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The Universe Supports Effort, Not Entitlement!

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI frequently do candle work in my spiritual practice. However, in my experience this kind of ritual only works if the practitioner is already in a raised vibration and in healthy alignment with the eternal laws of the Universe.

This is true even more so after the COVID-19 pandemic, due to the Great Conjunction between Jupiter and Saturn at the end of 2020 which ushered in a new wave of karmic responsibility.

Sadly, some practitioners I’ve encountered on my professional path do candle-lighting and other metaphysical rituals as if they’re an easy ‘magic wand’ that will absolve them of any and all personal accountability.

Not so! We cannot simply kneel down and light a prosperity or romance candle to quickly erase all our financial problems or relationship issues. What is required for such a metaphysical practice to be successful is realizing that God, Source, Spirit, the Divine loves and supports us infinitely in our efforts, not our passive entitlement.

Spirit is constantly striving to bring us to a better place of peace, joy, and abundance, but not without our proactive participation. This requires releasing a great deal of karmic debt, trauma, and self-important entitlement.

The humble spiritual warrior knows that beating one’s chest and recognizing your human frailty and imperfection is much more powerful, than being a pious and pompous ‘know-it-all’ who expects the best things in life to simply show up on their doorstep.

What are you choosing to do post-pandemic? Are you genuinely committed to a daily discipline of working on yourself? Or you will flurry like a confused flounder in the stale ocean waters of the withering Piscean age?

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The Universe Will Always Match Your Energy

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThe Law of Attraction is a universal spiritual principle that we create our own reality. Whatever we send out into the world is what we will attract back to us. Whatever we choose to give our time, energy, and attention to is what will become manifest in our life.

If we choose to focus on the positive things we truly desire in life, such as abundance, prosperity, success, and well-being, we will attract more of that in return. But if we hold on to negativity, fear, lack, and pessimism, we will struggle to attract good things to us.

Our thoughts are powerful, because thoughts become things. If we make a habit of cultivating thoughts, ideas and beliefs that are hopeful, happy, excited, optimistic, inspired, confident, appreciative, and grateful, then God, Source, Spirit, the Divine responds to our positive mindset with matching manifestations, outcomes, and experiences.

The Universe will always match our energy wavelength and can only guide us towards relationships, opportunities, and events that we believe to be possible for us, and that we feel worthy and deserving of.

If you are constantly sending negative energy out into the Universe, you will only end up experiencing more toxic relationships, hardships, and challenging life. Events. If we are constantly in a negative mind space, then it is difficult, even impossible for us to see the many positive opportunities and potential blessings available to us.

We have all seen the Law of Attraction at work in our life in one way or another, whether we care to admit it, or not. For example, have you ever been in a situation where you needed to buy a car and then became interested in a specific brand, new model, color, style? Then, suddenly, you start seeing that car everywhere, while in the past you never noticed it on the road.

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Developing Your Herbal Intuition

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comHerbal medicine is becoming increasingly popular, and many people are increasingly turning to herbalism as a healthcare supplement, or even a substitute to conventional pharmaceutical medicine. Plants, flowers, and herbs all have unique energetic qualities that make them suitable for various purposes. They are alive and respond to their environment and how they are treated in the same way humans do.

When we think of herbs, we tend to narrowly categorize them according to the medical conditions they can be used for, or what aspect of our health and wellness they can improve. However, like people, herbs are much more complex and multi-faceted, and have many uses and applications, alone or in combination with other herbs.

To obtain the most benefit from any herb, we need to take the time and have patience to truly get to know the herb. When you meet someone for the first time at a social event, would you diminish the other person’s true worth by instantly deciding they have only one useful trait or redeeming quality, and leave it at that? Taking the time to get acquainted with a particular herb is much like getting to know someone in an intimate friendship.

Selecting herbs to work with or draw upon for healing is a highly intuitive process. The appearance, aroma, taste, texture, and energy vibration of the ideal herb for a specific purpose must speak to us mind, body, and soul. They convey a distinct energy signature and frequency of healing that the intuitively aware user will innately know is best to use at that time.

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A Strange Sign From The Heavens

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThe tradition of Christmas lights and the nativity story of The Star of Bethlehem all took on a whole new meaning for me over the holidays with a mystical experience that changed me forever.

I was doing my usual evening meditation, looking out over the city lights in the distance, beyond the woods that divide my backyard from the neighbors. It was later than usual, which made it an even more peaceful and perfect moment of spiritual bliss.

Sitting there, in a state of completely serenity and oneness with all that is, I suddenly notice unusual lights in the sky hovering close to my home. They were beautiful, white lights hovering in one place, but constantly changing shapes – from a triangle, to a star, then to a circle, and so on. It was unlike anything I had ever seen before!

I wanted to call and tell someone, but it was a bit too late at night for that, and what if I was the only one who could see it? I was also afraid it might vanish as fast as it appeared, and how foolish would I look then?

Meanwhile, my mind was trying to make sense of what I was witnessing. Was this otherworldly? A ghost or angel? An unidentified flying object (UFO)? Alien or earthly technology?

Then I intuitively sent out a telepathic message to the lights, “Please confirm if you are able to connect with my thoughts? If so, please give me a sign.”

Suddenly, the apparition shapeshifted from a circle of lights into the shape of the Holy Cross, and then into what looked like a heart. I was in a state of shock. I could not believe my eyes. I wanted to ask it another question, but it disappeared just as swiftly as it had appeared.

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How To Interpret Your Dreams

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comDreaming is the mind’s way of working through our everyday life experiences. Our dreams can tell us a lot about deeper self and what goes on in our subconscious mind. Dreams can reveal things we did not realize were weighing our mind or burdening our spirit. There’s a lot of value in paying attention to our dreams, and really diving into what they may be telling us.

Our dreams are however not only about processing daily life. It is also a powerful metaphysical conduit for communicating with our high self and spirit.

But which is which? When is a dream just a daily psychological ‘filing’ procedure, and when is it a profound psychic or spiritual phenomenon? Is there a way to tell? And how does one go about interpreting a particularly unsual dream when you sense it may be more than just an everyday recap?

Sensing that dream is more than just a dream is an intuitive hunch or gut feeling that one can develop through practice. It starts by simply by paying attention and becoming more aware.

The first tell-tale sign is a dream that is very profound, dramatic, or vivid. It is often also a dream you remember in every detail. What did the dream look and feel like? Did the dream seem any different from your usual dreams? Is there anything particular that stands out for you?

Psychic or spiritual dreams usually just feel very ‘different.’ This feeling of ‘difference’ is unique for everyone, so it’s best to trust your own intuition here. Once you start paying more careful attention, you’ll soon get a sense for what your ‘regular’ dreams feel like, compared to your ‘other’ dreams.

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The Ideal Starting Crystals For Beginners

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comCrystals and gemstones are a popular resource in modern metaphysical practices, mysticism, and alternative spirituality. It can be used in various powerful ways, including healing, energy protection, meditation, prayer, manifesting, divination, psychic reading, and channeling.

Crystals are versatile and useful in enhancing one’s spiritual practice or energy work, but there are so many to choose from that it can difficult to know where to start.

Three of my favorite crystals that I recommend for beginners to get started with are amethyst, rose quartz and black tourmaline. These three crystals are affordable and easy to find, so they are ideal to start with if you wish to explore using crystals to expand your spiritual practice.


Amethyst is the ideal stone to start with because it has a gentle energy that almost anyone can tolerate without being overwhelmed by its influence. It is a fantastic stone to help you get in touch with your intuition and find your calm center. Amethyst’s calming energy especially enhances meditation and dreamwork.

Amethyst is associated with the crown chakra. It heightens our spiritual and personal awareness, which in turn helps us to self-reflect and evaluate more honestly where we need to make adjustments in our beliefs, behavior, and perspectives. Amethyst thus supports us in maintaining clarity in our self-reflection, which is a vital first step in a spiritual journey of higher consciousness and personal enlightenment.

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Using The Four Elements In Your Spiritual Practice

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comOur ancestors worked with the elements in their metaphysical and spiritual practices. The four classic elements are found in many wisdom traditions, while some also employ additional elements such as metal, wood, and spirit.

The four primary elements can be a meaningful resource in one’s personal practice. It is powerful in prayer, meditation, manifesting rituals, energy healing, divination, psychic protection, and self-care. For example, I use all four elements in my New Moon and Full Moon ceremonies. Depending on what I am working on, I also create specific rituals throughout the year focusing on one metaphysical attribute of a particular element and call upon that energy to assist me in my own life.

Air Energy

The element of air represents consciousness, intuition, understanding, and the mind. I call upon this element when I am attempting to figure out something complex or when I need to make a decision about something important.

To work with this element, I light an incense stick. Since the movement of air is not something visible, the smoke from an incense stick is a symbolic way to represent it. I then focus on the smoke and use an invocation to call upon the element of air.

I call upon the element of air to provide me clarity and understanding.

I invoke the element of air to elevate my consciousness above this fear

People often assume that intuition is the innate ability to know absolutely everything, especially about the future. However, authentic intuition is about knowing what we need to know regarding a specific situation. The element of air can awaken what we need to know without providing too many spoilers along the way.

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