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It’s All Up In The Air…

Click Here to get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comMany years ago, when my husband and I were just a young couple with two lovely little daughters, we lived in the beautiful province of Quebec, Canada. Around about this same time his parents resided on an army base in the province of Ontario, which was a five hour drive from where our home was located. Every few months or so we would load up the girls in the car and set off for a weekend visit to the in-laws.

One particular Sunday, at the end of another visit, we embarked on the usual five hour trek back home. It was a very pleasant day, the sun was trying to make its presence known and the traffic, as luck would have it, was just moderate. We had been on the road for a few hours at least, when I felt or sensed a change in the air. Continue reading

Is Your Partner Cheating?

Click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comIs your partner cheating on you? Is your spouse seeing someone else? These thoughts can be life-changing in a relationship. It can create a wall that is very difficult to tear down, especially if it is not the truth of the situation. Yet, if true, it can also destroy a family.

There are several signs to watch for in every relationship that will bring the truth of the situation to you. However, you must be willing to act after knowing the truth, and not just sit there and be disrespected.

Phone Secrets

Does the cell phone get hidden when you walk into a room, after they have been fervently texting on it? Does it go in their pocket, or under a cushion? Does it go into the bathroom with them? Is it always by the bed, in a place that you could never access it? Is it password or fingerprint protected so you cannot see anything in it?  Has it become a third appendage attached to the person at all times? Are they chuckling, however won’t show you what they find so amusing?

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The Day My Angels Saved My Life

Get a free reading at Click Here!I know my angels stopped me from going to work that day for a reason. I knew I had work to do that day that was important enough to keep me safe from injury, or worse.

I will never forget the day of that highway accident. It was September 3, 1999 and I had asked for that day off work, which is something I never did. I was an Office Manager at a tool shop, and worked under a very arrogant accountant whom, I’m sure, had control issues when it came to his staff.

He didn’t feel I should have the day off, as it was already a long weekend for us in Canada. The Labor Day holiday would have afforded me a four day weekend, instead of a three day weekend. I had been working there for several years, however he still said no. He had threatened that I would lose my job if I took that day off, as he didn’t approve it and had no intention of changing his mind. Continue reading

Angels With Me, But Why Do I Feel So Alone?

Get a free psychic reading at, click here nowDo we really have angels that are with us all the time? If our angels never leave us, then why do we sometimes feel so alone?

Yes, we all have angels in our lives, several in fact. Our main angel, or guardian angel, accompanies us from birth until death. And no, your crossed-over relative is not your guardian angel.  A guardian angel goes through many lifetimes with you and knows all your past secrets and all your future secrets, even before you yourself are aware.

I’m sure all of our guardian angels shake their heads many times at each of us, with our irresponsible use of free will, and some of the unfortunate choices we make in our lives. I can picture my guardian angel at different points in my life, just throwing up her hands and saying, “Here she goes again – another bad life choice!” However I know she never leaves my side, which is my comfort in this lifetime. Continue reading

Lessons From The Wisdom Of Children

Get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWe can learn a lot from children, when we look at things from their perspective. There are five special little ones in my life: three granddaughters and two grandsons, who range in ages from 6 years to 1 month.

Many women in my age group, known as the Baby Boomers, were so busy trying to get a career going, as well as have a family. We thought we could do it all, but we missed many of the little things that our children had to teach us. I was not immune to this.

Now that I have grandchildren in my life, and I have the ability to take the time to see things differently, I have learned many life lessons.

Lesson 1 – Count Your Blessings

This past weekend, I had my two year old granddaughter here for the weekend. She has been diagnosed with Juvenile Arthritis and has a variety of medicines that she is taking. I am so sad when I watch this young child suffer needlessly, because of a disease that she should never have had in her life. She can be happy and running one minute, and then stopped in her tracks and unable to get up the next. Continue reading

Always Be True To Who You Really Are

Get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWe should all take the time to visit a nursing home or a senior’s retirement village, and speak to the residents. It can be a life-changing experience. Recently, I have had the opportunity to speak to several seniors and one of the questions I asked them was, “If you had your life to live again, what would you do differently?”

Some said they would change nothing, as they had family, friends and lots of love in their lives. They also knew the true joy of being in the moment, and how laughter was the healer of most wounds in relationships, and otherwise. However, the vast majority responded that they would have been more true to themselves. These seniors told me they would have followed the original path placed in their soul, instead of living for what someone else wanted, or what someone else thought they should be. Continue reading

Gut First, Heart Second

Get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comHow do you know what you are doing is for your highest good?  How do you know if what you want from life is based on your own wants, or has it been placed there to achieve from Universe?

Everyone has a higher purpose in this lifetime and yet many never seek it out, or achieve it, because ego starts to become more prominent in their lives, instead of Source, the Universe, God. When you were born, there was a deep-seeded dream placed within you.

As children we were able to draw on it, always just knowing that we wanted to be a fireman, police woman, doctor, astronaut, artist, lawyer, dancer, scientist, or a princess. Some of us just wanted to help others, even at a very young age. We would be kind, caring and giving towards other people whether they were children, adults or seniors. Continue reading

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