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Finding Hope In A Scary World

Click Here for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThe recent events worldwide are terrifying and daunting for most of us. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic our world is not well, and we are all in need of courage, hope and healing.

We cannot control the entire world, or every aspect of our future, but we surely can choose how we react to what is happening to us, and to the world.

Although the world is scary right now, know that there are opportunities for personal and spiritual growth for all of us during this time. Consider the following to make the most of the current circumstances.


Take a deep breath. Hold it. The release, and repeat. Cultivating a calm, hopeful approach to the challenges we will encounter over the next several months, will bring you peace as you navigate through this time.

Take some time every day to find your calm place within, where you can focus on hope and inner peace. Meditate and calm your fears. Spend some time in your ‘happy place.’

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Raising A Psychic Child

Click Here for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comBefore I conceived my first child, I had a lot of communication in the spirit realm with the souls of both my children. My son showed me, for example, how he prefers to be viewed on the Other Side, as a young Mayan male. I had some physical challenges with his pregnancy, but he came to me in spirit and healed me. After his birth his healing ability became even more evident as he started growing up.

He also told me he wanted to be born on August 3rd, although my due date was actually July 27th. When my doctor told me he wanted me to be induced on August 1st, I begged my doctor to wait until the 3rd. I knew it was an important date to my son. But my doctor refused. So, I was induced on the 1st…and my stubborn son simply turned his head and refused to come out, until he decided it was the right time! He was born a triple Leo on August 3rd.

My son has shown from a very young age many signs that he is psychic. He once saw a advertisement for a herbal supplement to help children sleep. All it said was SLEEP on the packaging there was no other indication of bedtime or children sleeping. He could not yet read, and we have never talked about anything relating to the concept of needing to take medication to sleep. So, this was not in his frame reference. He looked at it and simply said, “This is to help kids sleep.”

I remember many moments like that where he just knew things he could not possibly know. When my mom, a very scientific skeptic, came to visit, she experienced a lot of back pain. I told my son that grandma had an ‘owie’ back. He was only one year old at the time. He then climbed on the couch behind her, touched her back… and her pain went away!

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Take Back Your Power!

CLICK HERE for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comEveryone has a story to tell about their love life. And some of have extremely abusive stories to tell. One common element that I have come across frequently in my work, is the fact that some people are treated with disrespect and emotional abuse, and yet they are still patiently waiting for the abuser to return to them!

When you ask them why, it is usually because they “still love” that person. Well, that is not love. It is simply an imagined need that has been created by the abuser, or by one’s lack of self-worth. It is a psychological illusion, not real.

If you are still waiting for someone to come back into your life, after they left you for someone else, you are making yourself the second choice. You are degrading your own true value and taking away from your self-worth.

During a workshop I presented on this subject, I asked the participants to write down why they felt they needed that other person in their life. In essence, all their responses ended up being about lack of self-esteem, self-respect and self-security.

The next step was to ask them how they would you feel if they saw someone treating their daughter, or son, in the same way they have been allowing the abusive partner to treat them? They all said they wouldn’t tolerate it. They would intervene and get that person out of their lives, or at least try. One of the delegates even went as far as to say, “I would lock her in the house and never let her out again.” Which might be a great idea under the circumstances, but obviously not realistic!

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Death Is Never Final

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comMost of us have lost someone dear to us, whether it be a grandparent, parent, child, friend or co-worker. And when this happens, many of us wonder why, and what happens next? Know this: death is never final.

Death is simply the spiritual essence leaving the physical body. Each one of us is born with this spiritual nature, our soul energy or spiritual essence. We are given a physical body to carry us through this journey on Earth, and throughout this life journey our physical bodies change. However, our spiritual essence remains constant from before our birth, and carries us forward to many other realms and new incarnations, beyond the physical death at the end of this lifetime.

My clients are often concerned about their departed loved ones. Is my mother in pain? Is my family okay? Is my child still suffering? Is my husband safe? Is my friend stuck in between worlds because she took her own life?

The simple answer to all these questions is: yes. When we pass, our physical body is no longer needed and our spirit simply returns to the Highest, or Heaven, or Universal Love, or Source. There is no ‘hell’ or ‘bad place’ after this life. It is all good for all of us. It is a place of peace and simplicity. A plane of existence or realm of the utmost, purest, highest state of unconditional love.

When we lose someone close to us, the essence of their spirit returns to us at different times after their passing. You may see, hear, sense, or even smell them, and sometimes even feel them touch you. All these experiences are real. If you feel them around you, they are there. If you feel a feather like touch on your cheek, they are there. If a scent reminds you of someone, they are there. If you swear someone just sat on your bed, but no one is in your room, they are there.

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Unconditional Love Is Heaven On Earth

Click Here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWhen I was a little girl, I remember going to my grandparents’ home during the summers. I couldn’t wait for the summer to arrive, to get to spend time with them. It was always magical. The months leading up to those wonderful stays were always filled with anticipation and excitement.

Always having something to look forward to adds to the enjoyment and contentment of life. Whether it’s an upcoming event or something we are looking forward to, such trying an adventurous activity, or reading that new book you’re excited to dive into. Books have always been for me a bit of a mental vacation, because you can relax, while going places to imaginative places in your mind.

I believe the magic and enjoyment of getting to spend time with my grandparents came from it being filled with love and attention. Thinking back now, they were the only adults, when I was younger, who gave me their full attention and truly unconditional love. They were never too busy to sit and talk with me, or share stories from their childhood, which I found very fascinating.

Not all Grandparents are alike though. Some can be all about gossip, judgment, neglect, even abuse, and not the best role models. I was lucky that on my mother’s side of the family this was not the case. My maternal grandparents had all the traits and attributes one would imagine a truly loving grandparent to have.

I have memories of being in tears when having to leave and go back home. There I just spent my days alone in my room, as my parents were often too busy with church and other social groups they were involved in. I suspect all that time I was forced to spend on my own, helped me to expand and open my mind, to tap into those deeper areas of the psyche that are often left dormant.

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How To Block The Energy Of Negative People

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comIt seems that negativity and negative people are becoming more prevalent these days. Just a decade ago, I can remember people being afraid to be “publicly negative.” No one wanted to be seen as being negative, or as someone that brought others down.

I find myself avoiding large groups and big events, because I just don’t want negativity and lower vibrations impacting my happy life. But I do go to activities and fun events for the sake of my 3-year-old child, and often some of the moms, women who are forming impressionable minds, can’t seem to help themselves, but go to the negative! A few weeks ago, for example, I complimented a mom on her daughter’s excellent vocabulary and she told me no one had ever said anything like that to her before. She said people just tear each other down nowadays. How sad.

I am currently five months pregnant. I keep having other moms asking me how I am feeling, which is very nice. However, when I say I feel great, they seem surprised, even sometimes put off. They ask, “You don’t have any unpleasant symptoms?” Well, yes. Of course, I do. I’m pregnant! But whatever the symptom is, mild though it may be, it is still a gift to me – a pleasant reminder that I am so incredibly lucky. Even when I got morning sickness, I remember thinking during it, it’s okay, it’s okay, it will be over soon. You’re lucky. This means you’re pregnant!

Actually, I am up writing this blog at 3:00am, because I have pregnancy insomnia. Right now, I am up, because I am pregnant. It’s okay. I’ll sleep properly again in another five years, when both of my kids are older. Meanwhile, I’m getting a lot done that I can’t do during the day.

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How To Slow Down Time

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWe live in a world today where we are constantly being challenged to get everything done as a matter of urgency. We have to check every item on our ‘to-do lists’ by a specific deadline, which leads to stress overload and energy depletion.

The pressure to constantly perform drains our energy, which ultimately leads to exhaustion, depression, irritability and even ill health. It also negatively impacts our day-to-day interactions with others. And from personal experience, you can’t truly enjoy any task or moment when you’re always in a rush, or living only for the future.

Let me remind you today that it’s okay to sometimes ‘press pause’ for a moment and allow life to just flow in its own time, without getting frustrated or stressed. Inner peace comes from surrendering time to the Universe and finding a routine that works for your unique needs. Here are some ways you can slow down time and help you live in the present:

Breathing – Get involved in a form of exercise that encourages you to breathe deeply, like Yoga, Qigong, and even strength training.

Disconnect – Logout from the internet and social media on a regular basis.

Recreation – Go for a walk in the woods, sit by water or find a beautiful landscape that you find calming. Use your hands to make something with food or art materials. Continue reading

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