energy meditation
Cleansing Unwanted Spirit Energies In Your Home
Benevolent spirit energies are everywhere. Whether it be a loved one who has crossed over, or your spirit guides and angels. Spirit is simply around in every moment of our daily lives. However, there are also earthbound spirits who have passed, but not yet crossed over. They have unfinished business in this world, or they have difficulty leaving the people and physical spaces that they had a connection to in this life.
These restless, earthbound spirit energies can wreak havoc in our homes and families. When I was a child, I had horrible nightmares. While we only lived on the main floor in my childhood home, I was fine. However, after my father had built the upper level of the house and I was moved into my pretty, girly bedroom, the nightmares began.
I never felt comfortable or secure in my new bedroom. Also, whenever I had to go into the basement, I would have to run down and back up, because of the ominous, icy cold feeling I would experience through my entire body. The rest of the house however was never an issue.
I later inherited this house, after both my parents had passed. I did not really want to own it, because even as an adult that same feeling in the upstairs and the basement was still haunting me, while the main floor felt warm and comforting. I refused to go there alone at night, and rarely alone even in the daytime. It was confusing and frustrating to say the least.
Then I learned how to sage and energy cleanse a home properly. My method involves white sage and a small white candle. I go into each room of a house, starting at the furthest room from the door and smudge each corner of the room. I slowly cleanse each corner and ask all unwelcome spirit entities present to follow the light of the candle as we progress through the house, room by room, towards the outside door.
Crystal Energy Work And Prosperity
Crystals used in spiritual practice can help us manifest many good things in our life. If you’re specifically looking to increase your financial security, wealth and prosperity, or maybe find that perfect job or start that successful business (or even win that lottery ticket), try adding some new prosperity crystals into your daily spiritual practice.
There are many ways you can bring these crystals into your life for financial success. Keeping a few of your favorites in a purse or wallet, or on your desk at work, is the best way to have them close at hand. Traditionally, the southwest corner of a space is associated with prosperity and wealth, so try a bowl filled with your favorite crystals and place it there. Some practitioners prefer to place a collection of these crystals in a prosperity grid. Maybe a piece of jewelry made with some of these crystals?
It’s also important to consider all kinds of wealth and prosperity (good luck, business sense, spirituality, knowledge) and not just material goods when using your crystals. Each of the crystals and stones below has unique abundance properties, so choose the ones most unique and meaningful to your situation.
The main thing to remember in your crystal energy work is your intention. Prosperity is something all of us aspire to, and it’s certainly great to have lots of extra spending money, but we also must remember different kinds of ‘wealth’ exist, especially the wealth of the heart. We must also seek to bless others, so always remember those in need and less fortunate. Wealth and prosperity without love and sharing is meaningless.
The Energies Of The Aura
The existence of the aura has been known since ancient times, that is why one finds it in religious artwork and esoteric iconography. Some people think of it as a halo or glow around the body, as depicted in any of these images, but the truth is the aura is not something separate that surrounds or is attached to the body.
The aura is an electromagnetic energy field, also known as a biofield, that emanates from all living beings. The aura is not ‘around the body,’ but instead more like a light radiating from within the physical body.
Some clairvoyants can see the entire aura, which is shaped like an egg around the person. A person’s aura can extend as a much a meter in diameter beyond the body.
Our aura is affected by our physical, mental, and emotional energy states. It reflects our personal energy frequencies and how we think and feel.
If we are in a positive state of consciousness, and we are calm, relaxed, grounded and centered, our aura will present as clear and light. In such states, you will see different patterns of energy and colors above the physical body of the people you observe, especially around the head. It is in an expanded state of consciousness.
But if we are stressed, disconnected, drained, or facing intense life challenges, a darker, heavier will reflect these imbalances and negative energies.
Because the aura is an electromagnetic energy, it acts like a ‘magnet.’ The energy charge it radiates sets up an electric field that attracts complementary energies and repels incompatible energies. It therefore determines what types of energies we attract into our life.
Energy Vortexes And Trauma Imprints
Many places on Earth have high energy vortexes. Just being in the vicinity of these locations can recharge your energy.
Places where these higher energy vibrations can be found include Mount Shasta in California; Shaftesbury and Glastonbury in England; The Great Pyramid of Giza and Mount Sinai in Egypt; Mount of Olives in Israel; Lake Titicaca in Bolivia-Peru, and so on.
However, you don’t necessarily need to travel to these destinations to experience the effect of energy vortexes. Even in your hometown, if you are highly sensitive to energy, you may feel positive and negative energy vortexes in certain areas.
Negative vortexes tend to attract violence and crime, for example, while positive vortexes affect people in a positive way, making them feel lighter and happy and the neighborhood more friendly and welcoming.
Just like wearing certain crystals, finding positive energy vortexes in your area can help you balance out your own energy. To find the best locations, try meditating in your car by parking in various locations in the area where you live. Sense the different vibrations in different areas.
Sometime our workplace or home itself is not the cause for our unhappiness or discomfort. Instead, it may simply be built on a negative vortex.
I once owned a business that was located on a negative vortex. Locals were convinced the place was haunted, but I personally did not agree. I sensed there were deep energy imprints of past trauma recorded in the place. Many people, including myself, encountered some very dark and freaky things there.
Reclaim Your Energy For Financial Prosperity
You may be surprised to learn that I find doing readings about money and finances to be no different from doing a love or relationship reading. In my experience, how we handle money is usually exactly the same as how we operate in relationships and how we ultimately treat ourselves and others. How we earn and spend money is also how we love ourselves and others. In the end it is all about how we manage our personal energy.
For example, if you constantly find yourself in overwhelming debt, consider how you operate in your relationships. Do you feel as if you give, and give, and give, and rarely get anything back? Do you feel as if you are always pursuing relationships and they are unwilling to commit? Is it typically an ‘on again, off again’ scenario?
Now consider how this also reflects in your money matters and financial management. Do you find that as soon as you have money it is already spent? Is it continuously flowing out? Do you struggle to hold on to, or build any savings? The deeper truth is that this constant ‘scarcity’ or ‘lack’ is the result of a fear of owning our power.
Do a simple exercise by becoming quiet and centered. Calm your mind and body and then call on your angels and guides. Ask them to show you what it would feel like to hold on to just ten percent more of your energy. Increase this every day for ten days and you will now know what it is like to hold on to hundred percent of your energy!
Once you have reclaimed all your energy, ask your spirit helpers to teach you how to carry this newfound sense of personal power into your daily life. If you are like many of my clients, you will soon find that both your financial priorities have shifted. You will be making less impulse purchases and find yourself saving for the things that are more in alignment with your higher self.
Reading The Human Aura
Reading a person’s aura is one of the simplest psychic reading techniques to identify the immediate health and wellness needs of a person.
As a clairvoyant, I started seeing people’s auras when I was about five years old. At the time I thought everyone saw it. I did not understand what it was, or what it meant.
I believe anyone can learn to read auras, but it does take practice and trusting your intuition. The easiest way to practice seeing someone’s aura is to place them against a white wall and look for the hue around their body. You have to look beyond the person, not directly at them, in order to see it. Don’t rush. Take your time and let it happen.
If you look carefully, you will see a thin layer of what looks like ‘heat’ emanating from their body in different colors. Each layer of the human aura has its own energy frequency and color that constantly changes, depending on our emotions and mental state.
When I read auras, I see specific colors, sometimes bright lights. When I first started seeing auras they looked kind of fuzzy with a white light, and then as I got older I was able to see the most beautiful vibrant colors. Sometimes the aura can seem a bit dull and the colors muddled, especially when the person is under a great deal of stress or suffering from depression.
There is also technology available these days for taking aura photos using a special camera. It is done by placing your hands on the camera’s sensors for it to pick up your energy. These aura photos typically show an array of colors.