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Together Again In The Afterlife

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThere are many different beliefs and opinions about what happens to us after we die. For centuries, philosophers, theologians, and even scientists have pondered whether or not we are reunited with our loved ones in the spirit world when we leave this life.

There are also many people who believe that there is no life after death. They believe that when we die, our consciousness simply ceases to exist. This idea is often based on the idea that our consciousness is a product of our brains, and when our brains die, our consciousness dies with them.

It is often claimed that there is no definitive answer to any of these questions, and that it is purely a matter of “faith.” Well, faith is believing in something without concrete evidence. It is trusting that something is true without any proof.

I have to disagree. For me, the afterlife is not just a matter of mere faith, nor is it a complex question with no real answers. For me, it is a matter of knowing it as truth from personal, first-hand experiences.

Not only have I seen ample evidence in both my professional and personal life that the afterlife does exist, but I also know that when death separates us from our loved ones, it is only temporary, for we are ultimately reunited with them in the spirit realm.

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True Love Is Never-Ending

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI love you. I love you, and you, and you! No matter what happened yesterday. No matter what was said, what was done, how we hurt one another, I still love you.

Three simple words. Really, love shouldn’t be so hard. Since my childhood my goal in life was always to show love. Before money, before “common sense”, before logical reasoning of life, my heart always took the lead. Believe me, this trait has led to much criticism over the years. Many people have considered me eccentric, crazy, even downright stupid. Yet, throughout the years, I learned to like myself and to accept others.

Perhaps I’m not the wealthiest woman in the world, with diamonds dripping off my neck. Perhaps I give away more than I keep. Yet, each night I go to sleep soundly, liking who I am. I can dance in the moonlight with the fairies under the kisses of Venus, with Lady Moon shining her soft glowing light through the country rural trees, the shadows of leaving dancing around creating the sense of those long gone flitting in and out of the corners of our eyes.

The answer is love.

Today is a new day, where spirit sends to me more people to love. It’s just that easy. I simply let the problems and failed actions of yesterday go, remembering the lessons I had to learn in how to treat others. We are all human who make mistakes in how we express ourselves, in how we react, but we can always choose restore the love. All we need is unconditional love, and forgiveness.

For many of us there is the constant hope of one day meeting a life partner who ‘gets’ us, with all our flaws, all our doubts, all our insecurities. This task of finding just the right one is not easy. Some seek advice from us seers, who give answers, but sometimes the bottom falls out. One of us, or both of us do something really stupid, and the love ends. This is what we believe. But love doesn’t end.

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Keeping Score In A Relationship

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI believe the habit of keeping a ‘score card’ might start in someone’s childhood. It is based on developing a certain sense of duty and responsibility early on. For example, as kids I remember my sister and I had to take turns doing the dishes. My sister would always keep tabs on that chore. She always knew whose turn it was next. My sister is four years older than me, and to this day she still keeps score on almost everything in her life.

This also set the precedent for me with friends and other family members. Others keeping score just seems natural to me, so I never feel the need to do so myself.

This did not server me well in all aspects of my young adult life. For example, in relationships it always felt like I was the one trying to make things work. It did not make any difference to me who called who last. Therefore, I ended up doing most of the calling. But does it truly matter that much?

What has the other person done for me?  After all I have done and given so much! What do I get out of this relationship? These are the questions score keepers are always asking themselves.

But in my view, a relationship is never 50/50, even if both people are truly happy and fulfilled. One will always be doing less or more. But it does not matter, as true love is supposed to be unconditional.

So, if you are keeping a score card things will never balance and the emotion that will come up is anger, rebellion, defensiveness, or a complete shut-down. That does not serve any relationship in the long run.

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The Stages Of True Love

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWhen we fall in love with a potential life partner, we need to understand the lessons and challenges it may bring. Couples grow further with each of these organic stages, and we can learn much about ourselves, as well as our beloved’s life, needs, wants, wishes, goals, and desires.

Those who do not make it through the initial stages will not stay together  for very long, and if they do it may become a very toxic relationship situation. Meeting someone is only the first step of the journey. For lasting happiness and fulfillment, we must complete all the stages successfully.

The Matching Stage

Take a moment to feel each one of these checklist items and apply it honestly to your current relationship situation:

1: Attracted to what your eyes see.

2: Appearance, feeling comfortable with their way of dressing

3: Mannerisms, how they hold and present themselves.

4: Voice. Their voice sound has a comforting feeling.

5: Speech. The words they use resonate with your communication style.

6: Values. Does their values line up with yours in life?

7: Lifestyle. Does it blend with yours?

8: Obligations. Are they something you can accept?

9: Goals in life. Matching your goals is a must.

10. Past Experience, can you understand and let go of these.

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The Spiritual Meaning Of Seeing 222

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comIf you are currently experiencing a spiritual awakening or have been on a path of spiritual awareness you may noticed certain repeating numbers showing up for you more frequently. But why are you seeing a specific number or number sequence over and over again, and what is its spiritual meaning.

When spirit is seeking to get our attention or communicate with us, we experience certain signs and synchronicities, including seeing certain numbers or repeating number sequences, also known as ‘angel numbers,’ that show up in your life in a noticeable way. We begin to constantly see these numbers everywhere, on watches and clocks, road signs, license plates, billboards, addresses, electronic exercise equipment, phone numbers, social media posts, and so on. Each number and number sequence carries its own, unique message and energy signature.

The number 2 is one I have found particularly meaningful.  It is a highly esoteric number tied to the informational nature of light and how we perceive the world.

In Tarot, the number 2 is associated with the High Priestess card. She is the keeper of secret knowledge. She understands the esoteric mysteries of the Universe. She also knows knowledge is found in the light code and the high priestess can access this information. She knows how to flow with the universal laws, and how to use these laws to enact what others may view as ‘magic.’

She therefore represents masterful manifestation, and yet also an element of personal sacrifice. The high priestess does not manifest for her own selfish desires. She manifests for the highest and best good of all, even if that means she must integrate lessons and challenge herself to grow spiritually.

The High Priestess understands that the wise man knows himself to be a fool, and that there is always more to learn. She is humble, yet wise. She moves effortlessly within duality, understanding when to speak and when not to speak, when to share her knowledge and when to remain silent. When to spend her energy and when to withdraw.

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True Love Has No Time Limit Or Deadline

Click Here now for a FREE Psychic Reading at PsychicAccess.comWe live in a busy world where most of us have gotten used to a very hurried life. Everything is on a strict schedule and time limit, because we now judge everything this way. We have become a restless society demanding instant solutions and immediate gratification in all things.

If the line is too long at the supermarket or fast food restaurant, some of us get upset. If we have to wait for our doctor when we have an appointment, we become annoyed. Some cut in front of others, or even cross streets while the light is still red, because they hate to wait.

Similarly, if we do not get an immediate reaction from our latest love interest, some of us do not become just a little restless or anxious. No, they get really upset!

If this kind of hurried, rushed way of life plagues you, then you may definitely need an major attitude adjustment. Because your naturally loving heart and your capacity for love and romance may be in serious trouble.

Maybe your heart never got the memo that there was no need to constantly hurry up and adhere to time limits and deadlines. What happened to dating? Romantic chats? Patiently anticipated expressions of affection? Dozens of love letters, and more recently emails and test messages? The joint holidays and weekends away? The looking forward to new adventures together?

What happened? What happened to living wholeheartedly in the moment? What happened to just enjoying the ride without constantly watching the calendar or the clock?

The one joy that we all desire and cherish is being loved and feeling special in someone’s eyes. To be affirmed, to be accepted and appreciated, to belong. It gives us an inner peace and happiness that cannot be found in any other way. Love and belonging is a fundamental necessity in everyone’s life. No matter how busy you are. Continue reading

The Symbolism Of Wedding Ribbons And Cords

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comIn a recent reading, I had visions of a wedding and a shotgun! I did my best to diplomatically convey what I was seeing to the client. I also mentioned how I saw lots of colored ribbons, and a rather large gathering of people of all ages and cultures.

He laughed, and said that two years ago, he felt a strong urge for himself and his partner to get married. They both came from large families and wanted to make sure that certain ailing, elderly members would still be able to attend and join in the celebration.

He also said he was so glad spirit prompted them to marry sooner than later, because the pandemic would have prevented not just the large gathering of guests from attending, but also many from traveling from various corners of the world as they had done. Apparently, the ribbons I saw related to the traditional pagan handfasting they had chosen as the ceremony for their special event.

The handfasting ritual had always fascinated him, because of his own Celtic origins and he explained how both his and his partner’s hands were bound together with a ribbon during the vows and exchanging of rings. I later learned from a Pagan friend that cord is sometimes also used for this purpose in such a ceremony.

In many traditions the use of colored ribbons and cords is of spiritual significance at certain ceremonies, especially weddings. They are typically used to physically connect the couple, or they are placed in or around an altar. The cord is a symbol of the lifetime bond the couple is entering into.

For example, a wedding cord, also known as the ‘wedding lasso,’ is used in some Catholic wedding ceremonies. It typically consists of a loop of rosary beads made out of white satin or silk, and formed into a figure eight shape, and placed around the bride and the groom after they have made their vows.

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