inner guidance
Trust Your Intuition To Avoid Gaslighting
Gaslighting can be a very destructive component of a toxic relationship. It basically refers to any form of ‘reality twisting’ or ‘crazy making’ that aims to confuse or manipulate the victim. Gaslighting is used to gain power and control in the relationship, by making the victim question their reality.
The phenomenon is typically found in romantic relationships, but it can occur in all kinds of social relationships, including friendships, in the workplace and with neighbors. Sometimes it is done in an obvious way, right under the victim’s nose, but mostly it is done under the radar and you don’t always know who is gaslighting you, or even that you are being gaslighted. Continue reading
Following What Is True for You
Have you ever noticed that whenever you really enjoy what you’re doing, it’s as though there seems to be an energy flow or undercurrent carrying you? Don’t you wish you could live this way all the time?
Unfortunately, it seems too often we fall prey to worrying about what others might think of us, or we choose the practical path or the road most traveled. We get caught in the trap of following the opinions of others, rather than tuning in and listening to our own inner guidance.
When you follow the flow of what is true for you, it doesn’t mean you are shirking your responsibilities. It also doesn’t mean you are being selfish. It simply means you are choosing moment to moment what feels right. We are influenced every day by society’s standards of what’s right, and we seldom do a self check-in instead. Continue reading
Catching The Bogey Man
At a particular time in their life, some people may feel that they have not achieved much success in their career, romantic life, or health and well-being. And often these people accept it to be due to their own wrongdoing. But negative energy in our lives is not always of our own volition.
Granted, when applicable, we should admit that we sometimes might have been operating from a negative vibration, which aids the expansion of such feelings of doubt and a lack of confidence. But sometimes these negative energies in our lives are caused by dark and destructive spiritual forces.
There are unknown entities out there patiently waiting for the opportunity to take control of some unsuspecting soul, especially if you are experiencing trauma, chaos or indecision. One of the main reasons these entities find it so easy to take over and manipulate us in these opportune moments, is because we are feeling overwhelmed and vulnerable. Confusion takes over and our defenses are down. We do not always have the clarity in such difficult times to see what is impeding our progress. Continue reading
Crystals Can Revive Your Spiritual Brilliance!
Life these days can be very demanding and it is often a challenge to successfully balance all aspects of mind, body and soul. Busy work days, financial responsibilities, and the demands of our social and family life, can make it so easy to allow our spiritual practice to slip. Fortunately, the metaphysical power of crystals can help us keep our spiritual motivation going. Here’s how.
Ask For Support
Should you feel the need for support from a particular crystal, then all you need to do is simply ask for it. For example, do you think you need to increase your self-discipline, or that your resolve should be strengthened? If so, gently hold some malachite in one hand and request that it helps and supports you to this end. In fact, you could carry it with you at all times whenever you sense the need of its help. Continue reading
Connecting To Your Internal GPS
This past year has been the best! It is amazing to see what happens when we live with eyes and heart wide open. We experience more synchronicity, calmness, joy, and peace. We go from go, go, go, and do, do, do, to being fully present.
We too often choose to ignore the little voice inside that tells us things like, “Don’t go out, stay in!” or “Don’t do that, do this instead.” That inner voice is what most people call your intuition or inner guidance. I think of it as God within.
When we are clear-headed and keep from chaos and drama, and set healthy boundaries with others, we actually can hear that voice much more clearly. Continue reading