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Sagittarius Shakes Things Up

click here for a free reading at PsychicAccess.comA few days ago, on December 7th, we had a New Moon in Sagittarius, which has been both invigorating and challenging. It has brought forth a collective desire to break free from the past, which is now stirring up some conflicts or controversies with people, politics and business relationships.

Sagittarius can shake things up to open our eyes and put us on the right track. It’s never pleasant, but the intention is actually to purify and transform our lives.

Emotions have been running high this entire year, so anything that has been suppressed may now rise to the surface and force us to face some harsh truths personally, and with others. Mercury was also retrograde until a few days ago, which offer a perfect opportunity revisiting any problem and carefully finding the best solution.

Energy levels are also low, so take your time and try not to get stuck inside the storm. Avoid being impulsive at this time, because you might regret it later. Also, think about what isn’t contributing to your growth and how you can eliminate anything or anyone who doesn’t make you feel loved or valued. Continue reading

Why Empaths Fall Victim To Narcissists

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWhy are narcissists and empaths often drawn to one another? This is a phenomena many of us empaths fall victim to. Which, at first, may seem odd, since empaths and narcissists are polar opposites! But, maybe that is the key? Opposites attract.

But, what’s more profound, is that the narcissist preys upon the empath’s dedication to healing those who are emotionally wounded or scarred. By nature empaths are deeply caring, compassionate people. The empath’s purpose in life is to support healing in others, yet due to their intense sensitivity, empaths often struggle to create healthy boundaries for themselves, giving in to martyrdom, victimhood, co-dependency, and chronic self-sacrifice.

An empath will do anything in their power to help or heal another. And, will not easily give up or walk away. This makes them prime targets for the narcissist.

There are different types of narcissists. But, for this article, I will discuss the most common. And, that is the Amorous Narcissist. They tend to measure their self-worth and grandiosity by how many sexual conquests they have conquered. This type of person is known for using their charm to ensnare others with attention, flattery and gifts. But, they dispose of their target once they become bored or when their needs have been served. The target typically won’t so much as get an explanation, much less a goodbye.

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How To Have A More Peaceful, Contented Life

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWouldn’t it be nice if life was always easy and we didn’t have to deal with any stress and arguments between loved ones. Imagine a world where everyone got along really well, where everybody was happy and content, and there was no struggle, so that the short while we all were on this planet could just be enjoyable!

I decided to ask my spirit guide what we could all be more aware of in order to have greater peace, contentment and joy in our lives. The response somewhat surprised me.

“Sleep,” said Spirit. Adequate sleep is one vital thing most humans on this planet are no longer getting enough of. If everyone had proper sleep habits, everybody would get along much better. I then asked how could we get better sleep, as most people work, have families to take care of, and many other responsibilities. And spirit said it has to be a conscious choice and a habitual routine. To improve our sleep our priorities have to change.

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Are You A Magnet For Drama And Chaos?

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comOne of my clients recently relocated to a quieter area, after many years of living a city life. Naturally, she was anticipating a more tranquil existence in her new rural setting, as well as in her new job in a ‘not-so-corporate’ environment. But her new lifestyle did not live up to her expectations. Her geographical change still brought with it a fair amount of chaos.

“What is it with me?” she asked me. “I am like a magnet for drama, and I want the chaos to stop!” Although I kept my focus on doing a reading for her with psychic tools, this was quite a challenging question or me personally, because I had, in fact, also been attracting my own share of drama these past few years.

From my own experience, I know that a certain amount of drama can feel temporarily invigorating, as it prompts the body to produce an adrenaline rush. It can produce a pleasant surge of energy. But it can eventually become particularly debilitating when we are in continuous adrenal overdrive. It’s not an advisable state to be in constantly. After all, we are spiritual beings in a body, and spiritual teachings advise a balance of work, sleep, rest and play!

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A Sense of Calm – A Message From My Guides

click photo for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comSometimes the emotional charge of something as simple as a misunderstood comment, or a statement taken out of context, can throw even the most level-headed person into a tailspin. Developing a general demeanor of good humor can assist you in dealing with some of these most difficult, embarrassing or awkward situations encountered in life.

Everyone handles things differently, doing the best they can with the information they have at the time. Although, generally, the goal is to come to a better understanding and reach common ground, sometimes this takes much more time, effort and compromise than expected.

Although it is important to resolve an issue and clear the air, if possible, it is equally important to put each issue into context. Years from the date of the affront, will the issue be remembered at all and, if so, will it have anywhere near the importance that it did at the time? Certain issues will never be forgotten, however, they can often be forgiven for the sake of all parties involved.

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Moon’s Mailbag # 2

click here for a free reading at PsychicAccess.comWelcome to my monthly blog, Moon’s Mailbag, wherein I answer a variety of questions. Each month I select a few of the questions I receive from my clients on Psychic Access and answer them here for the benefit of all. Please remember, if your question doesn’t feature this month, it could potentially be answered in a future publication.

Q: How does one do a house cleansing? I live alone in an apartment and for some reason I feel inundated by negative energy. Please help.

I feel that the neighbors that live above and below you, as well as to the left and right, are all part of the issue. Begin by smudging your home with sage. Start at the entrance. Close all windows except for the back bedroom window; instead open it halfway for working the negative energy out of your home.

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Monitoring The Blame Game

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWe are in a time where the human activity of assigning blame is more public and becoming a common habit for the individual, as well as the collective. Have you noticed? Hands up if you participate in the Blame Game!

This is no judgment. What, no hand up? Is that because you don’t or is it a half-hearted admittance to participating, depending on the situation?

Whichever category above you chose to place yourself in, remember the propensity for assigning blame is natural. We may blame our boss for the unnecessary challenges at work. And we may blame the government for our household budget not making ends meet, due to too much tax. There are instances where there is a valid and specific rationale for blame. We are allowed to define why something did not go to plan, or as expected. Continue reading

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