, love and light, but they are not allowed to interfere with our destiny in any way.
So, what is the difference between spirit guides and loved ones who have crossed over? Spirit guides are with us before we choose our life. They help us decide what goals we have and what we want to emphasize and work on in the next life. They remind us of the lessons in life we struggle with every life.
The Departure Of Miss Emeylia
I have been receiving visitations from the very kind spirit of a lady for the past year and a half. Through automatic writing I was able to find out her name. Miss Emeylia.
She came by foot in her flight to freedom and was staying where I had found her, but ended up dying there decades and decades ago. There is the remainder of what was once an underground shelter in the basement of a popular restaurant, which I often frequented when I first saw and met her. She followed me home and has been here ever since.
I was finishing up doing a Tarot reading on the night before Halloween, before getting ready to do my Samhain ritual, when I caught a silhouette of Miss Em standing in the doorway of my living room. She was smiling at me and it looked like she had something to share, almost like she had a huge surprise or secret and was trying to keep it contained. She became more and more visible. She telepathically told me she was ready to move on. That she was ready to leave this place and go on to the next world.
Finding Justice With Archangel Raguel
Often referred to as the Angel of Justice, the name Raguel actually means ‘Friend of God.’ However, Archangel Raguel is considered to be the overseer of not only justice, but also of fairness, harmony and redemption. It is his job to see that God’s will is done on both Earth and in Heaven. Furthermore, he wants you to have the best earthly experience possible. Here’s how to recognize when he is around.
Order In Chaos
Do you feel that your life is a little chaotic at the moment or not ‘in flow?’ Should this be the case, then you may well find that new ideas of how to turn chaos into calm, and thus bring a sense of order into your life, may pop into your head courtesy of Archangel Raguel himself.
Raguel is the leader of a band of angels otherwise known as The Principalities. This group of heavenly beings are known to assist others in the creation of order in their lives. They often do so by recommending spiritual practices, such as meditation, prayer, reading religious texts, connecting with nature on a daily basis, helping those in need, and attending places of worship – all of which would help them grow closer to God. Furthermore, when necessary, they may offer this type of advice to you.