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Astrology Forecast August 9 – 15, 2021

Click Here NOW For A FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comYou may feel overwhelmed or take on too much today and tomorrow, as the Moon moves through expansive Virgo. Remember to pace yourself and where possible, delegate!

Venus in Virgo opposite Neptune in Pisces could create some awkwardness in our relationships and romantic lives today. Former sexual inhibitions or shyness may resurface, or unfilled erotic desires may emerge that could lead to uncharacteristic behavior and unwise sexual choices. Avoid the temptation to stray from a committed relationship today, as it may not end well.

Tomorrow’s Mercury in Leo opposition to Jupiter in Aquarius may cause conflict in discussions about religion and politics. We may also be prone to talk to much and even reveal confidential information that is not ours to disclose. So, tomorrow it may be best to keep our opinions to ourselves, stay out of the office gossip, and say as little as possible, despite our burning curiosity.

The Libra Moon will fortunately lighten the mood for the second half of the week, allowing us to flow with more realistic and achievable goals. That will be punctuated by Mercury’s move into Virgo – it’s ruling sign. It is the perfect time to brainstorm, map out a plan of action, or gather missing details for future projects.

Mercury in Virgo has a way of bringing forgotten ideas to the surface, so we may experience  an ‘aha moment’ later this week, as we recall important obligations that have fallen to the back burner. We may also think of friends we’ve lost touch with (social media could reconnect us) and go in search of lost items or paperwork.

A Scorpio Moon this weekend will inspire us to dive deeper into neglected creative or spiritual pursuits. And with Venus moving into its ruling sign of Libra, romance or the search for true love could also prove a fruitful endeavor on Sunday.

Your Sacred Creative Energy

Click Here now FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comOne of the most powerful and sacred energies we have is our located in our Sacral Chakra, the seat of our sexual and creative energy. This chakra is located just underneath the navel and associated with the color orange.

Orange is the most creative color. I always recommend to my clients who are struggling to design, paint, sculpt, write, choreograph, compose, manifest, or get pregnant, to introduce as much orange in their life as possible. This means wearing orange, decorating your art studio with orange, and even eating oranges and carrots and other orange-colored foods!

Nothing is more powerful or important in life than to create another life. To create a new opportunity for soul growth. To give access to another being to be able to use the planet for spiritual growth. For this reason, our sexual energy and creative energy are intertwined.

When a client tells me they are having a hard time writing their book or completing an art project, I always look into what is happening in there romantic and sex life. Usually there is a problem in this aspect of their life. For example, an unhealthy sexual relationship involving abuse or perversion will stifle someone’s creative energy.

It is vital to know that every person you are sexually intimate with will leave a residue of their energy with you and take some of yours. Sex creates an energy cord between your and the other person. If this is not a healthy sexual exchange, then it may become both energetically and karmically toxic.

The abuse of our own sexuality, as well as the sexual abuse of others, can damage our creative energy. Abuse it, and you will lose it. Sexual trauma is stored in the body and can cause reproductive, psychological and creative damage. Sexual trauma as an adult, or in our childhood, needs a lot of work and time, and sometimes expert guidance, in order to heal.

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The Soul Future Of Past Relationships

Click Here now FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comTo outward appearances, endings are a structural matter – now there is a relationship, now there is no relationship. From the soul point of view, ending is a different experience of the relationship.

Ending is not literal at all, but rather a radical shift in imagination. For example, a woman’s father passes on. In her soul the relationship may now intensify and may become the dominant myth shaping her other relationships, her career, and every other aspect of her life.

Memories of her father may now become more vivid than ever, and new feelings may surface. He may be more influential in her life now than when he was alive.

Another example might be a man who divorces his wife, thinking that now his thoughts will turn toward a new life. With the struggle of decision and separation now passed, feelings formerly nudged out of awareness now come to the forefront.

Completely unexpectedly, he now has dreams of her seducing him, suggesting that in some way ‘she’ now has renewed desired for him. Years later, he says what many people say: “I didn’t have to go through that divorce. If only I had known then what I know now…”

Apparently there is something in every relationship that is eternal, that goes on forever, and that wants to be exempted from the life-decision to cut ties. If you are experiencing this, it is not your imagination. You are simply being quite human.

Obviously, our relationships are not as simple or as limited in scope as we sometimes like to think them to be. There are only so many people we come to know in a lifetime, and an even smaller number with whom we live intimately. Continue reading

Love At First Sight Is A Spiritual Experience

Click Here right now FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comDo you believe in love at first sight? I do. I believe that you can meet someone for the first time and instantly fall in love with them. It makes complete sense from a spiritual or metaphysical perspective. We are after all energetic beings having a physical experience, so of course our souls can recognize each other.

Some folks are convinced love at first sight is nothing more than just ‘lust at first sight,’ because love and lust are closely related in many people’s life experience. I am sure in some cases it can be both love and list, but in most instances it is not. And even lust at first sight can very quickly turn into love when there is an underlying soulmate connection.

Truth is, love at first sight is a reality for many people all over the world, simply because of their own personal experiences. And often these couples stay together for a lifetime. This may be hard to believe for some of us, who might have been less fortunate in love and romance, but it does happen more often than you may think.

How do you know when it is love at first sight? You may be surprised to know that some of the confirmation can often be found in the gut-brain connection. Your inner guidance system will always tell you when you have encountered someone special and meaningful. Your intuitive reaction to the other person will often be supported by a physical sensation. For example, you may feel a little queasy when you meet, or feel a sense of having ‘butterflies.’ There are also other physical signs that you are deeply attracted to someone at first sight, such as your heart racing, nervousness, and perhaps that goofy smile that will not leave your face!

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Embracing Scorpio Season

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comStarting today, October 23rd until November 22nd, the Sun will be transiting Scorpio, which is the best time to increase your spiritual awareness and heightening your psychic abilities. The ‘veil’ between the living and the departed becomes ‘thinner’ during this time, and important messages are transmitted at this time through dreams, magic and meditation.

People and situations who are a hindrance to your personal growth and spiritual expansion, are often revealed and removed during Scorpio season, but only if one is willing to go beyond the surface and see something for what it really is.

The scorpion can creep up on its enemy and silence it with one quick hit from its poisonous tail. Scorpios are often a few steps ahead of everyone else, and are some of those most brilliant artists, performer, healers, and teachers, as well as very loyal friends… as long as you stay on their good side!

They are often feared, or envied by others, especially because they always insist on the truth, and easily recognize deception, insincerity and a lack of authenticity in others.

The mythical phoenix is also associated with this zodiac sign, because it signifies the death and rebirth of the self, in order to to transform the soul and become the best version of who you really are.

Regardless of your sun sign, the current transit through Scorpio is inviting you to release the old, so you can achieve increased self-love, and gain the understanding of what needs to be done in order to move forward. It can be emotional and painful, but worth the sacrifice in the long run.

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Slow And Steady Is The Best Path To Lasting Love

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comIn today’s superficial world of online dating, hookup apps and sexual promiscuity, it’s has become a daunting challenge to find a suitable partner who is genuinely ready for long-term commitment and relationship monogamy.

Also, in the dating scene, people typically wear masks, especially during the initial introduction. Everyone wants to give a good first impression and rarely want to discuss their truth, or past traumas. Dates also like to exaggerate or omit information, to make themselves sound more important or successful than they really are.

A few weeks into a new relationship is usually when the cracks start to show and the truth begins to float to the surface. For example, he comes from a good family and appears to be successful on paper, but he is emotionally fragile, or verbally abusive and narcissistic in relationships. Or, he claims he is totally single when you first meet him, but there’s actually someone else in his life and they’re not breaking that up anytime soon, because they have money invested together or are married.

We too often get so caught up in the fuzzy feeling and fantasy of a person possibly being ‘the one,’ that we forget to question if they are in alignment with what we truly need to add value to our life. Always listen to what a date is telling you, without sugar-coating it for yourself.

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Your Soulmate is Not Someone Else’s Partner

click pic for a free reading at PsychicAccess.comMany people go through life looking for their soulmate or twin flame, while they may have already found them. To me a soulmate is simply someone you have a past life connection to and your souls cross paths again in this lifetime. It does not mean they are meant to be with you forever. It does not mean that you are meant to be lovers, partners or any other connection other than, you have been together in some capacity in a past life.

Sometimes clients who consult me about their love life are enamored with another person’s spouse or partner, and are so sure that this person is meant to be with them, instead of the person they are with. But the truth is, the Universe, Source, God, will never send you someone else’s partner to be your life mate.

I hear so often, “But I love him!” Or “We are so good together and she does not love her husband.” But these are merely empty words, or wishful thinking. Chances are you are only being used by that other person. They will tell you exactly what you want to hear. “Oh yes, my spouse and I have drifted apart.” Or, ‘My spouse treats me very badly.” Or the best one, “I’m only staying there until the kids are out of school.” These are simply lines to justify the pursuit of an affair.

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