Making Time For Our Loved Ones
With our hectic schedules in a fast-paced digital world, and everyone seeming to need something urgently, our lives can be crammed with to-do lists featuring mountains of tasks, duties, and obligations.
Sometimes it is hard to believe how quickly the time goes by and how long it’s been since we’ve last spent quality time with family and relatives. Social media ‘likes’ can never substitute meaningful interaction and connection with our loved ones.
We must create opportunities to maintain these connections, foster better relationships, and touch base with young and old. We will regret not doing so someday, when it is no longer possible or viable. I have been witness to many of my clients over the years having to reach out to their loved ones in spirit with a mediumship reading, because many things were never said or shared while they were still in this life.
For years, I used to call my 95-year-old aunt every weekend. She lives about 3,500 kilometers away in a different province. So, I haven’t seen her in a few years, more recently specifically due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
She is the last remaining relative in our family from that generation, on both sides of the family. She doesn’t hear well anymore, so the calls usually aren’t very long, but she always tells me how much she appreciates hearing my voice.
My dear aunt still has a wonderful sense of humor and sometimes she enjoys reminiscing about my mom and her other siblings. Although she has four grown children, as well as grandchildren and great grandchildren, it always seems to bring a spark of joy to her day whenever we catch up and share a quick story or two.
Now I’m Really Confused!
“Whose reading am I supposed to believe? You just told me the exact opposite of what another psychic told me. Which psychic reading is correct?” I hear these questions and comments sometimes after I do a reading for someone. I can totally relate to how my clients feel and understand their confusion.
Clients contact me for a variety of reasons. Most of them need assistance to put their lives in perspective. They need more clarity on what is happening in their lives, why it happened and where to go from here. Each client sends their own unique aura energy to me to pick up on.
Each psychic has their own unique way of connecting to their clients to give them a sincere personalized reading. Some psychics and mediums have the ability to directly connect with your aura, or your loved ones, spirit guides, angels. and the spiritual realm, while others may use astral projection, telepathy and other paranormal talents to connect with you on a metaphysical level. Some readers use psychic tools like Tarot cards, crystals, runes, astrology, numerology, pendulums and many other divination methods.
All of the psychics here on Psychic Access are human. We do the best we can with the talents that we have been given to help you. Unfortunately, we may have to tell you things that you don’t want to hear, but we try to do it in a kind and caring way. In my case, the aura you send to me upon our connection, will determine the information I am picking up on, at the time of your reading.
Auras are known to change from one reading to the next. My job is to decipher the messages I receive through your aura and to provide you the information that you are sending me at the time of the reading. Sometimes the information can be positive, but other times, it can be negative. Whatever the outcome, all of my readings come from my heart.
Support And Listen To Your Psychic Child
How does one know if your child is metaphysically gifted? In my experience all young children have some psychic ability, mainly because their souls arrived from the other side very recently and they are still very much attuned to the higher frequency of the spirit realm.
Many parents will tell you that their kids have premonitions and can see those who have passed. Some kids also see other children who have passed, and even play with them. In fact, many children have imaginary friends, whom I believe are not as ‘imaginary’ as adults may like to think!
However, some children have exceptional psychic sensitivity and are highly intuitive. These kids can ‘see’ and ‘hear’ at a very young age what others cannot. It can be difficult for them, but they manage well if they have people that pay careful attention and patiently listen to them without judgment.
When I was a child, I felt the presence of loved ones who had passed, as well as my spirit guides. At first, I thought it was normal and that everyone saw and felt such things. But once I realized this was not the case, I tried to keep it secret, because I worried that I might upset my parents. I sensed it would be hard for them to understand, especially my mother who is very religious. But through the years my mom and dad learned to understand and accept my psychic abilities.
Many children keep their psychic experiences hidden, and some shut it down completely. Some learn to develop their psychic talents, while others ignore or suppress it. Often, they block their original psychic awareness because their perceptions and experiences frighten, or they want to be ‘normal’ like everybody else.
Many adults closed off their sixth sense when they were younger, and it can be very challenging to reconnect with it later in life. Parents of gifted children need to be patient and open-minded, so they can support and nurture their child’s innate gifts and help them process and understand their experiences.
The Life Calling Of The Death Doula
The first time I heard of a doula, I had no idea what it meant. I soon discovered that it is a person trained to provide guidance, emotional support, and physical comfort to a mother before, during, and after childbirth.
But little did I know at the time that a doula can also be someone who is of service to dying. So, a doula may assist us coming into the physical world, as well as leave the physical world. What a wonderful profession to be called to assist in the miracles of birth and death.
As a psychic medium, talking to loved ones who have crossed over, I have come to understand that some people definitely prefer to be alone at the time of death. My own dad was such a person. He made it clear to us this was his dying wish.
Several people kept vigil at his bedside for three weeks, but the moment we all were away to change clothes or eat, was his opportunity to ‘check out.’ As in life so be it in death, my dad was a very private person.
His hospice room was right across from the elevator. When my mother and I stepped off the elevator, I heard my dad take his last breath and I sensed and felt his spirit exit the building. But I also know he was not ‘alone,’ because his loved ones, guides and angels came to greet him.
So, how does an end-of-life doula help with this process? A doula is there to help the family as much as the person passing. It is my belief that it is a deep honor to be present at a birth or a death. I have had the privilege to be present at all three of my granddaughter’s births. I have also been present at several deaths.
Both are times when emotions are running very high. At a birth everyone is anxious until they hear baby’s first cry. They are on edge waiting to hear baby and mother are both fine. A doula can help explain what is going on and answer questions about the birth process.
Bittersweet Is The Fall
Bittersweet is the fall in Maine. Literally. We have a vine here known as the ‘asiatic bittersweet’ (celastrus orbiculatus) that produces attractive red berries. They are yellow at first, but as they mature the outer shell cracks open to expose a magnificent crimson berry with a yellow coat.
Crafters here in New England traditionally use this vine to make holiday wreaths and decorate their homes. It also adorns the roads of Maine with the combination of fall leaves and green of pine trees.
But the bittersweet vine does its name justice in both sweet beauty and bitterness, life and death, because it is not only adored for its versatility as autumn décor this time of year, but it is also widespread, severely invasive and destructive. It suffocatingly twines high up around trees and sprawls over lower plants and vegetation.
It is not a native plant to the region and was originally brought here as an ornamental plant. As the vine begins to spread and grow to the top of trees it becomes the vine of death for the tree as it covers it completely. A bitter vine.
The fall is indeed a bittersweet time of the year. The natural cycle of life and death. The bittersweet time of year is the time to harvest food for the long winter ahead. Get our homes ready for the snow, darkness, and ice of winter.
In Maine the old timers say ‘button up the house’ for winter. The sweet part is people are thinking of the holidays ahead and gatherings with family and friends. There are traditional recipes. Who will make the best pie? Everyone has a favorite. Whose gravy is the most delicious? It’s a time of gratitude for everything that is good in life.