Why People Cheat On Their Mates – Part 2
In my first blog in this series, I touched on some reasons why people cheat on their partners or spouses. But there is never an excuse for cheating. I was given permission by two of my clients to share with you their experiences with cheating. It is my hope and theirs that in sharing these stories readers in a similar situation may find some insight, answers or advice for their own circumstances. Today’s story is about Diane.
Married for 22 years to Michael, her high school sweetheart, Diane found out that Michael’s business trips had not been all about business. At one of these “conventions” he was attending, he met up with another women who he took to his hotel room. When Diane called that evening to say hello, she could tell intuitively that something wasn’t right. She even heard Emily for a brief moment in the background. Michael lied and told her it was room service, but she knew different. Continue reading
The Myth Of Spiritual ‘Life Lessons’
It is not true that we must live a challenging, tormented life to learn certain spiritual “lessons”. Believing that we are here to “learn” is merely a justification that some folks offer to make sense of the bad things that sometimes happen to good people.
The irony is that those who choose to believe this myth will most likely have to face one trial and tribulation after the other, just as they expected. If someone’s life is awash with “weeping and gnashing of teeth” it is often because they choose it to be so.
The hardship and suffering we see in this world is mostly man-made. Misery is something we inflict on ourselves, and each other. It is not of Spirit, Source or God. Continue reading