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Coping With The Pain Of Loss And Grief

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comGoing through grief is a very natural response to loss. The more significant the loss, the more intense our grief will be. Grieving can result from the passing of a loved one, losing a job, divorce, loss of health.

Coping with loss can be overwhelming. We usually go through all kinds of difficult and very unexpected emotions – from shock to anger to disbelief. Sometimes we also feel guilty that maybe there could have been more one should have done. And then there is the sadness, which is hard to even put into words.

The pain of grief and bereavement can, and often does, also disrupt our physical health, making it very difficult to sleep, eat and function normally. It is very hard to think straight at such a time, but these are normal reactions to significant loss.

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Chiron Retrograde Can Heal The Empath

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThere is much talk lately regarding astrological retrogrades and the seven planets involved, including Mercury, Mars, Pluto, Neptune, Uranus, Saturn and Jupiter. The fact that some of this energy will be around until next year, led me to reading up on the potential negative effects, but also the metaphysical power of the retrogrades.

As an empath, I am particularly drawn to Chiron, a planet about which I was woefully uniformed in the past. If you are an empath (even if you are usually not paying close attention) it is worthwhile looking in into the role of this planet in your everyday life.

Apparently Chiron was named after a centaur Chiron from Greek mythology. Chiron is known as the wounded healer in astrology or metaphysics. He was the god of healing… but was unable to heal himself. He is epitomized by the concept of ‘healer heal thyself.’

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Karmic Issues Versus Karmic Debt

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThere is a vast difference between karmic issues and karmic debt. Suppose you have a neighbor that you don’t like. Maybe he is a braggart and a show off, but what might complicate this further is that he appears to be totally successful. He buys a new car every couple of years, while you are lucky that your old clunker is still getting you back and forth to work each day.

His pretty wife and three whiny, noisy children go on marvelous vacations every year and you are always made to know about their adventures, whether you care to listen, or not. You have to hear how exceptionally exotic and expensive all these getaways are. Meanwhile, you cannot even remember the last time you took your own family for an outing that required more than a tour through the entire kitchen of the local Golden Arches!

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Thoughts On Depression

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comClients sometimes call me regarding their own, or a loved one’s depression. Of course, I am not a medical practitioner and as a matter of course I always recommend that the caller seeks professional advice. However, a psychic reading can sometimes help the customer to unmask what might lie beneath their ‘blues’ from a spiritual perspective.

Lately, one cannot help but notice the media attention that mental health issues are being given here in Europe. Companies here are encouraged, for example, to acknowledge the mental health issues of their staff. The topic also receives much attention in the media, even with the help of celebrities and royalty.

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Crystal Singing Bowls

Click for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comCrystal singing bowls, not to be confused with their similar cousins Tibetan prayer bowls, are made from various kinds of quartz crystal, or fossilized water. If one considers that a large percentage of our bodies also consist of water, it’s easy to see why crystal bowls can create a deeper resonance within us, compared to bowls made from other materials.

In our busy world it’s easy to ignore pure, natural sound – which is one of many benefits of crystal singing bowls. Cultures around the world have known for millennia about the therapeutic properties of music, and more specifically, unique notes or tones. In some Hindu and Buddhist traditions it is believed that the Universe begins and ends with the sacred sound Om.

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Calming The Stormy Waters Of The Inner Child

click photo for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI walk on the beach daily, near my home. In fact, I often walk multiple times a day. This is my meditative and contemplative time, to reflect and see what areas in my life I can improve or change, what areas are working well, and what shifts are going on.

In the morning, the water can be as smooth as glass. This represents true peace, clarity and reflection. In the afternoon, the water can have three-foot to ten-foot waves, and the beach space that was so abundant in the morning, is gone. This represents the turmoil that is happening in my life and on our planet, or just what comes and goes in the daily news.

In the evening, the water settles down. It’s not quite as glass-like as in the morning, however it has a small and calming wave. This represents all the cleansing that happened during the day and the cleansing that is to happen through the night, bringing me full circle to another calm again in the morning.

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Animal Rescue As A Spiritual Calling

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comA friend recently asked me if have considered the possibility that all the animal rescue work I have been doing in recent years might be the symptom of a deep desire to heal some wounded part of myself? She also said I may be suffering from what her therapist refers to as a ‘savior complex.’ And this might stem from fear of rejection, insecurities and any other negative experiences from my childhood. I did not get defensive, but said I would ponder her remark. Actually, I am pondering what she said as I type this blog.

As much as my husband and I love all animals, it was never our intention to get as involved as we have now with our bounty of ‘rescued animals.’ In hindsight, we ended up taking in some very sick, injured, starving, and abandoned fur babies, because the small local rescue centre was bursting at the seams. I guess we found ourselves unable to bury our heads in the sand.

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