There Is Nothing To Worry About!
We seem to live in troubled times. In my part of the world, we have recently experienced the passing of our beloved queen, the resignation of two prime ministers, and the continuing effects of a global economic recession. So much to worry about, right?
True, but only from a limited human viewpoint. From the spiritual perspective, we need not worry about what tomorrow may bring, because we can trust in God, Source, Spirit, the Divine to support and guide us, and to positively orchestrate things on our behalf.
As a Christian, I have faith in the Almighty having my back every step of the way. In the New Testament of The Bible, Jesus Christ makes it very clear why we should not worry about what lies ahead. In Matthew 6 he says:
“Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life? And why do you worry about clothes? See how the flowers of the field grow. They do not labor or spin…Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”
As a professional psychic, many clients consult me because they are fearful or anxious about what will or will not happen in their future. Worrying about the future is of course understandable, yet there are both spiritual and practical reasons why it is best not to do so:
A New Life On Another Planet
Scientists and thought leaders have been investigating the possibility of humans being able to live on another planet for many years now. Mars specifically is considered a viable option for future human settlement as there is water on the planet, although it is currently mostly present in the form ice, as well as in small quantities of vapor in the atmosphere. Whether another planet’s environment can become a liveable world for humans however remains to be seen.
But what if this interplanetary relocation does become possible someday soon? I have been contemplating such a drastic change of location for myself and it brought up many interesting questions and personal insights.
Firstly, why would I want to leave this known world that I have become so familiar with? Of course, one cannot dispute the fact there is lot of turmoil on planet Earth, including extreme weather, wildfires, floods, droughts, and even the possibility of food shortages, which does not seem to forebode good things for our long-term future. However, we also have much to be grateful for. The ongoing challenges and setbacks we face on the planet are also balanced with much abundance, prosperity, and well-being. Humans have always found new ways to survive and come up with viable solutions to help us sustain a successful, liveable environment.
So, if we eventually have the option to permanently relocate, after being shown without any doubt that a new home in a faraway dimension would certainly be in our best interest, what will induce us to take such a big step? Perhaps we may be convinced by the hope that we could start over in total peace and harmony, having already learned and understood that doing things in certain ways would not be for the greater good and in the best interest of all.
A Time For Mindful Reflection
As the leaves begin to fall and the weather changes, I am reminded that change is a natural part of life. As the seasons change, it is natural for us to also shift and adapt, as our ancestors did for millennia.
Many years ago, a martial artist reminded me that when facing a difficult challenge in life that we are not able to avoid or change, we can still alter our view of the situation and find new meaning and resolution. What seems like the harshest challenges in our lives are often blessings in disguise. It often gifts us the opportunity to move forward and grow by changing that which no longer serves our true purpose and highest good.
We are living in an extraordinary time where natural forces are increasingly reminding us to become more responsible custodians of the environment that hosts our species. We must also become better stewards of the glorious physical temples that house our souls. The key to this is mindfulness. By adopting a mindful lifestyle, greater planetary care and self-care becomes second nature to us, and both our own lives and the world we live in will benefit exponentially.
Mindfulness allows us to be present in each moment, appreciating the beauty of constant change and the natural cycles of life even as it happens. When we become still and centered, we connect more deeply with ourselves and the world around us.
An endless array of spiritual practices and self-care endeavours, such as prayer, meditation, gratitude journaling and charitable volunteering can help us find peace despite any great change or challenge that may be confronting us. Make the effort to find your own desired outlet for connecting to your inner peace, as this undertaking will lead to a lasting fulfilment and joy that you can hold on to at any time throughout your lifetime. Continue reading
Make It Happen Every Day
We have the ultimate ability to forge our own spiritual path in this lifetime, regardless of perceived limitations. As life is lived, important karmic lessons are learned and it is always your free will choice as to how fully you embrace your surroundings and opportunities.
Your experiences will depend on the lessons you choose to learn, the people with whom you interact and the ultimate goals you envision achieving.
To make the most of this incredible journey, spirit invites us to implement the following strategies:
Learn from all your experiences. Rejoice in the ability to create your reality and celebrate your successes, but do not judge your mistakes, nor your supposed failings. Reframe it instead into lessons.
Rejoice in all accomplishments. Even the smallest achievements lead to much greater opportunities. Never criticize your lack of visible success.
Lead by example. Be your best self today and encourage others to do the same for themselves.
Be kind to yourself. Aim for personal balance so that you can give more freely to others.
Be of service. Give so that your heart becomes truly free. Take giant strides in life and make your mark with love and integrity. Don’t let life pass you by.
Evaluate carefully. Think and make wise choices. Step back from the precipice of judgment long enough to gain solid insight before making a definitive move. You are much stronger than you realize. When confusion reigns, ask spirit for support and guidance.
The Self-Fulfilling Fear Of A ‘Bad Luck Curse’
Some folks who consult with reputable psychics for the first time sometimes believe that the many unfortunate things that have been happening to them is due to some ‘family curse’ or ‘bad luck hex.’ While it may indeed seem like certain people and their families do have more than their fair share of ill-fated things happen to them, sometimes through several generations, this kind of superstition is usually just an overreaction to challenging life events, and too often merely an excuse to avoid personal responsibility for one’s own choices.
An famous example of a so-called family curse is the Kennedy family, who suffered a series of bizarre accidents, premature deaths, assassinations, and various other setbacks and calamities, including several ill-fated romantic relationships that all started out great, but then took a turn for the worse and ended in tragedy and disaster.
Whenever I read for a client who believes they are somehow ‘cursed,’ I always advise them that blaming a so-called ‘curse’ for the challenges and adversities in their life will never solve their problems, nor help them create a better life in the future.
Sometimes people are not ready and open to take an honest look at their own part in creating certain life events through their free will choices and decisions. When a relationship ends badly, for example, it is so much easier and convenient to simply imagine, “Oh, well I am probably cursed in the love department.” Meanwhile, the red flags for this relationship were waving high and bright since the very beginning, but they so desperately wanted a relationship that they ignored the early warning signs.
If we would only listen to our gut, and to the people who truly care about us, we will more often experience the blessing of good fortune, instead of ‘bad luck.’ Spirit always warns us early on when we are making bad life choices and heading for disaster. Some of these messages come courtesy of our intuition and inner guidance, some are revealed to us in dreams, signs, synchronicities and psychic readings, and some warnings reach us through our friends and relatives. Sadly, some people blame everything instead on ‘bad luck’ or ‘curses,’ as they would rather believe they have been cursed than take any personal responsibility by accepting they made a poor choices or decisions.