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toxic environment

The Healing Energy Of Plants

Click Here for a FREE psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comNow that so many of us are spending more time in our homes, it has become even more important to consider the principles of Feng Shui.

The energy flow in our home affects us in many ways, including our psychical well-being and mental health. One of the easiest, fastest, least expensive and most efficient ways of improving the energy of our home, is the use of plants. Plants add oxygen to the atmosphere and filter toxins from the air, making breathing easier and our environment much more pleasant and healthy.

Plants also have a healing energy that most people can sense. The color green resonates with the heart chakra energy center and it promotes calm serenity and healing, peaceful energy. Adding plants is an easy, affordable way to invite peace and tranquility into your daily life.

The life force in plants will raise the energetic vibration of any room. Plants in the bedroom can improve sleep, for example, while plants in the living room and kitchen can help to absorb radiation from electronic devices. Plants are a quick, inexpensive way of improving the energy in your home and balancing the Feng Shui.

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Get Rid Of The ‘Moldy Blueberries’ In Your Life

Click Here for a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comPositive energy spreads, and is infectious. Think about the positive, optimistic people in your life and how, whenever they walk into a room with their laughter, smiles and humor, they just raise the vibration of the entire room. Of course, excluding the really negative people in the room, who choose to remain impervious.

Yes, positive energy is contagious, but so too is negative energy. Just like the mildew on one bad blueberry, kept in a container with other blueberries, it spreads mildew and rot to all the other blueberries around it.

I remember walking into my dance studio one day, many years ago, and finding most of the moms, who had kids in my class, in the waiting room. I took this opportunity to show them the children’s costumes for our upcoming dance recital. The moms were instantly in love with the outfits. Some even became sentimental and teary-eyed. They commented excitedly on all of the bright sequins, the colors and styles. They all talked enthusiastically about how much they loved it, and how truly beautiful these designs were.

Then one mom arrived late, while I was in the office. I could not be seen by the group of mothers, but I could hear them. The late-arriving mom noticed the costumes and immediately began to complain about every aspect of it. She was very critical and felt they were “cheap-looking.” She even claimed that the moms had all been “ripped off” and that I over charged them.

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Time To Feng Shui Your Home

Click Here for a FREE psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comSocial-distancing and being quarantined at during the Covid-19 pandemic, is the ideal time to embark on a major de-clutter and clean-up. By doing a thorough cleaning and clutter clearing clutter now, we can open up the flow for positive energy to flow through our homes, offices and lives once the quarantine is lifted.

To make the most of such a spring clean, consider applying some feng shui principles to rearrange your home. Many people’s perception of feng shui is that it is just a form of interior design, but it is actually an ancient spiritual practice and philosophy. It will literally open energy channels for abundance and prosperity,  as well as health and wellness to flow into your life.

Feng shui is a system of laws that govern spatial arrangement and orientation in relation to the flow of energy (chi). The aim is to create a harmonious environment that enhance the balance of yin and yang. It is about living in spiritual harmony with our environment.

When we apply feng shui to our home and lifestyle, we do so in order to achieve balance in both our working and living space, and maximize our potential for success in our personal lives and in business.

Feng shui literally translated means ‘wind water.’ Wind scatters energy and water holds energy. In applying its principles, we can clear out negative energy and generate more positive energy.

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How To Thrive In Challenging Times

Click Here for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThe world can be a challenging place, especially nowadays. However, not only can we cope more easily with any personal, national, or global crisis, we can thrive at the same time. Yes, it can be done, and the following spiritual and conscious living suggestions may help you restore balance and personal bliss in these times.

Choose Your Company Carefully

It is essential that, while going through any type of life challenge, you wisely choose whom you interact with. If you were to allow it, certain people will only serve to increase your stress and anxiety, while others might be supportive in a positive way and make you feel uplifted and empowered. So be careful about who you spend your time with, and avoid the energy thieves on social media.

A great way of connecting with the right kind of folk would be to join a support group or like-minded ‘tribe’ consisting of people whose collective objective is to help one another remain positive and maintain a sense of sanity – no matter what might be going on in their personal lives, or in the rest of the world.

Make Time For Daily Meditation

Anyone can meditate, and that includes you! Therefore, if you would like to reduce the harmful effects that stress can bring to bear on your body and mind, particularly during a challenging time, a simple daily meditation practice can be immensely helpful.

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April 2020 Astrology Forecast

Click Here for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comApril 2020 is set to be a month of major changes, new beginnings and taking action. The past few months were slow moving and foggy because of Mercury retrograde, along with the Sun being in Pisces. The Sun will fortunately be in Aries until April 20th, and we will have more energy and motivation to get things done, or say no to what isn’t working.

On April 3rd, Venus will transit over to Gemini, and there will be decisions to make in our personal relationships. Since this sign is dualistic, expect there to be highs and lows in our interactions with others. There may also be choices to make between who would be a better fit for maintaining a long-term relationship.

The Full Moon is in Libra on April 8th, encouraging us to strive for balance and beauty. This energy can make some people frustrated, because Libras don’t like to make quick decisions without knowing all the facts. Relationships will be highlighted at this time. They will either get stronger, or end, depending on how strong the connection really is.

On April 11th, Mercury moves into Aries, which is great for speaking your mind, but do not get too extreme or cutting with your words, because it will create more problems down the road. Aries is a fire energy and needs to be contained to a certain degree, so it doesn’t explode.

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Choose Your Tribe Wisely

CLICK HERE for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWe need to face the fact that some people are unfriendly, heartless, and simply rude! I discovered recently why someone I know personally acts so unfeeling and uncaring towards others. She always seems so wrapped up in her own world and shows no regard for anyone else. This has brought about much dis-ease in her own family and she has also gone through numerous failed romantic relationships.

During a recent family gathering, I was observing her aura and noticed that she suffers tremendous guilt and envy of others. Meanwhile, she is always looking for acceptance and comfort from her many boyfriends, who only stick around until they find out how manipulative and vindictive she really is.

Spirit showed me that she truly hates herself and projects it onto others. She is just not happy and slowly drains the energy of those around her. They usually do not realize this until it is too late. I do wonder how those who orbit around this person can manage to stick around at all, as it seems dis-ease and drama just follows her everywhere she goes in life.

Before her sister’s funeral, she was even snapping and yelling at her youngest daughter for something as trivial as a puzzle piece accidentally dropped on the floor. I asked one of her other children how she grew up to be so loving and sweet, having been raised around that kind of negativity? She said the credit belonged to her grandparents, as well as a few other family members.

I refuse to be unkind to anyone. It is in my nature to be civil and courteous to everyone I meet. It is my motto to leave others feeling better than they were before I interacted with them. But many people, will not even smile, no matter what you say or do. Spirit says this is due to their ‘spark’ being blown out by their own bad life choices and negative thoughts. It’s a matter of free will.

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Dragging A ‘Knapsack Of Irrelevance’

Click Here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comReading for a client recently revealed her toxic work environment, and how one co-worker in particular was making things very unpleasant for her at the office. It reminded me of a short-lived, but very unpleasant working situation I found myself in years ago.

I was scheduled to work with a woman for a couple of weeks who had an extremely negative attitude and was having a profound effect on me. I shared this unpleasant situation with my boyfriend at the time, and his view was that I was just carrying around a ‘knapsack of irrelevance.’

I was so upset! How could he even think that? However, he did give me some food for thought when he then also said, “Just consider how you will think about this situation in a few years from now. How much will it matter then?”

Well, that did help to put things into perspective. And guess what? Just as he predicted, I forgot all about it until this recent reading with my client! Yes, he was correct. After all the years, remembering that brief work situation made me realize that it never had any major relevance or importance to my life. Stressing and worrying about it was indeed just a waste of time and energy.

I met this particular ex-boyfriend in the fellowship of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). He was very well-versed in the twelve steps and other tools helpful in achieving and maintaining sobriety. He also gave me an Alcoholics Anonymous pamphlet, which I have to this day, which reads:

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