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toxic environment

How To Deal With Toxic People

click here for a free reading at PsychicAccess.comAt times most of us have to deal with toxic people. It seems these days they are popping up everywhere in some way, shape or form. We do our best to understand them. And often we make excuses for why we continue to tolerate them. Year after year.

Fact is, some folks just aren’t going to change. No matter how much patience we give them. We may make up excuses for why we continue to share and hold space for them. But it is in vain.

Sometimes it takes a wake-up call from a doctor who tells us we suffer from stress-related illness, such as high blood pressure or anxiety, to make us realize that dis-ease does in fact cause disease.

I have done readings for several women who have told me they have serious health issues and they believe it is caused from the stress they have to endure from co-workers, or the people they have to live with, or those whom they are married to.

I have given lots of helpful advice to my clients in these matters, but I decided to step it up a notch and spend a month connecting with spirit and asking for a good list of items I can share in this blog that could maybe help you too.

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Moon’s Mailbag # 2

click here for a free reading at PsychicAccess.comWelcome to my monthly blog, Moon’s Mailbag, wherein I answer a variety of questions. Each month I select a few of the questions I receive from my clients on Psychic Access and answer them here for the benefit of all. Please remember, if your question doesn’t feature this month, it could potentially be answered in a future publication.

Q: How does one do a house cleansing? I live alone in an apartment and for some reason I feel inundated by negative energy. Please help.

I feel that the neighbors that live above and below you, as well as to the left and right, are all part of the issue. Begin by smudging your home with sage. Start at the entrance. Close all windows except for the back bedroom window; instead open it halfway for working the negative energy out of your home.

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When The Empath Becomes An Energy Sponge

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI just completed a psychic reading for a long-standing client who is a successful teacher,  as well as an empath and psychic in her own right. Despite being highly intuitive and, under normal circumstances, able to make good decisions based on her gut feeling, she was feeling totally at a loss, and in limbo concerning her current circumstances.

She asked me for guidance as to what could be happening to her, because even though her situation is not dire, she described herself as feeling like “a sponge that cannot not absorb any more.” She was feeling no sense of creativity or inspiration, nor any initiative to get the ball rolling for a future move for herself and her family. The Tarot’s Hangman card defines how she felt, as if she was just dangling and not getting anywhere fast.

Both she and her husband had made a big geographical move a few years ago, with the well-being of their children in mind. She was beating herself up, because she also felt responsible for every circumstance her family was experiencing, including her 17 year old daughter, who hasn’t quite yet identified her future career niche. Of course, the additional negative energy of guilt was holding her even more in limbo. To top it all, the schooling of her children and work of her husband requires that she lives and teaches remotely, with a several hours commute away from them, so they can only come together as a family once a fortnight. More guilt! Continue reading

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