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‘Taking Out The Garbage’ With Past Life Soul Regression

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The soul is our ‘personal computer’ that retains data from previous incarnations, or past lives, as well as constantly adding to the database in real time from our current experiences in this lifetime. Thank goodness that the soul’s ‘cloud storage’ capability is truly infinite. And did you know that through the process of Soul Regression we can access this data for the purpose of personal growth and spiritual healing?

Many people believe in reincarnation and past lives, yet only a small percentage explore the experience of regression into it. Why would one want to go back into a past incarnation? What value does it hold? What would the purpose be, since we are living in the present time, and our challenges are here and now? This was also my point of view once.

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How To Connect With Archangel Michael

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comArchangel Michael can bring love, light and protection into your life. One of his many roles is to help release worry and fear so that you can fully embrace all of the light and love that the angelic realm has to offer you!

Fortunately, Archangel Michael is very easy for us to communicate with, as it is his job to aid humanity directly. He also connect with us via the energy of the Sun and he is one of the Archangels that is positioned closest to our physical reality. Michael is also the overseer of clairaudience, as well as the governor of all the guardian angels.

Should you be seeking a more exciting life, full of passion and fun, then you certainly need to call upon Archangel Michael. By connecting with him you will become the beneficiary of his loving support and guidance throughout your earthly experience!

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Chiron Retrograde Can Heal The Empath

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThere is much talk lately regarding astrological retrogrades and the seven planets involved, including Mercury, Mars, Pluto, Neptune, Uranus, Saturn and Jupiter. The fact that some of this energy will be around until next year, led me to reading up on the potential negative effects, but also the metaphysical power of the retrogrades.

As an empath, I am particularly drawn to Chiron, a planet about which I was woefully uniformed in the past. If you are an empath (even if you are usually not paying close attention) it is worthwhile looking in into the role of this planet in your everyday life.

Apparently Chiron was named after a centaur Chiron from Greek mythology. Chiron is known as the wounded healer in astrology or metaphysics. He was the god of healing… but was unable to heal himself. He is epitomized by the concept of ‘healer heal thyself.’

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Moon’s Mailbag # 2

click here for a free reading at PsychicAccess.comWelcome to my monthly blog, Moon’s Mailbag, wherein I answer a variety of questions. Each month I select a few of the questions I receive from my clients on Psychic Access and answer them here for the benefit of all. Please remember, if your question doesn’t feature this month, it could potentially be answered in a future publication.

Q: How does one do a house cleansing? I live alone in an apartment and for some reason I feel inundated by negative energy. Please help.

I feel that the neighbors that live above and below you, as well as to the left and right, are all part of the issue. Begin by smudging your home with sage. Start at the entrance. Close all windows except for the back bedroom window; instead open it halfway for working the negative energy out of your home.

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When The Empath Becomes An Energy Sponge

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI just completed a psychic reading for a long-standing client who is a successful teacher,  as well as an empath and psychic in her own right. Despite being highly intuitive and, under normal circumstances, able to make good decisions based on her gut feeling, she was feeling totally at a loss, and in limbo concerning her current circumstances.

She asked me for guidance as to what could be happening to her, because even though her situation is not dire, she described herself as feeling like “a sponge that cannot not absorb any more.” She was feeling no sense of creativity or inspiration, nor any initiative to get the ball rolling for a future move for herself and her family. The Tarot’s Hangman card defines how she felt, as if she was just dangling and not getting anywhere fast.

Both she and her husband had made a big geographical move a few years ago, with the well-being of their children in mind. She was beating herself up, because she also felt responsible for every circumstance her family was experiencing, including her 17 year old daughter, who hasn’t quite yet identified her future career niche. Of course, the additional negative energy of guilt was holding her even more in limbo. To top it all, the schooling of her children and work of her husband requires that she lives and teaches remotely, with a several hours commute away from them, so they can only come together as a family once a fortnight. More guilt! Continue reading

Choosing Your Own Tarot Deck

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comPurchasing your own Tarot deck may seem overwhelming for the newcomer, but can actually be a very magical experience. Back in the ‘dark ages,’ when I decided to purchase my first Tarot deck, I remember getting a plethora of recommendations from others to buy certain decks. I was overloaded with opinions, none of which I listened to in the end.

I’ve always been a bit of a rebel, so I chose a deck that I felt most drawn to. I remember the day well, I visited a little metaphysical shop in Michigan and was immediately drawn to the back of the store, where there were some revolving racks with Tarot decks on display. I felt almost mesmerized by one deck.  It’s theme was angelic, and although the images, design, and roman numerals were not really suited for a beginner, it didn’t matter to me, I bought the deck anyway.

When I got it home, I took it into my herbal room, laid it out on some black silk, to anoint it with consecration oils of rosemary, basil, star anise, frankincense, myrrh, and patchouli. I held a pendulum over the cards to program it with my intentions, and to activate it.

After that, I fanned the cards out on my herbal table and slowly waved my palm over the deck, sending my energies into it to align and connect with it as my sacred tool. Lastly, I asked Spirit to oversee the deck by placing it into the right hands once they left mine. Continue reading

The Healing Power Of Forest Bathing

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comForest bathing, or tree bathing, is a lost healing art much needed in this era of technology. It is a powerful, natural healing tool for cleansing the aura and chakras, and it doesn’t cost anything. The Japanese call it Shinrin-Yoku, or ‘forest medicine.’

Tree bathing is to allow the trees and plants to filter your energy, like they filter the air – in with the good, pure and new… and out with the toxic thoughts and feelings of anger and fear. There is a tremendous benefit to being in nature without having to achieve, compete, accomplish, or do something.

Trees are believed to have a secret language they use to communicate with each other. This language helps to heal us when we become part of their energy and communication. Trees are natural purifiers. They take old, toxic, polluted air and filter it through their system and release healthy, pure air with renewed and powerful life force. We breath this air in and it heals our lungs and organs. Stress can also do this energetically, just by being in their presence. Continue reading

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