Overcoming The Trials Of Spiritual Transformation
Major setbacks and challenges in our lives can lead to a ‘crisis in faith.’ However, as much as they may seem like unjust setbacks, they’re actually about transcending major hurdles for the purpose of spiritual growth. In truth, these moments of adversity are evidence of an impending, giant step forward within our emerging consciousness. Cherish them.
For those of us who guide others coming into their spiritual power, it is important to understand the significance of these signs, so as to not misinterpret them. That said, it’s not easy for those undergoing these symptoms, which can include feelings of being in limbo, doubtful and depressed, often creating rifts with family and friends. All of these signposts are marking the path for spiritual transformation in the now. For example, if you catch yourself having moments of letting go consciously of self-limiting negativities, that is letting you know that you’re right on track. Honor them.
It’s not unusual for an emerging lightworker to suddenly let go of family and friends whom they no longer resonate with, or to undergo a career change which formerly would have been inconceivable. One becomes less concerned with matters of everyday security, often feeling that the cultural values we have been taught are nothing but an illusion. Or, some may feel they are in mourning, as though something or someone has died – which is a actually an apt description. Indeed, it’s a death of priorities and loss of all meaningless ties. As a result, it’s not a loss at all. Rather, it’s marking the path of self-sufficiency.
For me, it often goes something like this: “Hmmm, I’m feeling a bit restless. Is there something I should be pursuing? Is there a calling I’m missing?” The answer usually comes as I wait on more information with intention. I call it WOO: Waiting On Orders. Although the ‘orders’ may not come immediately, sooner or later, I am back on my path in the direction indicated by the objectives my higher good is setting out for my next challenge in the spiritual growth process. Be aware of them.
How To Send Remote Healing
It is very disheartening when a loved one is not in the best of health, and due to circumstances you cannot be with that person. The good news, however, is that you do not need to be with them to assist or support them! Geographical distance does not stop you from sending them healing and love!
You see, cosmically speaking, we are all connected, and through this Universal network we can send positive vibes to those we care about. All you require is a little faith and focus.
Start With Yourself
There is no point in trying to send support to someone else, if you are not in a good place yourself. Therefore, connect with nature as much as you can, self-nurture to the maximum, feed your five senses regularly with all the good things in the world (meaning that what you hear, see, smell, taste and touch need to be as positive as possible). Bring the ‘feel-good factor’ into your life. Meditation can also be beneficial before sending someone else healing.
If you can get outside for some ‘natural nurture,’ do remember that trees can help bring about a great sense of serenity and calm. Choose the one you feel the most connected to, position yourself close to it and see how quickly you feel better, and thus ready to send positive energy and healing to your loved one in need.
Looking Within – A Message From My Guides
As the holiday season starts to ramp up around the world, everything becomes more and more hectic. Travel plans are made early. Gifts are purchased. Party invitations are extended. New outfits are bought. Menus are set. Baking is done. It is a wondrous time of year, to give thanks and to show appreciation to family, friends, neighbors and colleagues.
Under these circumstances, it is understandable that stress abounds too. For some people, in addition to all the excitement, there is a real feeling of obligation. The expectations of others can be overwhelming and, of course, it is impossible to please everyone. There is also the feeling that time is running too short to accomplish everything on the to-do list. Demands on your time can seem endless and unreasonable.
For others, the holiday season can be a very quiet and somewhat lonely time. Old memories can be triggered. Losses can become more heightened and a sense of sadness can prevail. In the Northern Hemisphere, the days get shorter and sometimes much colder, so sunlight isn’t as prevalent to perk you up and lighten your spirit.
Whether you are run off your feet or living a more solitary lifestyle, we recommend that you make some time to look within. A daily meditation habit can do wonders to give you a sense of peace, calm and gratitude. A quiet mind at the start of your day can prepare you for the remainder of each day as it unfolds. A peaceful feeling can help you to put things into perspective so as not to worry, overreact or panic unnecessarily.
Everyone has a ‘little narrator’ inside their head who is constantly chatting up a storm. If this little chatterbox was a real person sitting with you in your living room or in the car, you would eventually ask him or her to stop talking for a while so that you could think, read, watch TV, listen to music, converse, drive, and so on. However, because everyone has grown quite accustomed to this little tag-along giving constant commentary throughout the day, you carry on in spite of the continual interruptions.
Seeking Spirituality
During the years of private study with my teacher, Adyashanti, he used to speak a lot about belief systems and spiritual practices. I learned from him, among other things, that to believe something, as opposed to having a direct experience of it, are two entirely different things. If you believe something because you’ve been made to feel guilty for being a non-believer, or merely because you think it’s the ‘right’ thing to do, it’s likely that this belief will be challenged throughout your life.
However, if you have a direct experience that is of a spiritual nature, you’re more likely to remember it and the impact it had on you, and you are more likely to truly believe as a result. The direct spiritual experiences we have, whether through meditation, dreams, or psychic and paranormal phenomena, are the ones that help us grow as an individual and bring us into alignment with our soul.
Why is this? If you think about it, we are bombarded with information every day that our minds must either believe, memorize, and somehow apply. Our authentic state, soul or higher self, has a direct, intuitive knowing that doesn’t come from this information or thoughts triggered by the external world. This kind of ‘knowing’ comes from within. When we have moments where our ‘everyday mind’ is out of the way, either through a psychic vision, spiritual experience, dream, or simply a quiet, meditative state, we come back in touch with this original ‘inner knowing’ or ‘beingness.’
Some call this ‘enlightenment.’ According to my teacher, Adyashanti, and from my own direct experiences, true enlightenment is not something that can be learned, rather it’s the ‘unlearning’ of all thoughts we’ve taken in.
The World Needs You
The concept of spiritual awakening is central to most New Age teachings and modern metaphysical belief systems. This is because we can only create effective change in this world once we become aware, or conscious, of the world around us.
So, what exactly does it mean to ‘wake up’ in spiritual terms? Too many people believe that being spiritually ‘awake’ or ‘conscious’ is simply observing the challenges that are all around us. However, this is not the full implication of being aware from a spiritual perspective.
It is true that we must be able to see things more clearly and honestly, to be able to make changes for the better. But, being awake from a spiritual perspective is much more about personal responsibility than it is about just recognizing the challenges that exist on the planet.
Author and philosopher, Howard Thurman, said, “Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive and go do it. Because what the world needs is people that have come alive.” He makes a very valid point.
To be spiritually-minded is to recognize that we are the creators of our world and our own reality experiences. Every thought we think is being returned to us as experience. It is true that there are tremendous challenges facing our world today, but it is equally true that we are either contributing to those challenges, or dissolving those challenges through our own personal patterns.
Our thoughts and beliefs contribute to the war, famine, dis-eases, and other challenges the world is facing. Our thoughts can also contribute to global peace, abundance, and prosperity.
Choosing Peace Over Conflict
There will always be moments in life when we have to choose between peace or conflict. This was the case for me just yesterday.
About half an hour prior to the incident, I had taken my dogs for a walk in the countryside surrounding my home. Adjacent to the pathway we walked, there were a few men working in the field. I didn’t actually see them, but their car was parked up close by, and what I assumed was their lunch had been perched in a plastic bag in one of the olive trees.
Knowing that the curiosity of my dogs would be stirred by that bag of food, I kept a beady eye on them, particularly the two that were off-leash. Thankfully, the only thing my youngest dog appeared to be interested in was someone else’s medium-sized dog that was also in the vicinity of the workman’s feast. I’d assumed that this dog was with the workers, but on taking the same route this morning, I realized that he belongs to the actual farm there.
So, yesterday, after the walk, I was outside my house, when the worker’s car pulled up to my fence. Two young men got out and one of them asked, “Why did you allow your dogs to steal the old man’s bocadillo (a sandwich made with Spanish bread)?”
“They didn’t steal it?” I replied.
“Oh, but they did,” he said. “My friend here saw it happen!”
I took a moment and thought about how to handle this situation in the most peaceful and spiritually aware manner. It wasn’t such a big deal, but obviously the old man felt that he had been robbed.
Learn To Listen To Your Angels
Who is helping me? I have angels and spirit guides? Are they really helping me? If they are helping me, why is my life falling apart? These are some of the questions that come up in our lives, when we have been told that our angels and guides are always with us.
Yes, your angels are always with you, to guide you through life, to enhance your intuition, and to fill the voids that come into your life. However, they cannot intervene in your life. That is all up to you.
Sit in silence and truly listen, before making a decision. Breathe and ask them for their help in making the right decision. I have several clients who do this, and then follow their first gut reaction.
However, I also have several that start to question it and ask the same questions over and over, and over again. They put their heart into it, they put their thoughts into it, but the answer changes on them…because they have created the change.
Know that the very first gut answer that you receive, after sitting in silence, is going to be the right one for you. But when you create the answer you want yourself, things do not always work out well.
A good example has to do with life partners. Someone will make up their mind that they have to be with a particular person, but it’s not up to us to make that choice. It’s a mutual choice. There are two people to consider here.