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How To Practice The Art Of Gratitude

Click Here FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comMy life has not been without its challenges. Nevertheless, I love my job, have a beautiful son, an adorable husband and supportive friends and family. Therefore, irrespective of current world events, I genuinely have a lot to be grateful for!

Gratitude is beneficial for all of us, including physically, emotionally and spiritually. For one, appreciating the good things in our lives helps us to be more tolerant and forgiving, with a higher sense of life satisfaction. Grateful people also tend to have more hope and inner peace and feel less anxious and alone.

God, Spirit, the Universe loves gratitude! Those who are sincerely grateful are blessed with even more to be grateful for. Like attracts like.

How does one ensure that you practice the art of gratitude ever day? The following guidelines should help:

Seek Out The Positive

In my own personal research into positive psychology, I became aware of something referred to as negativity bias. In case you have not heard of this, it means that our negative thoughts tend to be more dominant than the positive ones.

An excellent way of counteracting this negative way of thinking is to seek out at least three things in your life every day that you are well and truly grateful for. Try to make this a daily habit. By doing so, it should have you smiling in next to no time!

I remember when I was about 26 years old and in a particularly challenging place in my life. I was advised by a psychic, whom I reached out to with my troubles, to watch the film or read the book, The Color Purple by Alice Walker. It is some of the best advice I have every received. Once I had read the last chapter, I felt so grateful for whatever I had in my life.

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Find The Eye Of The Storm

Click Here now FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comYour relationship is falling apart, you have lost your job, your finances are in a shambles, you suffer an unexpected loss due to a global pandemic. Chaos comes in many forms and at times it touches multiple areas of our lives at once.

The ripple effect starts in one area and then spreads insidiously, until every aspect of your life begins to look very bleak. Your emotional reserves are drained, confusion sets in and you feel stuck, powerless…reeling from the shock.

When things turn bad in your life this way it can have the force and power of a hurricane or tornado. It can be devastating.

Perhaps you sensed it coming. Your intuitive radar was ‘pinging’, sensing imminent danger, or maybe it caught you completely off-guard. Either way, the results are the same.

Now what? How do you get your bearings, recover your sense of direction, recharge your battery and get the inner strength to move forward?

All tropical storms have a center, or an eye. The stronger the storm the calmer the eye, which is characterized by lighter winds and a clearer sky. So, take a breath – a deep breath – and find your center. Find the eye of your storm.

Making decisions from fear or chaos always increases the strength and ferocity of the storm. Remember, all storms do pass. The beauty of life lies in the newness and change each moment offers us.

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The Law Of Sacrifice

Click Here now FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comAre you in a rut? Not getting what you want out of life? Pandemic fatigue getting you down? Whether you are hoping to achieve something on a psychical or emotional, or even spiritual level, it is my believe that we must always give up something in order to achieve that which you desire.

There is always going to be some form of sacrifice necessary for what you want in life. The most typical sacrifice often required is that of time – time that you must sacrifice to get that career or relationship or whatever it may be.

If you have a goal in mind for travel plans or a vacation, for example, you may need to put aside time to plan accordingly, or put more time in at your job to generate the money necessary to fund your trip.

If you are married or in a committed relationship you will know that most days you must sacrifice something. You may be required to be quiet when you wish to speak or you may need to meet your partner halfway, when you would rather not. In order to make it work, to make anything work, you must always sacrifice something.

If you value something enough, then it’s worth the wait or the effort. The sacrifice that you are willing to make in order to have something, whatever it is, shows the value of what it is you want to attain.

Know that to work hard for what you want is not always easy. It shows your desire, your drive and your determination. When you get what it is you set out to attain, it makes you want to keep working for it, for example a relationship.

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The Soul Future Of Past Relationships

Click Here now FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comTo outward appearances, endings are a structural matter – now there is a relationship, now there is no relationship. From the soul point of view, ending is a different experience of the relationship.

Ending is not literal at all, but rather a radical shift in imagination. For example, a woman’s father passes on. In her soul the relationship may now intensify and may become the dominant myth shaping her other relationships, her career, and every other aspect of her life.

Memories of her father may now become more vivid than ever, and new feelings may surface. He may be more influential in her life now than when he was alive.

Another example might be a man who divorces his wife, thinking that now his thoughts will turn toward a new life. With the struggle of decision and separation now passed, feelings formerly nudged out of awareness now come to the forefront.

Completely unexpectedly, he now has dreams of her seducing him, suggesting that in some way ‘she’ now has renewed desired for him. Years later, he says what many people say: “I didn’t have to go through that divorce. If only I had known then what I know now…”

Apparently there is something in every relationship that is eternal, that goes on forever, and that wants to be exempted from the life-decision to cut ties. If you are experiencing this, it is not your imagination. You are simply being quite human.

Obviously, our relationships are not as simple or as limited in scope as we sometimes like to think them to be. There are only so many people we come to know in a lifetime, and an even smaller number with whom we live intimately. Continue reading

Getting More From Your Psychic Reading

Click Here now FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comSo, there you are, about to spend some well-earned money on a psychic reading. You have decided to get a reading about your life at this time, which is always a good idea.

But before you go ahead make sure you know how to get the best from your reading and how to wrap your mind around what you are going to hear and see. You may be a first timer, or a seasoned veteran of all things occult. It doesn’t matter.

The important thing, the first thing, is to be very sure why you are getting a reading. This must always be your starting point. It enables you to help yourself. It allows your mind to be open and ready to receive. The next thing you must do is to release your attachment to the outcome of the reading. Release all your expectations of what you would like to hear. Easier said than done? Hardly. That is merely an excuse. It only serves to paralyze you, and stems the very flow that you crave.

People often have many questions about what they should do when it comes to getting a reading. Should I carry a crystal? How will I know whom to choose to read for me? Do I just go with a random reader?

The answer to these questions is… do what you feel works best for you. You can carry a crystal if you want to. They have earth-driven qualities and they do help to remind us of beauty, which is always important. Choosing a reader online can be as easy or as complicated as you choose to make it. Choosing a reader in any situation means going with your heart, your instinct and, most of all, an open mind.

Keeping an open mind in a psychic reading is essential. By releasing attachment to the outcome, you allow Spirit to speak through the medium or the psychic, giving you the message that is meant for you alone. That is why you get a reading after all, isn’t it? I would hope so!

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The Three Laws of Grace

Click Here now FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThere are three primary Laws of Grace that function under the overarching Law of Attraction. Grace is generally associated with divine support or spiritual help, but in this context it simply means that we are always free to choose again.

The Law of Love

The first Law of Grace is the Law of Love. The Law of Love does not refer to feelings, sentiments or emotions. Too often it is assumed that love is a feeling we get when we are with someone, but in metaphysics and spirituality love is not a feeling.

Instead, spiritual love is choosing to accept others as they are and to want what is best for them. What most of us know as ‘love’ today is actually ‘like,’ because to like someone or something is conditional. Real love, on the other hand, has no conditions. It is unconditional.

There is also a common belief about ‘love’ that can be very damaging to relationships. Sometimes we create emotional attachments to future events and declare that “this is love.” Yet, it is impossible to love a future other – either you love a person, or you do not.

When people conjure up extensive images and stories about a future version of another person and attach their mental and emotional attention to these things, they often create a strong sense of painful longing, which creates within them the desire to change the other person.

It is this painful yearning that is the key to understanding, because with the Law of Attraction like always attracts like. Painful longing can only ever attract more pain. It does not even matter how compatible two souls are in this life, if one of them is participating in such a painful longing, then pain will inevitably become the result of the relationship.

Love is unconditional acceptance and there is only one love. Therefore, Buddhists believe one cannot have friends and enemies. If you have enemies then eventually all of your friends will become enemies, and vice versa.

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How To Clear Your Karma

Click Here Now FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comKarmic cycles are repetitive patterns in consciousness that emerge through a belief that is contrary to the laws of the Universe.

Some religions and spiritual teachings refer to humanity as the ‘children of God.’ When I use the term ‘God,’ I do not mean some off-world deity that is separate from us mere mortals. To me God is the All. It is the Creative Force. Being a ‘child’ of this Creative Force means that we have the same nature and creative capacity.

Many wisdom traditions also equate words, thoughts and consciousness with God’s ability to create. In other words, thought has a creative function in the Universe. Thoughts are words, images, and stories that are repeated in the mind and they have creative power.

Another way of saying this is that whatever we choose to think or believe about ourselves and others, and about the world around us, ultimately becomes true for us. This is important when discussing how to clear away old karmic patterns.

Karma are patterns of thought that are repeated in the mind and influence how we create our life experiences. Free will means that we have total freedom in what we choose to think and believe.

This is not to say that a specific thought, or even a behavior, is wrong or bad. In fact, the Universe or God always takes us at our own value and says yes to all our thinking and feeling patterns.

Karma is a secondary spiritual law to the Law of Attraction, that allows us to evolve continually into our higher potentials. From an esoteric or spiritual perspective this relates to the expansion of love, joy, and peace within our mind.

Karma and the Law of Attraction are also separated by a protective buffer, in that we often experience less damage than our minds can produce through thought, and we also receive more good than our minds can produce through thought. In metaphysics this is known as the Law of Grace. Continue reading

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