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third eye chakra

Find Your Calm In Crystals

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comIt’s been a stressful couple of years for everyone, and stress-relief can be hard to accomplish. Stress, if untreated, can lead to a host of physical and emotional symptoms. But dealing with the stress of everyday life can be made easier with the right crystals in your spiritual practice.

When starting to work with these amazing crystals and stones, consider this: what causes stress in your life in the first place? Usually, it happens when we feel out of control and our energies aren’t properly centered and grounded. Earth-toned crystals such as smoke quartz (associated with the Earth element for stability) and tourmaline (release of negative energies) bring us to a baseline of positive energies to de-stress.

Soothing colored colors like blue (chrysocolla, aquamarine, lapis lazuli, larimar), violet (rhodonite, amethyst, tanzberry quartz, lepidolite), and white and grey (scolecite, howlite, agate) are traditionally associated with tranquillity and serenity. The cooler hues reflect the elements of water, or emotions, and air, our thoughts.

If you use some of these stress-relieving crystals in your meditations, imagine them help tame the runaway thoughts or feelings which cause so much turmoil. In the chakras, these are the Crown Chakra (thoughts) and Third Eye Chakra (emotions, psychic intuition), which are also represented by blues and purples.

Sometimes stress is less generalized and more related to one specific area in life. Which area is this for you? Knowing will help select the best crystal for your needs. If you’re overcome with panic attacks, amethyst (a well-known stress reliever) or blue sodalite (the Stone of Peace) are good choices.

Perhaps you’re having difficulty with communication at work or in a relationship, so blue lace agate (opening channels) or lapis lazuli (confidence) will work better for you. The possibilities for your crystals are endless: you might want to keep them with you in your pocket, in a necklace or bracelet, or create a special arrangement in your home or office.

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Sun Salutation For Opening Your Heart Chakra

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comMany people have an energy blockage or imbalance with their heart chakra, because this is where we hold our emotional wounds.

The heart chakra is where we hold on to every insult or criticism from our childhood. The unbalanced heart chakra can store the energy of every rejection, anxious moment, humiliation, and fear from our teen years, as well as every break-up and every disappointment in our lifetime.

Heartbreak is a very real phenomenon. For example, sometimes when the life partner of an elderly person passes away, they will also pass from a heart attack soon after. It is tragic evidence of a disconnection of the life-long energy bond between two hearts.

Blockage in the heart chakra can also cause various health problems, including heart palpitations, irregular heartbeat, breathing problems, and problems with the thyroid, back, neck and shoulders.

The sun salutation is a choreographed set of yoga exercises that can be used to open the heart chakra and move energy throughout the entire body. Lifting your heart chakra pulls energy into the center.

Stand with your feet roughly one foot part, feet parallel. Tighten your buttocks and push your pelvis forward. Contract your abdominal muscles.

Reach your arms out to the side and slowly move them upward, as if you re scooping energy upward. Keep the arms perfectly straight, with elbows locked.

Bring your hands over your head into a prayer position, with the arms as straight as you can get them. Visualize that energy you scooped up pulsing between your hands. Then, keeping the hands connected in prayer, bring your hands down to your heart and feel that energy you ‘captured’ filling your heart chakra.  Do this over and over as many times as you want.

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Cleanse Your Chakras With The Water Wheel

Click Here now for a FREE Psychic Reading at PsychicAccess.comThe chakras are the energy centers of the body and they sometimes become imbalanced or blocked due to toxic energy influences and negative emotions like fear, envy, anger or lust. When this blockage occurs we tend to feel ‘bogged down with no energy to get to where we want to be, be it mentally, physically or emotionally. A chakra cleansing helps to open the door for that built up energy in the affected chakra areas to dissipate.

Working with clients who request chakra readings I like to use an energy cleansing technique I invented that I call ‘The Water Wheel.’ Water is a great cleanser. Its fluidity and continuity makes it one of humanity’s most formidable allies or our worst enemy, depending on how Mother Nature chooses to express herself. Our bodies consist of 98% water and similar to the cycle of the ocean’s tides we are subconsciously also very ‘moved’ by the power of water.

The Water Wheel exercise signifies motion. It goes in a circle, but it also goes forward within that circle. The Water Wheel cleanses the chakras with the motion of water and the movement of the wheel. The Water Wheel is a visualization exercise in which you go from one chakra to the next and mentally see the colors of each as colored water. The key is create vivid visualizations and to practice, practice, practice!

The base or root chakra is associated with the color red, the sacral or naval chakra with orange, the solar plexus with yellow, the heart with green, the throat with blue, the third eye or brow chakra with indigo, and the crown chakra with violet. It is these colors one has to focus on during the Water Wheel chakra cleansing.

The colored water that you see at each chakra point should reflect the color that corresponds to that chakra. For example, when you start at the root chakra you would visualize bright red water and as you move to the sacral chakra the water would turn to a brilliant orange.

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Crystals And Stones For Your Spiritual Practice

Click Here NOW For A FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comCrystals and stones have grown in popularity in recent years, to aid in healing, protection, divination and wellness.

They can be worn as jewelry, placed under a pillow, infused in water, set around the home, or used in prayers, meditations, spells and rituals.

It is important, however, to purchase only ethically sourced crystals and stones from businesses that respect their high vibrational qualities, because they are precious metaphysical tools from Mother Earth that should not be taken for granted.

Here are some popular crystals and stones I recommend for use in your spiritual practice.


This is one of the most popular crystals and aids in enhancing one’s spiritual vision. It is also great for recovery, sobriety and calming down anxiety. If dreams during sleep are intense, you can place this under your pillow to get a good night of rest.

Black Tourmaline

This stone works with the root chakra to ground one’s energy and cleanse the aura from negativity. It also promotes inner strength when dealing with difficult people and adversity.

Blue Calcite

A wonderful crystal for encouraging rest and relaxation. It is a gentle stone and assists in soothing emotional trauma and gain a positive perspective.

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Tapping Into Your Own Psychic Ability

Click Here NOW FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comHave you ever heard your name, when no one else is in the room with you? Have you ever thought of someone unexpectedly, and have that person then suddenly show up a in person, or with a phone call, a text?

Have you ever had that eerie feeling in your gut, just knowing that something bad was about to happen? Have you ever spontaneously known the answer to a question that you were not supposed to know?

All these things are related to your intuition, or innate psychic ability. Every person has some level of psychic ability. We are all using it daily, but many are not consciously aware of it. Learning to tap into your psychic intuition more consciously is not too difficult, as long as you learn to trust where it is coming from.

Do this simple experiment. Just take a moment to ask a question. Sit quietly, close your eyes, and focus on your breathing. Then ask your question. Just one simple question. It can even be something you already know the answer to. Start with something like, “Is my name (fill in the blank).”

Relax and sense the answer. Do you feel the ‘yes?’ Typically, you might feel it in your gut (solar plexus), or in the area of your heart. It will not come from your brain, or your mind. It will be a sense or a feeling, not a thought. Of course, your mind already knows the answer, but you want to feel a resounding yes coming from your gut.

If you don’t feel it right away, that’s okay. Take the time to do it again later. Never move onto another question until you have sensed that knowing ‘yes’ from the first one. It takes practice and patience to get your energies in alignment.

When you finally do get that gut ‘yes’, then move onto another question. Initially it is best to stick with simple ‘yes’ or ‘no’ questions, that you already know the answers to, until you feel each answer coming from deep within. Do this quietly and slowly. It’s not a race or contest.

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Singing Raises Your Vibration

Click Here for a FREE psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comI recently had a mediumship reading that brought me great comfort and confirmation of Spirit’s presence. Especially at this point in time, getting acknowledgment of my late father being around me was very reassuring. In this particular reading, the medium told me that my father was around me and he was referring to me singing in the car! Well, that is so true. As a youngster, my father and I would sing in the car, and he would initiate the harmonies.

I have a photograph in the lounge of my dad playing the piano, singing into the microphone. It was taken many years ago, when I joined him on a cruise ship he was working on at the time as a musician. I still talk to his photograph frequently and had done so for quite a while on the day before I had the reading. So, being told by the medium of my conversation with him was beautiful confirmation that he must be there around me.

I remember doing some chanting at a psychic development workshop I attended several years ago. My mentor there was explaining the extent to which singing can raise our vibration. No wonder we get goosebumps when we hear an angelic voice on a talent show, or when we become profoundly moved to tears by a beautiful choir.

I can hold a tune, but never really developed my singing voice. I began to learn the piano at about eight years old, but we moved countries so that got shelved. Then I took up guitar lessons, and I would play and sing on the beach with the local youth club members where we lived on the Spanish island of Gran Canaria.

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Herbs And Your Spiritual Well-Being

Click Here for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWhen our physical body is weakened or sick, we take remedies to heal it. We reach for a tincture, supplement or medication that we trust will help us. But, in the same way we care for our physical body, we also need to take care of our energy body and aura.

Yes, the light body or auric field also needs loving care, in the same way our body does. As a certified herbalist I find this is often overlooked in the field of health and medicine.

Many people only think of herbs as something you use in cooking to season food. Years ago, when I discovered that herbs were also a great way to treat the body for illness, I wasn’t expecting to find out all the other benefits herbs can offer us.

During my herbal studies coursework, I discovered that herbs not only help us heal physically, but can also work to bring our spiritual body back into alignment. The herbs work with us on many levels to promote harmony and wellness.

For example, when we drink Lavender tea for stress or anxiety. Try it yourself. Breathe in Lavender essential oil and notice how your thoughts instantly calm and the muscles in your body relax.

But Lavender not only promotes a sense of peace and calm, it also affects our spirit and changes our energy vibration. In addition to the effect it has on our nervous system, Lavender works with us on a spiritual level, to purify our soul and to clear out negative energy clogging our higher chakras.

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