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Shani is a qualified practitioner in Reiki, aromatherapy, reflexology, body spin, and animal telepathy who received psychic development training at the Arthur Findlay College of Psychic Research in England. A published writer, her articles and predictions have appeared in several respected magazines and on psychic websites, and she has read for many celebrities and even heads of state in Africa. Because of her empathy, people find it easy to connect with her. Every month, she attends a psychic circle and the information that comes through from Spirit never ceases to amaze everyone present. Though she was born in London, Shani has traveled the globe and has studied the art of African Mysticism, bringing her unique flavor to those seeking her incredible talents. What she has taken away from her many travels abroad, is that there is always a sort of longing clients have to be connected to the source of their being. Get a reading with Shani at

The Angel Messages In Repetitive Numbers

CLICK HERE for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comNumbers show up as spiritual signs in the lives of many people these days. When we keep seeing certain numbers, or number sequences, our Angels are encouraging us to seek information or advice on the deeper meaning of these numbers. Each number has its own metaphysical correspondence and spiritual meaning, which represents the vibrational energy frequency of each number.

You may spot these repetitive numbers, or number sequences, on vehicle license plates, clocks, watches, house numbers, car pedometers, road signs, and anywhere else numbers may appear in daily life. For example, you begin to notice that every day, whenever you happen to look at a clock or watch, the time displayed is always 11:11. Or, you may find you are handed the same small change over and over, every time you pay for something in cash.

Personally, I have been seeing a lot of double and treble numbers on the TV screen and on my phone. Whenever this happens, I thank my Angels for trying to get my attention. Then I sit quietly in a moment of contemplation, and request their guidance in understanding the message. I also ask them to impress upon me any additional information I may need to know.

Below are some numbers most commonly asked about. Once we accept the universal energy which they are endowed with, they really can help guide us along our spiritual path. Keep your mind as clear as possible, once a certain number has made a repeated impression upon you, and then check this list to see if the Angel number symbolism resonates with your thoughts or plans at that particular time.

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My Lives Between Lives

Click Here for a free psychic reading at Psychic Access!Recently, I had the privilege of being a ‘case history’ client for a friend of mine, who had recently returned from completing a past life regression on life-between-lives. I have been fortunate enough to have had wonderful experiences with past life regression in the past, but the ‘in-between lives’ experience was something new for me, and I felt honored that she asked me to partake as one of her case studies for her course assignment.

During our session I was taken back into the past, and received imagery of previous lives. Glimpsing previous lifetimes was to help me see more clearly lessons learned, or not learned. My friend was a wonderful facilitator, as was the help received from my own master spirit guide.

In our session, I learned where my fear of fire originated from. To date, no past life reading I have received has ever touched on the origin of this fear. I have now discovered that my fear of fire relates to a more recent life, in what appeared to be approximately a century ago.

I was a male soldier in the Navy. My uniform was white, and my father, like in so many of my other past life regression experiences, played a significant role in this life also. He was a senior staff member on that ship. I also saw the Star of David during the regression, which suggests I was of Jewish faith in that life.

That particular life experience ended for my father and I when our ship caught fire. My uniform also caught fire! I recalled the flames, and then drowning.

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Dragging A ‘Knapsack Of Irrelevance’

Click Here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comReading for a client recently revealed her toxic work environment, and how one co-worker in particular was making things very unpleasant for her at the office. It reminded me of a short-lived, but very unpleasant working situation I found myself in years ago.

I was scheduled to work with a woman for a couple of weeks who had an extremely negative attitude and was having a profound effect on me. I shared this unpleasant situation with my boyfriend at the time, and his view was that I was just carrying around a ‘knapsack of irrelevance.’

I was so upset! How could he even think that? However, he did give me some food for thought when he then also said, “Just consider how you will think about this situation in a few years from now. How much will it matter then?”

Well, that did help to put things into perspective. And guess what? Just as he predicted, I forgot all about it until this recent reading with my client! Yes, he was correct. After all the years, remembering that brief work situation made me realize that it never had any major relevance or importance to my life. Stressing and worrying about it was indeed just a waste of time and energy.

I met this particular ex-boyfriend in the fellowship of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). He was very well-versed in the twelve steps and other tools helpful in achieving and maintaining sobriety. He also gave me an Alcoholics Anonymous pamphlet, which I have to this day, which reads:

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Being Grateful For Every Thank You

Click Here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comIt occurred to me recently, while I was out driving in the Spanish countryside where I now live, that most of the local people appear to be really happy and content. They often talk of things they are grateful for, and these are rarely their material belongings. Then I had a big ‘aha’ moment!

As a child I grew up in various Spanish speaking places. I learned, when someone thanks you for something, the appropriate response is to say, “De nada!” In other words, ‘it’s nothing,’ or ‘don’t mention it.’

On my return to Spain a few years ago, I discovered a different response to a thank you. These days a gracias (thank you) is responded to with gracias a ti (thanks to you). Also what I noticed is, when I got thanked in return, it felt really good, as if good energy was being directed my way.

I met one of my Spanish friends for coffee today. We both enjoy our chats about all things spiritual. She is studying metaphysics in various disciplines, and I have read for her, as well as her mom. I brought up this topic about how ‘thank you’ is replied to differently, compared to when I first started learning Spanish many years ago. “It is not entirely the case,” she responded. “There are still those who say de nada.”

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Nephelomancy – Divination By Clouds

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI first became interested in reading cloud formations when I was about 12 years old. I was fascinated by the imagery and symbols I was able to see in the shapes of clouds.

Due to my mother visiting another country, I was living at that time with a Dutch family for a while. They had two daughters and a son, and treated me as if I was one of their own. They were nurturing and very open, and they shared many of their own experiences and hopes with me.

The mother, a gentle lady, told me of how just a few months previously she’d received a frantic message from Holland to fly back urgently, because her mom was dying. But just two hours into the flight back home, as she was gazing out of the aircraft window, her departed mother showed herself very clearly in the cloud formation, as if she gently stepped out of the clouds to communicated with her.

Just thinking back to her telling me this story so long ago still gives me the shivers. Her mother then informed her telepathically that she need not rush, as she had already passed to spirit. She then said that she no longer felt stressed about missing her mom’s actual passing. Instead she now felt an incredible sense of inner peace and calm, knowing that all was well.

From that time forward, I became very aware of cloud formations and I would often look for signs from spirit, or try to see if one of my deceased pets or ancestors might be floating by to say hello! I also became more interested in what their formations might represent in the way of a prediction, omen or forewarning of any sort. Continue reading

Choosing Peace Over Conflict

Click Here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThere will always be moments in life when we have to choose between peace or conflict. This was the case for me just yesterday.

About half an hour prior to the incident, I had taken my dogs for a walk in the countryside surrounding my home. Adjacent to the pathway we walked, there were a few men working in the field. I didn’t actually see them, but their car was parked up close by, and what I assumed was their lunch had been perched in a plastic bag in one of the olive trees.

Knowing that the curiosity of my dogs would be stirred by that bag of food, I kept a beady eye on them, particularly the two that were off-leash. Thankfully, the only thing my youngest dog appeared to be interested in was someone else’s medium-sized dog that was also in the vicinity of the workman’s feast. I’d assumed that this dog was with the workers, but on taking the same route this morning, I realized that he belongs to the actual farm there.

So, yesterday, after the walk, I was outside my house, when the worker’s car pulled up to my fence. Two young men got out and one of them asked, “Why did you allow your dogs to steal the old man’s bocadillo (a sandwich made with Spanish bread)?”

“They didn’t steal it?” I replied.

“Oh, but they did,” he said. “My friend here saw it happen!”

I took a moment and thought about how to handle this situation in the most peaceful and spiritually aware manner. It wasn’t such a big deal, but obviously the old man felt that he had been robbed.

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There Are No Clocks In The Spirit World

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI attended a lecture at the Arthur Findlay College of Psychic Research in the United Kingdom many years ago, during which I recall the speaker saying, “There are no clocks and watches in the spirit world.”

He explained further that those of us who do psychic readings must bear in mind that as much as our spirit helpers do their best to give us some indication of time-frames, timing can actually be very tricky.

He also emphasized how we tend to get obsessed with time in our world. While we are constantly racing against the clock, our ‘inner states’ change over time. Sometimes, we may feel that we are beating the clock, and it feels empowering for a while, but there often comes moments when we wish we had more time to ‘just be’ and to feel connected to the very source of our being. To truly feel the state we are in.

When we are fully aware of the state we are in, for example the beginning of depression, we are able to process it and deal with it, instead of ‘chasing our tails’ until our mind and body eventually forces us to stop… and really feel the discomfort!

More importantly, when we return to the spirit world one day, our environment there will not be determined by time, but by the state we are in when we leave our current physical body.

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