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Energy Vortexes And Trauma Imprints

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comMany places on Earth have high energy vortexes. Just being in the vicinity of these locations can recharge your energy.

Places where these higher energy vibrations can be found include Mount Shasta in California; Shaftesbury and Glastonbury in England; The Great Pyramid of Giza and Mount Sinai in Egypt; Mount of Olives in Israel; Lake Titicaca in Bolivia-Peru, and so on.

However, you don’t necessarily need to travel to these destinations to experience the effect of energy vortexes. Even in your hometown, if you are highly sensitive to energy, you may feel positive and negative energy vortexes in certain areas.

Negative vortexes tend to attract violence and crime, for example, while positive vortexes affect people in a positive way, making them feel lighter and happy and the neighborhood more friendly and welcoming.

Just like wearing certain crystals, finding positive energy vortexes in your area can help you balance out your own energy. To find the best locations, try meditating in your car by parking in various locations in the area where you live. Sense the different vibrations in different areas.

Sometime our workplace or home itself is not the cause for our unhappiness or discomfort. Instead, it may simply be built on a negative vortex.

I once owned a business that was located on a negative vortex. Locals were convinced the place was haunted, but I personally did not agree. I sensed there were deep energy imprints of past trauma recorded in the place. Many people, including myself, encountered some very dark and freaky things there.

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How Spirit Communicates With Us

Click Here now FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comSpirit communicates with us in many powerful ways. All we need to do to improve this beneficial and life-affirming spiritual relationship is to set an intention to expand our communication. We simply need to ask to work more closely with our ‘spirit team’ of Ancestors, Guides, and Angels.

Due to the Universal Law of Free Will, our spirit team can only communicate and intervene in our lives to the extent we request their guidance and assistance. They need our consent or mandate, because our free will affords us the right and responsibility to choose the direction and terms of our lives.

Therefore, we must ask for Spirit’s guidance and help before they can act on our behalf and increase their communication with us. Once we ask, our team can go to work on our behalf in any situation in our lives, whether it is a simple as finding a parking spot at the mall or as serious as pinpointing our life purpose, and everything in between.

The key to communicating with Spirit is to be aware of the language it uses. Spirit communicates with us both externally and internally.

External Communication

External communication comes in the forms of signs and synchronicities. Working with and looking for signs and synchronicities enables us to flow with the grace and daily magic of Spirit.

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Embrace Your Intuitive Psychic Experiences

Click Here now FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWe all experience déjà vu. It’s that feeling you get when you sense you have experienced a present situation in the past, or you have been in a certain place before, doing exactly the same thing or talking to the same person as you are right now. Note the word feeling, because this is important.

Déjà vu is a psychic phenomenon that many people experience in their lifetime. I have experienced this ‘out of the blue’ familiar feeling many times myself.

Apart from déjà vu, we also experience a variety of other psychic intuitions, such as hunches, gut feelings and strange dreams. These experiences are glimpses of the past, the present and the future.

I believe these types of psychic experiences are meant to show us that we are spiritual beings and that our spirit guides and angels are with us. They travel with us through life and let us experience these things as a sign that we are not just human and that we are never alone.

Do not fear the feeling of déjà vu, do not resist your hunches, do not ignore your gut feelings. Embrace all of it and know that you are a beloved, protected and guided spirit being in human form.

As you go through life, always be aware. Be awake and open to receive any messages from the Universe that need to be downloaded in any moment. Every unusual sensation or feeling or thought is usually there for a reason, even if you do not understand the reason in that moment.

For example, I stopped driving on a certain road the moment I felt in my gut that it was not safe for some reason. Later, I found out that there was an accident just a short ways up the road that I thus avoided.

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Tune Into The Guidance Of Your Emotions

Click Here now FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI believe our emotions are an additional ‘sense’ we use as a means of interpreting our life experiences, in the same way the normal five senses enable us to perceive and understand the world around us. Our ‘emotional sense’ help us make decisions about our preferences all the time.

For example, I love chocolate. My sense of taste tells me that chocolate is for me! It’s a very clear and obvious signal from my taste buds to my brain. We receive and process stimuli all the time and our senses help us to ‘make sense’ of that input.

Your emotions are also giving you information about your preferences and if we listen and pay attention, we can gain a lot of guidance from it. Our emotions don’t just come from nowhere. They arise in direct response to stimuli or input, just like our senses do.

I have also heard emotions described as an internal guidance system, or our inner compass, which helps us decide what we want to create more of, and less of, in our life. We sometimes get confused though, because just like the other senses, we have different preferences.

For example, some people love coconut desserts, but I detest then. Not thanks, keep your coconut out of my chocolate! The thing is, I’m not confused about the fact that I don’t like coconut. I also don’t feel I have to change my preference because other people love coconut. And I also don’t force myself to eat it, just to make other people happy.

When one of our five physical senses tells us something we tend to listen, because it’s visceral. We feel it undeniably in the body. Emotions are no different!

When you are heartbroken, do you not feel it in your chest as a physical pain? When you are embarrassed, do your cheeks or ears not become flushed? Or how about when someone you love hugs you so warm and deliciously, all your muscles just ‘melt’ into that person? These are all physical responses the accompany our emotions.

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My Childhood Psychic Awakening

Click Here right NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comBeing gifted from an early age, I had lots of questions, and wanted specific, detailed answers about psychic phenomena, spirituality and the paranormal. This later became my norm to everything, and the world around me. The why’s and how’s continue to fascinate me in every aspect of my life.

My spirit guides have been very helpful over the years, as I found that humans can seldom answer my questions clearly, nor adequately. Over the years, my guides provided me with the stepping stones for my personal psychic development.

My guides assured me early on that they would never give me more than I could handle. They also made it clear that the truth of anything can always be confirmed by simply asking. I believed them, and each time I had an unusual sense or feeling, I asked for confirmation. I still do.

My first paranormal encounters and psychic experiences were with the animals. Their energy and communication is easier to understand, just like my guides, and they always communicate with unconditional love. This also led to a special bond with nature, and especially the trees. Soon after came the wind, and the water, their sounds so soothing and calm. As a child, I always experienced a deep, tranquil feeling of well-being, serenity and inner peace whenever I was outside in nature. I still do.

My next extra-sensory experiences were of premonitions and forebodings concerning the safety and well-being of others. At such a young age these presentiments were tricky to relay to adults. I would sense that someone was in danger, or shouldn’t go on a trip, or should not engage with a certain person who had dark energy around them. These apprehensions seemed to constantly haunt me. How do you share such warnings with grownups who will not listen, or take your seriously?

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Tapping Into Your Own Psychic Ability

Click Here NOW FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comHave you ever heard your name, when no one else is in the room with you? Have you ever thought of someone unexpectedly, and have that person then suddenly show up a in person, or with a phone call, a text?

Have you ever had that eerie feeling in your gut, just knowing that something bad was about to happen? Have you ever spontaneously known the answer to a question that you were not supposed to know?

All these things are related to your intuition, or innate psychic ability. Every person has some level of psychic ability. We are all using it daily, but many are not consciously aware of it. Learning to tap into your psychic intuition more consciously is not too difficult, as long as you learn to trust where it is coming from.

Do this simple experiment. Just take a moment to ask a question. Sit quietly, close your eyes, and focus on your breathing. Then ask your question. Just one simple question. It can even be something you already know the answer to. Start with something like, “Is my name (fill in the blank).”

Relax and sense the answer. Do you feel the ‘yes?’ Typically, you might feel it in your gut (solar plexus), or in the area of your heart. It will not come from your brain, or your mind. It will be a sense or a feeling, not a thought. Of course, your mind already knows the answer, but you want to feel a resounding yes coming from your gut.

If you don’t feel it right away, that’s okay. Take the time to do it again later. Never move onto another question until you have sensed that knowing ‘yes’ from the first one. It takes practice and patience to get your energies in alignment.

When you finally do get that gut ‘yes’, then move onto another question. Initially it is best to stick with simple ‘yes’ or ‘no’ questions, that you already know the answers to, until you feel each answer coming from deep within. Do this quietly and slowly. It’s not a race or contest.

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What Is It Like To Be Psychic?

Click Here now FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI have been asked many time what it is like to be psychic? I have always felt this to be an odd question, because in my mind I am just an ordinary human being, the same as everyone else. We are all born with our own particular gifts and talents. Mine just happens to be a sixth sense.

Everyone of us is unique in our own special way. I just happen to have certain psychic abilities. I feel I was given these gifts to help people, to offer them insight and guidance from the spirit realm.

In the time of the European witch persecutions of the 16th century, and the American witch trials of the 17th century in Salem, people like me were often called ‘witches.’ At the time it was the only understanding people had as to why someone would know things they are not supposed not know.

Throughout human history people like me have been honored and appreciated, but also mocked, shunned and persecuted. People tend to fear what they do not understand, and it continues to this day. Many people remain skeptical of psychic and paranormal phenomena. To them it just cannot be real. I can assure you it is.

Many more people in the world actually have psychic abilities, but because it is so misunderstood, they just do not know it, or they simply choose not to recognize, accept, or use it. These gifted individuals ‘know’ or ‘sense’ things, but choose not to call themselves a ‘psychic.’

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